trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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Tonight I was thinking about something. If you were a juror and believed what JA said, after seeing what she did to Travis, would you feel comfortable releasing her back into society? Especially after her claims of buying a gun to protect herself on a camping trip she didn't have to even go on?

I know, none of this is true, but let's just pretend for a second that it was all true. Even then would you feel safe sending her out there? What if she were to end up with another "abusive" guy?

I think she planned it all and I don't think for a second that Travis abused her which I'm sorry but practically makes him a saint imo....but even if he did the things she said, look what she did!!! I couldn't live with myself if I were to release her and she did this again....and she would.

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Claims of buying a gun? No claim, a 9mm was found in another one of her rental cars (and some knives)! Juan asked Jodi about the gun and she said she bought it at IIRC, Bobs Sporting Goods Store. The knives were in a box with books found the day she was arrested. The gun was later found by the rental car company taped inside the engine.

OMG, She's in jail and I still feel like running for the hills!

It's all good... I have my quirks and take a stimulant as well. ;)

I feel bad ElleElle, I was totally kidding, didn't mean to make you feel bad! I think a lot of people with ADHD have to laugh at themselves because it's just ridiculous sometimes. It's ridiculously frustrating too, but life sucks less when we accept our "quirks" and can laugh about them. :)

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I have ADHD too but for work, my papers would have been perfect. It's my own papers that are a completely different story :floorlaugh:

Oh for sure! Especially if you know you are going to be testifying!

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Btw, Eiglarsh figured out why Jodi did the headstand. It's an old beauty pageant trick to redden your face when you don't have makeup. She was obsessed with her makeup, she asked for it at least 3 times that day.

HA ! I was thinking that is what she was doing...yikes...weirdo.
I have no doubt that if Jodi hadn't of been arrested when she was there would be more victims right now. And I am equally sure that if she ever walks out of that jail there will be more victims. That gun and those knives weren't purchased for a camping trip. She is like an animal who has tasted blood. She had her first kill and she liked it. There is no way she wouldn't kill again given the chance.
I have no doubt that if Jodi hadn't of been arrested when she was there would be more victims right now. And I am equally sure that if she ever walks out of that jail there will be more victims. That gun and those knives weren't purchased for a camping trip. She is like an animal who has tasted blood. She had her first kill and she liked it. There is no way she wouldn't kill again given the chance.


Who goes out and buys a gun right after just shooting a guy you're suppose to be in love with? A gun for protection? I think not if you also have knives to go with it.
Lol looney I agree! I'm ADD as they come (please reference my off topic random posts lol) and take meds for it. Don't see this in Jodi at all!

I agree!!!! My grandson is ADD, side effects to every med they have tried, and he is a hero in my eyes and heart. He tries so hard!
Jodi does NOT in any way strike me as ADD.
She strikes me as cunning and a sociopath.
Just throwing it out there...

Maybe Jodi and Travis were both sociopaths.

And oddly, the phrase I remember about ALV's testimony is balance of power?
Yep, ADHD on adderall and proud pitbull owner! Do you envision a new Animal Planet show? They solve crimes at night, rescue pitbulls by day and never sleep thanks to Adderall lol. I like your pit on your avatar. Is he your only one?

Hey you just might be on to something! Although, can you imagine someone without ADHD trying to follow along with the dialogue on that show? Lmao my ADHD friends and I have been known to carry on four separate conversations with eachother at once with no problems keeping up with eachother!

...and thank you, that's my baby girl Cranberry Cake. I kid you not, that was her name when we got her and my youngest son did not want us to change it! We call her C.C. or Cici. She's five months old now, we got her from a rescue when she was 11 weeks old. Only dog we have, but we are hoping to be able to foster once she is a bit older and has had more training.

She has kind of been a sleep therapy dog for my son who also has ADHD. His brain won't stop going at night and he ends up with anxiety. He would be up all night or end up reading to distract himself. I haven't seen his booklight on once since she started sleeping with him. I know people have mixed opinions on letting your dog sleep with you, but she is seriously like his therapy. My kid can actually sleep at night and I don't have to give him drugs. It's wonderful.

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Actually, no I wouldn't.

She has the traits of a serial killer ; ie: animal cruelty.

I'm getting so creeped out....
This case brings back so many memories.
Just throwing it out there...

Maybe Jodi and Travis were both sociopaths and like ALV said yesterday about balance of power?

JA yes...TA no. With so many people saying that Travis went out of his
way to help others and was an all around warm and great guy (even Jodi said so and what she says is gospel!), sociopaths don't do that.
Question: Since this murder occurred in AZ, but went across multiple states; why didn't the FBI take this case?

Claims of buying a gun? No claim, a 9mm was found in another one of her rental cars (and some knives)! Juan asked Jodi about the gun and she said she bought it at IIRC, Bobs Sporting Goods Store. The knives were in a box with books found the day she was arrested. The gun was later found by the rental car company taped inside the engine.

OMG, She's in jail and I still feel like running for the hills!

I didn't mean she claimed that she bought a gun, I know she did.
I meant she claimed the reason was to protect herself while on a camping trip. I don't believe that is really the reason she bought a gun.

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The more I think the worse this gets.

I now do think he was in the shower under duress the entire time.
I do not think she showed up at his home until after 1pm.
i think he was up had made his bed, texted Chris H, assembled the
carpet cleaner and started to move the furniture when it walked in and took him hostage.

I agree with you that she showed up at his home sometime that day. I do question the photo shoot in the shower. When I look at those shower photos, the quality is severely lacking for a good camera. Jodi was a good photographer but the lighting and angles are horrid (his face is not even aligned in the pictures correctly); not the quality you'd expect from a person who is skilled at picture taking. The pictures were very dark.

Consider this if you will. Do those photos look like they were taken through the clear glass door? Look at the shadows, lighting, and water marks.

I am thinking that Travis was taking a relaxing shower. It's not unusual for people to prop their hands against a small shower stall wall and let the warm water hit their back and head with their eyes are closed. He doesn't look as though he's posing. Also, I can see glares from what appears to be the glass door.

At 5:27:18, Travis looks startled and then there are a couple of pictures that indicate something was going on, other than picture taking. The first picture that has really good light is the one of Travis sitting in the shower.

Was she stalking around outside his shower and snapping pictures without his knowledge?

Something to consider.
Question: Since this murder occurred in AZ, but went across multiple states; why didn't the FBI take this case?

The body wasn't transported over state lines, and no other victims of murder at her hands in other states.
Just throwing it out there...

Maybe Jodi and Travis were both sociopaths and like ALV said yesterday about balance of power?

Well, I don't think so. Is there anything at all of any of his life that would represent this? I just don't see it. Sorry.
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