trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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I am craving this in a major way and I don't wanna go to the store.......Or some good fudge.

Has she related any of this specifically to Travis though? I have missed most of her testimony, but what I have heard is just generic descriptions of the dynamics of abusive relationships.

Does she really have to relate it specifically to Travis? I mean, she's a DV expert, JA has claimed her was violent with her and she killed him in self defense. Connect the dots. It's not that difficult. I'm sure the jury gets what they're trying to do. Whether they believe or not remains to be seen.
All she's done is tell stories about her experience of human nature. Like you or I would sitting around the campfire or kitchen table. How is this expertise?

Seems like she gets a lot of her information from talk shows and old magazines.
I need chocolate. Anyone care to join me? I bought a bag of chocolate eggs today and I could do some damage.

Are they laced with alcohol ... because I definitely NEED alcohol!!

And tomorrow, I will have my well-deserved hangover :banghead:
Originally Posted by JusticeJunkie View Post
I won't even say "I told you so" - and it's going to get worse she calls him a PEDO

Wow, I am surprised how quickly tables turned, I predicted that this morning but did not think they would turn so quickly.

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I agree,

ALV is not stoopid, nor will she be off the stand any time soon. She dates way back to 1985 dealing with courts, she might do a double whammy and flip this whole thing, that is what she is being paid for, I will wait til Thursday or next Tuesday before I decide her testimony
I think Juan may get cross by Tuesday and I imagine she will change things up quite a bit in that time.

Can not remember the ladies name but ALV was said to work with her, She did like 26 years in prison for DV and was released and became a victims advocate while in prison and today.....however I am not familiar with her or how ALV was involved.
I am so hoping the jury is outraged at this continued victimization/"victim blame" of Travis.
Not a lip reader but that is exactly what I thought she said.

This line of questioning has me so enraged I felt compelled to share myself with all of you thoughtful sleuthers. My father was a violent alcoholic who beat me bloody, broke bones, knocked out teeth and spit on me. My mother left me with him. When I was 20 I found his body after a long tortured death by self poisoning. My son is my treasure, my gift. I am not nor have I ever been suicidal. I do not drink. What I endured as a child was so horrific that I have chosen a better life for myself and my child. I am devastated and insulted by the insinuations being allowed by this DT and this expert. This family is being violated again and again. When does it stop.

{{{{ Maggie802 }}}}
Juan is gonna clean all this up. Lets see a parade of girls Travis dated who he treated w respect and love.

Respectfully, that'd be quite a parade!

I mean, he DID date a lot of women/girls. :blushing:

And I DO think TA's crapola early life was in part responsible for some of his neediness (not the right word, but stay with me, here) where women were concerned. He wanted to be loved and praised and in a committed relationship with a woman who lifted him up and admired him. I think this need for love enabled him to fall prey to JA. At least initially.

Please, no flames. It's JMO and what I see.
my Dad grew up in an abusive family and I (and my 7 siblings) could not have been blessed with a kinder, more moral, more gentle Dad :rocker:

Same here. He decided early that he would be a good dad when he got the chance, and my dad was not just a good dad, he was a GREAT dad. I miss him every day.
Im sorry i cant listen to this's like shes insulting my own brother :(

My heart is breaking for TA family
ALV, imo, is a much more intelligent expert than the last one. She obviously knows what she is talking about although it has nothing to do with JA. She was not a victim of DV. ALV is answering hypothetical questions that have been posed to her, and she is very credible in her answers. I really do hope that Juan takes a different approach with her, though, because I would hazard to guess that there is at least one victim of DV on the jury who has bonded with her (ALV) in a way. There is nothing to gain for the prosecution by alienating any jurors. Juan can dismantle the DT's attempts at painting JA as a victim of DV just as well by cross examining ALV in a less aggressive fashion.
Oh sure! I will join you. Just if I can run outside and smoke a cig every once in between going to town on the chocolate. I need a balance. It keeps me sharp.:great:

I don't smoke but had a cigarette last week. Ok I had 2 ..after court. This trial!!!
Shout out to all of you lurkers . . . sign up and join in the comments we would love to hear what you think of the trial or this witness so far!

My opinion at the moment is that I'm pretty bored with this witness.
My stepmother was violent with all 3 of us (she also had a phd in social work). She stopped hitting me after I kicked her down a flight of steps after snapping w her chasing me hitting over the head with a spatula or something. I was in college. I have never been an abusive person unless we are talking about abusing myself. Or attracting crappy men. I suffered an anxiety disorder over it...I think Travis coped similarly in being self critical and being vulnerable to a sociopath (note my sister who grew up in the same violence as me). Now I'm gonna cry
Stay cool, Katie. I can't even imagine how hard this is for you to hear. But you know your truths, and the Alexanders are happy to feel your love.
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