trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #93

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How stupid this redo is, in the manner they are going about it. Travis was attacked in the shower. There was not time per the time stamps on the photos for any run around the closet story.
There is blood down the walls of the hall.
If, and I mean IF, Jodi aims the gun, like Vinnie has shown, the trajectory of the bullet would go front to the back, not on an angle from the right down to the left cheek.
omg - did i really see what i think i saw today?? dr sent gifts, filled in the test for jodi - and it was during the ninja faze?? did they really put this guy on the stand?? i am sooo confused by palin
I refuse to watch, I will literally puke if I have to look at Jose

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I agree HLN mock up was rediculous--The closet shelves were not nearly as high.
The shelves were close together so she would have to put all weight on one.
The shelves were not nearly as wide as in Travis's closet.
The shelves were not on pins like in Travis's closet.
Their was not blood smeared all over the floor.
The gun aimed at Travis would not explain the how the bullet would have gone in above his eyebrow and went straight across his face like it really did.
If he was tackeling her like she says how was that bullet tract possible.

#3 How did they get so low as to have that PUKE Jose on there--now that is scrapping the bottom of the bowl.
:please: don't shoot me!

I kinda agree with what Baez is saying with the small confined area, the small caliber gun (did not kill him), no blood spatter from the shower to end of hallway.

Sorry don't get mad @ me !

Oh, that's just because you think the gun came first ;)
jesus i wet myself there when it said 80% not guilty, then realised it was travis didn't attack jodi :|
I'm not a lawyer so this is just a guess, but I would say no, at least as far as a mistrial goes. You can't ask for a mistrial when it's about your own actions (putting this guy on the stand as your witness). Grounds for appeal? Maybe.

I agree the Defense can't get a mistrial due to their ignorance...but the Defense Attorneys could be found "incompetent" by an Appeals Court which would give the LIAR a new trial. God forbid!
:please: don't shoot me!

I kinda agree with what Baez is saying with the small confined area, the small caliber gun (did not kill him), no blood spatter from the shower to end of hallway.

Sorry don't get mad @ me !

Look at the crime scene photos... There is blood down that hallway the entire length and splatter up 12 inches from the floor.

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Well ... this re-enactment was a WASTE ... a HUGE WASTE !

It doesn't even look like Travis' bathroom and closet !

And Vinnie and Mike should know better !

And none of these yahoos can explain why there was no stippling.
Patricia Cornwell was on Peirs Morgan tonight. Her take on what happened (based on the autopsy photos) was that JA surprised Travis, he came out of the shower, JA stabbed him in the chest area, he threw up his hands to defend himself, turned and stumbled to the sink trying to get away. JA mercilessly and savagely stabbed Travis over and over again in the back as he fought desperately to escape. THEN she shot him.
People hate Piers (many hate Cornwell) but unlike Vinny and the Goof Men Crew on HLN, their brief discussion on JA was somber and sincere.
Well ... this re-enactment was a WASTE ... a HUGE WASTE !

It doesn't even look like Travis' bathroom and closet !

And Vinnie and Mike should know better !


Roflmao! @ waste... Huge waste!

Don't know why peeps are even watching!

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Okay, this AFTER DARK scenario is silly, not to scale, and incomplete.

However, one of the guests did have a good question regarding the shower door.

What type of door was it on the shower? It opened, according to this panel, towards the tub.

So, with this in mind, this adds another 12-18 inches of "obstacle" for Travis to have had to half step out of the shower, grab Jodi, and body slam her to the tile.

Okay, I haven't played TWISTER in a few years, but this twisting of his body, while wet, just cannot be accomplished.

I agree HLN mock up was rediculous--The closet shelves were not nearly as high.
The shelves were close together so she would have to put all weight on one.
The shelves were not nearly as wide as in Travis's closet.
The shelves were not on pins like in Travis's closet.
Their was not blood smeared all over the floor.
The gun aimed at Travis would not explain the how the bullet would have gone in above his eyebrow and went straight across his face like it really did.
If he was tackeling her like she says how was that bullet tract possible.

#3 How did they get so low as to have that PUKE Jose on there--now that is scrapping the bottom of the bowl.

I won't watch anything with Baez on it. They are totally going for ratings :banghead:
ok from someone from another country,these ads are bizarre compared to what we have here :O
Did Juan state today that there were pictures of her on top of him (during sex) I thought I heard him say that but I was in and out of the room the TV is in while *trying* to get housework done.

Yes apparently while she was "straddling" him..
I'm with you 100% on this post. I didn't see this as a vent, you hit on one of the major issues of this case. Without question this trial has become what it is because of the physical appearance and apparent allure of the defendant (which I, like you, do not understand at all).

Clearly in the media and elsewhere it's like there's some additional mystery as to why a "beautiful" woman like JA would commit such a crime, like her one time long blond straight hair and petite frame gives her privledge and exemption from the horrible traits she obviously has like rage and violence and the ability to manipulate.

I understand it's simple with the men with her: sex, sex, sex. I've heard several people who knew her (men and women) talk about her sexual energy and how she oozed a really strong seductive fatal attraction type energy. I know this type of woman and they are always bad news. I've seen all sorts of men get involved with them, sometimes just for the thrill to see what it's like and to see if they (the men) can handle them.

She is no different than any other murderer, doesn't deserve any more consideration than the next brutal killer, she is worse and more calculating and dangerous and anyone who is blind to these facts and her "beauty" is delusional and needs to snap out of their fog ASAP.

I agree. Our society is sexist and I still say if Casey Anthony had been a man he would be behind bars now . This JA is the same scenario, if she were a man she most def be found guilty of 1st degree murder.
Look at the crime scene photos... There is blood down that hallway the entire length and splatter up 12 inches from the floor.

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That's something else this "mock up" needs. WALLS! :facepalm:
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