trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #93

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Yes, and she didn't create an alibi, she had P.R.A.S. --- Personal Responsibility Avoidance Syndrome.

I love these new syndromes! Although this one isn't new. I seem to have several relatives who suffer from this. Mentioning no names, of course.

Yesterday someone came up with Post Travis Stress Disorder.
From the gallery all I can see is the back of her from about shoulders up. I'm pretty short tho'.

Wow! I see that! (in the video). She is one sneaky beezy that's for sure.
I have no idea what it is, but there are cameras all over and she is escorted back to a holding cell, and then stripped of street clothes and back to her black and white prison wear. I don't think she could manage to smuggle a folder out, but with her, who knows.

Good catch!

BTW, Hope you eye(s) are better today.

With her, I can envision her getting back to the holding area and telling the guard she is dying to pee and then taking whatever out of her pocket and placing it in one of her gaping orifices! If you know what I mean!

OT on the Eyes - we will see (full pun intended!) Hoping the prisms glasses I have to get will stop the double vision. Less blurry today and the stinging is getting better, but if anyone has sandpaper for eyes, let me know - cause I would love to scratch them but good! LOL Thanks for asking!
I had my eyes dilated late yesterday afternoon so I was blurry all night, up even blurry I got up (out of bed) to write down the testimony at the time to find this and ask you guys today. I sure hope the officers are seeing this.

She is hinky moving and playing with that folder in several shots and uses a deception technique of staring at the witness so you hopefully aren't aware of her 'fiddling' with the folder. BUT when she put it under her, I was like OMG.


And those bastiges always tell you; "Your eyes will be blurry for a couple of hours!!" :furious:
I don't know that I would email re: the mitigation specialist. While I am tired of looking at her lady lumps in court everyday...she works for the PD's office and mitigation specialists are required for DP cases. I am inclined to think that we can't blame her for drawing the short straw on this one. She could be just as nauseated as we are.
Let's do our part for Travis Alexander and declare this "Hold Them Accountable Day." Tired of the mitigation specialist's smirks and nightclub attire? See above for where to call to complain. Looking to help hold Dr. Samuels accountable? See below.

There are a number of services that attorneys use to help line up expert witnesses. One such in Arizona is TASA (Technical Advisory Service for Attorneys). Maybe they could benefit from hearing some feedback about Samuels Self-Help?

From their webpage:

The TASA Team Knows Arizona Expert Witnesses

Why do clients trust TASA time after time to refer the finest experts? It’s because of our skilled staff. Our talented Regional Referral Advisors provide Arizona expert witnesses and deliver outstanding personal service. They respond promptly to inquiries and make most referrals within 24 business hours of your request.

Our advisors consult with you to understand the specific credentials, experience, and time frame your case calls for so that they can bring you the most precise referrals possible. Because you will incur no charge unless you designate or engage an expert we refer, you can confidently reach out to TASA. For accomplished Arizona expert witnesses to strengthen your case strategy, contact us by online request form, phone, or email.

Phone (800) 523-2319
I hope so. I heard someone say she won't be available until Monday. If $he lies like I think she might, what a slap in the face to actual abuse victims and survivors.

I had heard she wasn't going to be available. Do you know if there's another witness? Or are we just going to shut down until Monday (after we finish with Samuels, of course)?
Thanks! I'd seen her giggling with JW and smirking at the defense table earlier on. All this time I sort of thought she was AL.

Well technically, for any witness, they are not allowed to watch any part of the trial until they testify and are released from subpoena by the judge, but I really hope she cheated and watched yesterday, to put the fear of Juan in her.
I don't know that I would email re: the mitigation specialist. While I am tired of looking at her lady lumps in court everyday...she works for the PD's office and mitigation specialists are required for DP cases. I am inclined to think that we can't blame her for drawing the short straw on this one. She could be just as nauseated as we are.

She can dress professionally while being nauseated. This isn't a nightclub.

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Haha! I wonder what was going through Willmott & Nurmi's heads when he couldn't produce those papers, and then to hear about him sending her that dopey book! God it was all so priceless.

Just watched yesterday's Juan v. RS video. Nurmi looks bemused most of the time to me. I bet he's looking forward to Jodi reaping what she's sown.
One thing from yesterday, I found it interesting she was so depressed about Nurmi trying to withdraw. "Why do men keep running away from me!?"
Why does that (insert negative descriptor) keep popping back up on tv when he clearly knows NOTHInG? Unless he read the same TIME article as the "good doc" did. Baez and judge crocodile tears. "Reality TV" is more authentic than this.

It's really upsetting that the brutal slaughter of Travis Alexander is treated like a sideshow tent event at a. 3rd rate traveling circus. Come on, HLN. google INTEGRITY and give it a try.

Thank you!! They are my thoughts. Enough. It is a circus. A man has been slaughtered, and all they (HLN) want is the Almighty $$$ from advertisement. Do I watch it, yes, it's there, but if it is not there, I would not know what I was missing. Can't believe two jurors thought Travis was guilty.

And on another note, remember last week when it was 11 to 1 Ryan said it was NOT a hug jury, I forget why, but can understand why. Last night it was a hung jury, was that for Baez benefit. Anyone remember this, any comments.moo
After watching that cross yesterday, I wonder if Laviolet (sp?) is starting to feel a little hot under the collar.

Well, she is now not available until Monday, apparently. I imagine she is 'adjusting' her notes, and out shopping for a supply of Depends! :floorlaugh:
One thing from yesterday, I found it interesting she was so depressed about Nurmi trying to withdraw. "Why do men keep running away from me!?"

I was torn...I saw it as more manipulation, because I thought she was the one who wanted to represent herself. If she was truly upset, then that humanizes her in a way that makes me want to punch her in the nose (before she gets the needle) instead of directly pulling the lever for old sparky myself.
Just had to let you all know that you are an incredible group ! Your passion rises to the level of Mr. Martinez. You might not realize it, but you all do, indeed make a difference, each in your own special way.
Wow, just WoW.
With her, I can envision her getting back to the holding area and telling the guard she is dying to pee and then taking whatever out of her pocket and placing it in one of her gaping orifices! If you know what I mean!

OT on the Eyes - we will see (full pun intended!) Hoping the prisms glasses I have to get will stop the double vision. Less blurry today and the stinging is getting better, but if anyone has sandpaper for eyes, let me know - cause I would love to scratch them but good! LOL Thanks for asking!

I watched her friend, Donovan (I think) ask the court lady (the one for the mics) a question and the woman went off somewhere. Could Donovan been asking if Jodi could pass them the art work she has in her folder to give to the mother? Seemed a little strange for that to be allowed (calling the court person over) when Samuels was in the middle of testifying. I think Juan was in the middle of a question.
With her, I can envision her getting back to the holding area and telling the guard she is dying to pee and then taking whatever out of her pocket and placing it in one of her gaping orifices! If you know what I mean!

OT on the Eyes - we will see (full pun intended!) Hoping the prisms glasses I have to get will stop the double vision. Less blurry today and the stinging is getting better, but if anyone has sandpaper for eyes, let me know - cause I would love to scratch them but good! LOL Thanks for asking!

Indeed! I've seen the photos :eek:
I was thinking about Nurmi & Wilmott yesterday.

I think the Public Defender's Office has a pretty adversarial relationship with prosecutors, which they should. If our justice system is going to work at all, everybody needs to do their part. I would certainly like to think they would do whatever was necessary to defend me. But they're behavior towards JM is way over the top. He doesn't treat them like that, as far as I can see.

Since Nurmi's opened his own practice for defendants with sex-related charges, I'm assuming he has some expertise from his work at the PD office. I bet he's seen the anger and disgust on people's faces when they see the charges and hear the testimony. So he figures they're sure to hate Travis when Jodi spouts all this BS and will feel sorry for her. Only, it's not working.

That's the big problem with JA's lawyers to me. They can't change their strategy when it doesn't work. They're so disorganized they don't realize how disorganized their own witnesses are. They really should be ashamed of what a poor job they're doing.
Sorry if this has been posted. Have you all seen this? !!

LOS ANGELES – It’s a story Hollywood couldn’t wait to get its hands on, full of sex, lies, murder.

And headstands.

Last week a casting call hit the web for a Lifetime television movie entitled “Dirty Little Secret: The Jodi Arias Story.” Produced by City Entertainment and Peace Out Productions, the filming has a tentative start date of April 13 with Los Angles listed as the filming location. Veteran casting agent Fern Champion, known for filling the faces on “Police Academy,” “Mask,” “Naked Gun” and ‘90210,” has been listed as heading up the casting process.

So far, the Arias flick is seeking just the two leads.

For Arias, they’re after a Caucasian woman in her late 20s, one who is “coquettish, head-turning, with a palpable sexy allure and well aware of the affect she has on men.”

“Jodi is a single-minded, head-strong, quick-tempered young woman. She is hell-bent on emotionally suffocating and controlling Travis Alexander, a handsome young Mormon and motivational speaker who soon falls prey,” the casting notice reads, adding that the Arias character is “jealous in the extreme” and is “driven to violence when she realizes that Travis will never fully commit to her.”

Alexander on the other hand is dubbed as “good looking with a winning personality and a warm sense of humor,” although he is “emotionally undone by the sexually forward Jodi” and “feels drawn to her for her sexual favors, but shamed by his weakness and neediness.”

The opening scene gets right down to business with an image of a naked Jodi Arias.

“We’re looking at a beautiful nude woman, late 20s, braided chestnut hair, stretched across a disheveled bed. She poses like a centerfold,” reads the script obtained by FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Jodi straddles a chair, looking back at us over her shoulder... Jodi splays back on the bed, knees bent, chest up. We gaze up her naked body as she looks down at us with smoldering eyes... Jodi on her knees, her arms embracing her breasts, swelling her cleavage...”

The script goes on to read like soft-core *advertiser censored*, from Arias’s striptease to described action of her on her knees yet out of frame, donning “skimpy black leather corsets” and French maid costumes, and reciting lines such as: “Travis, I’m your dirty, horny little school girl.”

Shakespeare it is not.

In one scene, the leading lady struts about in panties that have “Travis’s” written across the rear.

The screenplay is interwoven with flashes of law enforcement entering Alexander’s apartment, his deceased body bleeding out as officials search for clues, as well as the continuing investigation process, complete with close-ups of autopsy photographs.

Using its creative license, Hollywood determines that Arias – who is still on trial for murder and claiming that her dead ex-boyfriend attacked her and she acted in self-defense – was involved in a "brutal," cold-blooded killing.

“Jodi comes at him, a fevered animal, stabbing and slashing, again and again and again... Each time the blade connects, blood SPRAYS her face, her clothes, the walls,” reads the climatic death scene. “But she keeps stabbing. Brutal... Unforgiving...Travis reaches the end of the hall... Goes to his hands and knees, no more fight left in him.”

Moments earlier, in the script, Arias had been snapping photographs of him happily flexing his muscles in the shower.

Then there is the interrogation, the trial, and a cameo from Travis’s ghost – but a blank when it comes to the ending.

“ON (DATE TBD), JODI ARIAS WAS (VERDICT TBD)” the script reads, ready to be filled in.

The closing action involves her giving the camera “a little smile.”

A source connected to Lifetime confirmed that while pre-production and casting process are in full-swing, no air date has been set.


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I am so irritated by Jodi's DT. Yesterday was RIDICULOUS. What was the point of withdrawing your argument from the hearing re: the slides & deciding a crime scene shows no premeditation if JW is going to stand up there and present the exact same info?

I'd love to know what continuing education course this quack took to be qualified to interpret blood spatter and crime scene photos.

Then he & JW start in with this "pedophiles are frequently protected by their family" BS. Wow. So now he is qualified in diagnosing pedophila in a dead man he never examined in life?


She lied, but couldn't help it--she's just a victim in a fog.
She murdered, but it's not her fault--she doesn't even remember!

To have this expert on the stand be taken down bit by bit by Juan Martinez shows you just how low the defense is willing to go in this case--they KNEW he had been sanctioned and is inappropriate with clients. They KNEW that Jodi lied to him (at least I'm hoping they knew), they tailored their defense story on his BS--"fog" "trans-global transatlantic pan am amnesia" and on and on.

I wanted to slap both JW and JA yesterday for their little innocent act. It's as if the DT can do whatever they want. Even object to Juan's respectful speaking objections WHEN NURMI CONTINUOUSLY DOES THIS IN A DISPARAGING AND RUDE WAY.

But watching Juan in his element yesterday was well worth all the irritation that the DT's witness brought on.

I Love Juan Martinez!
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