trial day 32: the defense continues it's case in chief #91

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hippocampus, hot and cold water immersion, acute stress....


selective memory of a manipulative liar.

(I came to that conclusion without a degree and without reading a magazine, thank you!)
Geeeez wth is going on......any tweets I missed ?
She has literally gone from a pretty girl to an ugly woman. She's so harsh on the eyes. Yuck.
No offense to any attorneys here....but this "expert" is equivalent as the ambulance chasers you see on TV. IMO In fact, I bet he is close friends with Lindsey Lohan's current attorney. lol

Someone earlier (sorry cant remember who) posted a link to this site and here is a quote from it that I find relevant.

After doing a fairly rigorous search of peer-reviewed journal databases, I could not find even a single article that Dr. Samuels had published in a peer-reviewed journal. This does not mean, of course, that he has not published in a peer-reviewed journal but after spending several hours searching databases, available almost exclusively to researchers, I could not find an article that Dr. Samuels had either authored or co-authored.

Being familiar with the research in the area of memory and trauma, the part of Dr. Samuels testimony that I found most impressive was not the research he had mentioned but was instead the pertinent research (available in peer-reviewed journals) that he had not mentioned.

I have to agree w/ that blog.....this doood is a quack!
I'd like to ask Mr. Samuels if JA suffers from the most common criminal type of amnesia; convenient.

I would also add selective amnesia considering the things she remembers are the threat on her life and maybe or maybe not putting the knife in the dishwasher.
Pamphlets regarding hippo camps can probably be found in pamphlets at the mall next to pedo pamphlets.
I could be wrong, but I thought he said last week that it was only 3-8 of 100,000 (NOT percent) which would be much lower. Anyone else remember?

He is just being the <mod snip> that he is. He wants the jury to think it is 3 to 8 percent and at the same time he is saying 3 to 8 out of every 100,000.
The killer is sitting there pulling the same baloney she did with Detective Flores in her taped interviews, stories and lies. I pretty much almost hate her.
JM is trying to approach the bench, but is being obstructed:

Only took him 11 minutes to name drop the hippocampus. Like being back in 7th grade biology. :banghead:

LOL! I remember my bio teacher telling us that the hippocampus is responsible for memory and that it would be easy for us to remember if we just imagined a hippo running through the school campus
Ugh. She makes me sick. All happy sitting there because the "Dr." is reinforcing her stated "memory" issues.
She reminds me of a lizard. They can sit for great lengths of time without moving or blinking. It's very creepy.
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