trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #100

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"A the same time Jodi was supposed to be seeing Matt"?

Uh, Matt didn't think they had a relationship.
For all that is HOLY....Is Juan asleep. Object, do something, SOMETHING to shut this man up.
Didn't this man say on direct that perpetrators of crimes could experience amnesia and PTSD and now he says it's highly unlikely that you would suffer either if you had pre-meditated the crime?
He also said he didn't do any interviews with family and now he states he did although he didn't speak to them himself but relied on reading reports of interviews provided by the DT.
I'll be so glad when it's Juan's turn to do the questioning. :please: Do we think Juan will get his chance today?

Ms. Wilmott and Samuels are making my eyes close uncontrollably. :thud:

I see the family still wearing ribbons! Good for them!
A professional photographer? Even if she was, that does not make her a digital media expert, given that she couldn't seem to keep a back up of anything, or even put digital photos on a cd.
But in no event, is she an expert on the forensic recovery of deleted digital photos - she testified she though it would be very difficult to recover them, even with expensive software - she broke the camera just fine in the washer, and had deleted the pictures.
She didn't leave anything behind on purpose.
anymore ........



She perked up a little "he almost called me Mrs. Alexander - squeeeeeeeeeee"

Enough already!
I'm tuned out. I'm eating vanilla ice cream. Waiting for JM.
At $250 an hour, he could blab all day and night. As long as the check is in the mail!

just sayin'

He's been pre-paid. That's why he's saying what he's saying. There are dollar signs in between all his ridiculous, irreverent and obtuse rambling.
the most I would say to her . . . are you sure . . didn't want to push her . . . . her defense mechanism . . . after I went back to her and she revealed more information . . . . she expanded more - I didn't have to suspend my diagnosis - it wasn't any different - in this story the trauma was worse . . .

situation talking about the intruder story - the manefastation of a psychological distress mechanism . . . with diagnosis of PTSD . . . degrade with dealing with the stimuli of trauma they went thru . . . her way of dealing with it - it didn't happen - somebody else did it. . . it was so horrific she could not envision it . . . . . if it was therapy it could be considered therapeutic breakthrough . . .

patient take the PDS test . . . lying. . . the PDS is not based upon the nature of the trauma . . .a trauma is a trauma . . . there was a murder and she was witness to that . . . . trauma - intruder story . . . . her life was threatened she was witness to horrific crime actor or sole observer . . . . when she actually came through with what happened - the trauma was worse than the made up story.

Normed population were to lie on the test when it was being created . . . would that be a loophole.

test is constructed - items on the test had many more than jut 175 items to begin with . . . . particular type of diagnosis . . . . complex computational process . . . . score and scale pattern similar to known people in that diagnostic category . . . . complex and long process . . . standard number of items . . . algorythms - make predictions to what type of diagnositic category compared to the sample group we know have that particular diagnostic criteria.

if the sample group lied . . . create a loophole?

no these people are really smart that came up with the test- not likely

validity scale on MCMI what are they testing for?
looking for consistencies internal in the test where question . . . . .random question . . . I have travelled 30times over the atlantic within the past year . . . if you answer yes it is likely you are not being truthful

no being truthful to the questions on the test . . . develop to determine personality . . . . test is to see how people are functioning . . . . using correlational techniques focus test on correlated type questions - not factual question.

I like sports magazines . . . . . certain people with some diagnosis like sports magazines . . . just this one question means nothing but with 537 other questions can correlate to something

tied up with the rope she was tied up more than one time . . . TA used a knife to cut the lenghth of the rope . . .

low self esteem question - common or normal in the general population . . . wasn't normal but is not uncommon

could see in JA just by looking @ her = read the material . . . with experience you can determine pretty clearly - eye contact, voice, confident solutions, aggressive solutions, not assertive response . .

aggressive = beligerant . . . . angry parent lecturing a child

assertivce person - rational friendly adult to adult relationships

low self esteem - related to assertive . . . . yes low self est - not assertive

confront a boyfriend after cheating in her . . . able to confront another woman who was cheating on her boyfriend

JA spoken to another girlfriend of TA . . . . speaking to her . . . she was able to engage

talk to Bianca who Matt was seeing . . . . speak wit Bianca person - same time JA was still dating MM . . . . mean she is assertive because she was able

I had a patient who was CEO of company of womens coats . . . . over 1500 people he oversaw @ work but came to see me about his relationship with his mother.

JA was not assertive with TA . . . in part because she viewed him as being superior to her . . .

he was making out with another woman - yes
Amnesia guy: "... a complex computational process of algorithms."

In other words, far too difficult for anyone but me to understand so stop asking, and just take my word for it.

I think he has amnesia about any math class he ever took, speaking as someone who is familiar with a+bi.
ohhhhh no he didn't just almost call her Ms. Alexander. This buffoon!
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