trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #93

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Who cares who is doing the lying. If there is no consequence to lying under oath, what's the point? The whole system doesn't make sense. Maybe that's why our judicial system is so bloody messed up?

The lying on stand really bothers me too. Once it is proven that a witness lied on the stand, I really wish there was followup prosecution for perjury. That is where the breakdown is IMO. I think if there was a real threat of perjury prosecution, then all trials would benefit by having more accurate testimony.
JM referred to it as another JA lie and asked if Samuels had an obligation while acting on behalf of the State, on its nickel, to corroborate in order to separate her fiction from her fantasies and her lies. [My paraphrase] :liar:

Speaking of HLN..

I totally cracked up when one TH on I think Dr D said "I'm keeping it real Dr Samuels was a Hot Mess when JM did cross" :floorlaugh:
It was unbelievable today watching the pretend dr. rifle back and forth trying to find question number 22. He mis-identified the document that he gave JM to submit as evidence and when he was called on it, he kept looking and looking and looking as though somehow, miraculously, the document he stated it to be would appear. I swear, I thought he was about to vomit a couple of times today. Good night to him! Imagine just what a good night's rest he's having tonight. I wonder if he'll find and bring in those documents he forgot at home tomorrow?

Maybe he's packing his car with books and other "stuff" as we post?

im off to bed now can't keep my eyes open any longer.

if something big happens one of you lovely people please please pm me. i miss everything after trial usually because of the time difference

Goodnight in Scotland
What was the judge's response to JW's request that JM not "yell" at the witness?
I was guessing that he and Juan both interviewed Samuels again?? And they aren't afraid to TAPE something, so there's no errors.

You could be right, but this sounds like something NEW. Do we all know who interviewed who last Thursday that is not on the record?
I agree and there is also the fact that she wouldn't want to take the chance of the neighbors being out in their yards and hearing a bunch of gun fire coming from the house.One shot she could get without raising a bunch of suspicion but 5 or 6 thats another story.

JMO - the gun shot to the head was just the exclaimation point at the end of the sentence. One last word - seems to me she always had to have the last word.
I would like to share something with you all..I live in NY and its very cold here.DH & I have been without heat since last Wed as our furnace broke.But when Juan came on-I totally forgot how cold it is..LOL

I'm glad you were warm for a little while! Maybe the anticipation of tomorrow can keep you warm tonight!
I'm watching JM's cross of the ridiculous Dr. Samuels concerning the fill-in-the-dot test where she lied since her story at that time was the two masked stranger story.

Then he finds out later that the story she gave that he believed was a lie does turn out to be a lie therefore the test answers are all a lie yet he never does the test again and bases his diagnosis on this lying test? How totally incompetent can anyone get?

There's no question in my mind that he "evaluated" her based on nothing but what her attorneys wanted him to say that was based on her lie story of the intruders. And her attorneys are so ridiculously incompetent that they don't even tell him that he needs to re-evaluate her based on her new story of self-defense.

This is the biggest joke I've ever seen or even heard of with both this charlatan of a doctor and these ridiculous defense attorneys butchering their own case with this nincompoop.

When your client is an unrepentant inveterate liar and when the defense team is basically out of their league then your choices are limited.

Then you buy an old “hack” that will mumble anything even at the risk being exposed as a fraud.
Incompetency breeds and attracts incompetency. That is the fate of JA.
HLN is in Atlanta isn't it?

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

CNN Center, to be exact.

Lies she told Samuels:

1) There was a rope tying her ankles
2) Travis used the knife to cut the rope off
3) That there EVER WAS A ROPE
4) The ninja story
5) Pics were taken during sex

What else guys? I was laughing so hard, I may have missed some.

Sometimes when the camera is focused on just Jodi, I mistakenly think my livestream is FROZEN because she doesn't move a muscle, doesn't blink, just has a blank stare, like a statue....unless someone else comes into the shot I can't tell if my computer is frozen or not. :eek: :eek: :eek:

It's the creepiest thing to see, that blank stare. What kinda makes me smile though, is when she does that lizard stare, I imagine all us WS watching Ustream quickly checking our devices to make sure the feed didn't freeze.
Watching it again with TH on NG. I like this.. I want to see the HLN after dark tonight. They are assembling the closet I think... :)

I am still catching up on the thread but wanted to say how horribly disappointed I was with HLN's recreation. I cannot believe how many of the FACTS that they had WRONG.

First off the shower stall appears to be much wider than 23-1/2" wide and that the last picture of TA alive was taken with him sitting on the shower floor not standing.

One of the attorneys said the shower door opened to the right instead of to the left.

They had her palm print much lower to the floor than what we have seen in photos where they cut the sheet-rock out to preserve her palm print.. Also Jose said that there was no blood in the hallway which is wrong. Jodi obviously cleaned up a great deal of blood in the hallway because when the forensic technicians used luminol on the walls it was evident that there were blood stains all along the lower portion of both walls.

Also the closet shelves they used were fixed in place instead of being on pegs. They should have brought in a female of Jodi's size to accurately recreate the supposed "leaping grab for the gun. They used Joey who is 6'6" IIRC which of course made it easy for him to just reach up and grab the gun. Also the shelves are no where near tall enough. The guy that said he weighted 220 lbs showed that he could step on their "fixed" shelves momentarily without doing any damage. Glad they were that well built but they are not comparable to the shelves in TA's closet.

Seriously HLN do you not have a single person on staff that has actually been watching the entire trial and has looked at the crime scene photo evidence? Please do not do anymore re-creations if you are not going to use the real FACTS!!! :banghead:
He's a dr in the sense that he has a PhD but he's not a medical dr, which is the point JM was making.

Those with Ph.Ds can legitimately call themselves 'Dr. ____'.

Most MDs (I think) usually use their name with MD at the end.

Some Ph.Ds (particularly those who's professional fees are based on their level of education, will use Dr. (or probably more often: their name with Ph.D following).

The Ph.D in my house just giggles at the whole idea of being called 'Doctor' - unless it's 'Doctor Goofball!" That's a physicist for you. If he's any representation, then most of them act like 6 year olds. This one does, anyway. :)

I really don't know - I think the designation one uses is an entirely personal matter (unless you're an MD, DDS, etc. - those are sort of mandatory per the profession).
It was unbelievable today watching the pretend dr. rifle back and forth trying to find question number 22. He mis-identified the document that he gave JM to submit as evidence and when he was called on it, he kept looking and looking and looking as though somehow, miraculously, the document he stated it to be would appear. I swear, I thought he was about to vomit a couple of times today. Good night to him! Imagine just what a good night's rest he's having tonight. I wonder if he'll find and bring in those documents he forgot at home tomorrow?

Maybe he's packing his car with books and other "stuff" as we post?


He was insane! I don't think anyone expected the guy to bat 1000 but sheesh, could he have looked more foolishly inept? (Ans: no)
Wow, did JM ever shed a big fat spotlight on the shrinks earlier testimony! The earlier testimony during the defense questioning the Dr. was giving the impression that the PTSD was based strictly on the test but JM roots out that the answers on the test were lies! Then the Dr. changes or adds to the previous testimony claiming that the diagnosis is actually based on a couple of other factors, observation being one of them. I think his testimony should be thrown out and the jury should have to disregard, of course, that won't happen but JM has certainly significantly hurt his credibility. I think JA is sunk.
I was guessing that he and Juan both interviewed Samuels again?? And they aren't afraid to TAPE something, so there's no errors.

JM needs to jump on that no recording stuff - especially since the good Doc said people are less inclined to say what they want to say if they knew they were being recorded. Kinda flies in the face of that there sex tape Jodi taped at Travis' request right ?
You could be right, but this sounds like something NEW. Do we all know who interviewed who last Thursday that is not on the record?
I thought of the Walmart and Tersco thing, but I think it has something to do with the witness on the stand right now - the doc.
JMO - the gun shot to the head was just the exclaimation point at the end of the sentence. One last word - seems to me she always had to have the last word.

I agree with you. She always had to have control - The master manipulator.
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