trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #93

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JMO but the defense team has only one onjective - trying to keep her from getting the DP. My general view is they have overlooked a lot of things, maybe because they are disorganized, overworked :)D), just not paying attention, or consider it outside their focus. However, this SNAFU with Doc Samuels reflects extremely poorly on the team as a whole. But as always they have a defense - their client is a liar who under no circumstances is ever going to admit she premeditated this murder and she meant to do it exactly how she did. I seriously doubt they got any more truth or help from her than Travis did. She, Ms. Arias is in control.

ITA that they have one objective. However, I'm getting tired of defense teams in DP trials using what should be mitigation arguments in the penalty phase as "evidence" in the actual body of the trial.

It was one thing for Baez to put forth that absurd theory about GA (and RK and any other piece of pasta he thought would stick) because, as clumsy as it was (and unfortunately effective), it was all about casting "reasonable doubt" as to the perpetrator. The fake molestation stuff was to "explain" her pathological lying. This trial is not about that. It's obvious who the perp is and even more obvious how heinous and cruel the crime. The only "reasonable doubt" they have to work with is whether or not this was self-defense, and the arguments are poor to the point of absurdity.

Yes, she tried to plea to a lesser charge (with veiled threats about ruining TA's reputation and that of her professed religion should it go to trial) but it was rejected. The fact her team has wasted weeks of taxpayer money letting her drone on in areas they feel are in their own area of expertise makes it a travesty of justice.

I would like to see criminal attorneys "just say no" to clients who insist on living in la-la land and threaten to let them represent themselves as she purportedly wished. There is no evidence this was self-defense other than the testimony of someone who is a proven liar and stalker. Period. She has less credibility than the Boy Who Cried Wolf for goodness' sake. Most people wouldn't believe her answer if they asked her the weather and would gag on how long it took her to tell them, not to mention how often she might mention her own name during it.

Mitigation evidence has a place in DP trials - in the penalty phase. Those claims (particularly if uncorroborated or unsubstantiated) have no place in determining guilt. Zip. None. It's like trying to sneak in insanity when it does not apply. This fad is threatening to undo the entire system, imho.
Hey all - I was gone all day yesterday at the doctors but recorded the trial and while watching it last night about to fall asleep something caught my eye - and my guess is you guys caught it too, but just in case I found it on youtube.

WTH is she sneaking in the yellow folder??????
Watch 27:37ish- it appears she puts something in or under the folder while looking dead on at the witness (so an ultimate deception)

Then at 27:42 it appears to me she takes the folder off the table and places it under herself!

IS SHE SNEAKING SOMETHING OUT OF THE COURTROOM? PAPERCLIPS or other contraband????? WTH is she doing????????
Thoughts? If already mentioned, please excuse the re-posting!

Earlier times of interest too:
21:35 possibly slipping something in the folder
22:16 moves yellow folder over

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 32 - Part 1 - YouTube

From the gallery all I can see is the back of her from about shoulders up. I'm pretty short tho'.

Wow! I see that! (in the video). She is one sneaky beezy that's for sure.
I have no idea what it is, but there are cameras all over and she is escorted back to a holding cell, and then stripped of street clothes and back to her black and white prison wear. I don't think she could manage to smuggle a folder out, but with her, who knows.

Good catch!

BTW, Hope you eye(s) are better today.
Hey all - I was gone all day yesterday at the doctors but recorded the trial and while watching it last night about to fall asleep something caught my eye - and my guess is you guys caught it too, but just in case I found it on youtube.

WTH is she sneaking in the yellow folder??????
Watch 27:37ish- it appears she puts something in or under the folder while looking dead on at the witness (so an ultimate deception)

Then at 27:42 it appears to me she takes the folder off the table and places it under herself!

IS SHE SNEAKING SOMETHING OUT OF THE COURTROOM? PAPERCLIPS or other contraband????? WTH is she doing????????
Thoughts? If already mentioned, please excuse the re-posting!

Earlier times of interest too:
21:35 possibly slipping something in the folder
22:16 moves yellow folder over

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 32 - Part 1 - YouTube

She did the same thing last week. I wonder why it was not reported to the judge?
After watching that cross yesterday, I wonder if Laviolet (sp?) is starting to feel a little hot under the collar.

Morning Schuby. This is going to sound dingy this late in the game ... but is she the dark haired woman sitting behind (sometimes at) the defense table?
After watching that cross yesterday, I wonder if Laviolet (sp?) is starting to feel a little hot under the collar.

Me, too! I can just see the phone call from Wilmott now. "Uh, Alyce, so our other witness just got run over by Mack Truck Martinez. Could you make sure you've got all your paperwork with you when you show up? No, I'm sure you know what you're doing, but that's what we thought about THIS guy so . . . ."
Did anyone else notice JA mouth the word "no" today when RS was talking about the rope being tied around her? I forget when he said it, or what his exact words were, but she mouthed "no".

anyone link the video and more important the time 'stamp" on when this happens :) ty
Ahhh. You just cleared that up for me. I kept reading posts about the mitigation person and not being dressed appropriately for court. All along, I was thinking Wilmott.


Reminds me of a QVC host displaying " The Joan Rivers Jewelry Collection" and it must take her over an hour to get through the metal detector.
Morning Schuby. This is going to sound dingy this late in the game ... but is she the dark haired woman sitting behind (sometimes at) the defense table?

Morning! No, that is the mitigation specialist.
She did the same thing last week. I wonder why it was not reported to the judge?

I noticed her fondling a folder last week and wondered then what she was doing - was it her 'art' folder or what.....moving it around the table etc.......but last night, that just spooked me she could be sneaking pens or paper clips to use as weapons in jail and so I thought in case I was crazy or no body caught it - I would post it anyway!

I think that earlier fondling the folders is what was in the back of my mind as I saw that. ODD for sure.
Me, too! I can just see the phone call from Wilmott now. "Uh, Alyce, so our other witness just got run over by Mack Truck Martinez. Could you make sure you've got all your paperwork with you when you show up? No, I'm sure you know what you're doing, but that's what we thought about THIS guy so . . . ."

Haha! I wonder what was going through Willmott & Nurmi's heads when he couldn't produce those papers, and then to hear about him sending her that dopey book! God it was all so priceless.
After watching that cross yesterday, I wonder if Laviolet (sp?) is starting to feel a little hot under the collar.

I hope so. I heard someone say she won't be available until Monday. If $he lies like I think she might, what a slap in the face to actual abuse victims and survivors.
test 15 times over his career. I don't know this specific test but the ones I've seen for PTSD seem to require an honest test taker who has experienced a traumatic event and can be expected to report on it honestly as they know they have an issue and want it properly treated.

To me, that necessarily EXCLUDES someone incarcerated awaiting a trial for murder. There is too obvious an issue of truth, of someone motivated to obtain a diagnosis to help mitigate their punishment. If this kind of "evidence' is used it should be limited to mitigation at least. There must be tests where the administrator is making determinations based on a variety of factors and not just relying on what the inmate tells them-that just seems too stoopid.

This guy seemed to have no knowledge of PTSD other than what this test based on a lie told him. More evidence/testimony that can be completely disregarded by the jury. These poor jurors. So far, they can discount all the days the defendant was on the stand and now this expert which means this trial should have taken like 5 days instead of what seems like hundreds.

I noticed that too especially not treat PTSD patients. Most of his patients were sexual/intimacy issues. A far cry from PTSD unless he treat only patients who were raped which I don't see that happening.

I agree he did not follow any protocol. I have to admit I did not like studying testing, stats and research in college. I snoozed through those classes. Sooooo (as Jodi says) I always sent clients/patients to psychologist to do the necessary testing. I always requested the MMPI after they had been cleaned for at least six months.

Of course, I am sure there are new tests these days since the days I practiced.

Samuel has a BIG problem with client boundaries that is for sure. He knows how to be sucked into a sob story and forget the purpose of his job. Then everything becomes all mixed up where he looses his objectivity.

There was a definite reason they sealed those records, and it has nothing to do with the witnesses at trail IMO.

Were the jail visitation records sealed like the defense team requested? It would be very interesting to see how many saw her like you said!

This may have been answered, but I believe the reason they would be sealed was because she was at one time acting as her own attorney and meeting with prospective witnesses.
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