trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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I didn't mean she claimed that she bought a gun, I know she did.
I meant she claimed the reason was to protect herself while on a camping trip. I don't believe that is really the reason she bought a gun.

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Sorry for not understanding your post! But you're right, I don't believe she was going camping either, especially when asked with who and she only knew 2 guy's first names lol What a liar! Wow, if she were honest about it, which is SOOOOO far fetched, what woman goes camping with a bunch of guys she doesn't know? OH, Jodi would! :)
I've always believed she snuck back in after Travis booted her out.

He had no idea she was taking the pics until the last fatal, frontal shot of his terrorized look.

I agree with you that she showed up at his home sometime that day. I do question the photo shoot in the shower. When I look at those shower photos, the quality is severely lacking for a good camera. Jodi was a good photographer but the lighting and angles are horrid (his face is not even aligned in the pictures correctly); not the quality you'd expect from a person who is skilled at picture taking. The pictures were very dark.

Consider this if you will. Do those photos look like they were taken through the clear glass door? Look at the shadows, lighting, and water marks.

I am thinking that Travis was taking a relaxing shower. It's not unusual for people to prop their hands against a small shower stall wall and let the warm water hit their back and head with their eyes are closed. He doesn't look as though he's posing. Also, I can see glares from what appears to be the glass door.

At 5:27:18, Travis looks startled and then there are a couple of pictures that indicate something was going on, other than picture taking. The first picture that has really good light is the one of Travis sitting in the shower.

Was she stalking around outside his shower and snapping pictures without his knowledge?

Something to consider.
Originally Posted by gngr~snap
The more I think the worse this gets.

I now do think he was in the shower under duress the entire time.
I do not think she showed up at his home until after 1pm.
i think he was up had made his bed, texted Chris H, assembled the
carpet cleaner and started to move the furniture when it walked in and took him hostage.
Are the shower pics taken in the same order of the Order the injuries occurred ....heart stabbing, back stabbings, neck slicing, shot in the head? If so, it would show further the killing was premeditated which means murder!
I have 3 dogs but if I ever get another kitten it will be named "Pringles" cause "Lays" kinda sounds wrong. I agree. When we had cats we always had more than one.
Then we got a dog, then another...
I kinda miss my kittys.

They all got old and died but they are buried outside right under my bedroom window about 3 feet from my bed. :) still close.

I bought a female Ragdoll kitty many years ago. The cattery wouldn't release her until she was about 4 months old so she could be spayed.

I also had to come up with a name for her papers before I could pick her up. I was preparing to move to Arizona with my future husband but had to delay the move until I named her. After about 10 days of delaying he called and said, "I've got a name for your kitten…Mouse Trap." So Mouse Trap and I finally made it to Arizona.

She's in Kitty Heaven now, but I've got two tabbys. A gray and an Orange. (Waylon and Willie.) Last night Waylon escaped when I was putting out food for the neighborhood strays and he hasn't come home yet. I'm so worried that I can't eat or sleep. I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. And Willie seems worried, too. He checks out the windows about very 15 minutes. It breaks my heart. I'm hoping for the best but fear the worst.
Hey you just might be on to something! Although, can you imagine someone without ADHD trying to follow along with the dialogue on that show? Lmao my ADHD friends and I have been known to carry on four separate conversations with eachother at once with no problems keeping up with eachother!

...and thank you, that's my baby girl Cranberry Cake. I kid you not, that was her name when we got her and my youngest son did not want us to change it! We call her C.C. or Cici. She's five months old now, we got her from a rescue when she was 11 weeks old. Only dog we have, but we are hoping to be able to foster once she is a bit older and has had more training.

She has kind of been a sleep therapy dog for my son who also has ADHD. His brain won't stop going at night and he ends up with anxiety. He would be up all night or end up reading to distract himself. I haven't seen his booklight on once since she started sleeping with him. I know people have mixed opinions on letting your dog sleep with you, but she is seriously like his therapy. My kid can actually sleep at night and I don't have to give him drugs. It's wonderful.

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I am thrilled to hear about your son and his therapy dog that is awesome! I bring therapy dogs to old folks homes, cancer wards, in fact I took a little dog to a cancer patient and she wanted him on her tummy. She petted him and talked with him and wanted him to stay the night with her. Come to find out they expected her to pass that day and those were the first works she'd spoken in weeks, were to that little dog! And she snuggled with him all nignt long. Therapy dogs are miracle workers. ABSOLUTELY let him sleep in his bed.I don't even see understand why he wouldn't sleep in the bed. PM me if you want to talk later. I know a lot about this stuff. Good luck with your son
Question: Since this murder occurred in AZ, but went across multiple states; why didn't the FBI take this case?

The crime didn't go across multiple states. He was murdered in Arizona and his body was found in Arizona. If someone is kidnapped and taken across state lines and murdered, the FBI can get involved.
I've always believed she snuck back in after Travis booted her out.

He had no idea she was taking the pics until the last fatal, frontal shot of his terrorized look.

I am late to the game, so I haven't seen all the photos until JM went through them in court. They were shown so quickly, that I didn't get a chance to really look at the times and quality (or lack thereof).

I found a site that had all the timestamped photos in order, which was very useful.

Do you think JM has the same belief that the photos were taken without Travis knowing, and that she was stalking outside of his shower? I haven't watched all days of the trial, so maybe I missed something. Maybe he's waiting to reveal this to the jury in his closing argument.
I bought a female Ragdoll kitty many years ago. The cattery wouldn't release her until she was about 4 months old so she could be spayed.

I also had to come up with a name for her papers before I could pick her up. I was preparing to move to Arizona with my future husband but had to delay the move until I named her. After about 10 days of delaying he called and said, "I've got a name for your kitten…Mouse Trap." So Mouse Trap and I finally made it to Arizona.

She's in Kitty Heaven now, but I've got two tabbys. A gray and an Orange. (Waylon and Willie.) Last night Waylon escaped when I was putting out food for the neighborhood strays and he hasn't come home yet. I'm so worried that I can't eat or sleep. I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. And Willie seems worried, too. He checks out the windows about very 15 minutes. It breaks my heart. I'm hoping for the best but fear the worst.

Awe, I know that feeling, it is awful. But cats really do know home. Every indoor cat I've had has had a 24-48 hour escapade in the great outdoors, leaving me sick with fright and worry until they casually stroll back in like, "Hey mom, 'sup?"
Of course not in the amount of atrocities Hitler committed, obviously, but imagine if she had someone to feed off of like that? Like Paul Bernardo? She could have been a cold blooded killing machine.
Yep little know Hitler fact he was an avid animal lover and a vegetarian. Jodi is worse than hitler.

Lol, well, let's have a little perspective here....
Sorry for not understanding your post! But you're right, I don't believe she was going camping either, especially when asked with who and she only knew 2 guy's first names lol What a liar! Wow, if she were honest about it, which is SOOOOO far fetched, what woman goes camping with a bunch of guys she doesn't know? OH, Jodi would! :)

No worries! I should've worded it differently. Not that I believe the camping trip exists, but how dumb was it of her to even say that? I can't even wrap my brain around the fact that she thought bringing a gun to protect herself sounded opposed to just not going on a trip with people you didn't feel safe with.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
Welcome! :rocker:

The crime didn't go across multiple states. He was murdered in Arizona and his body was found in Arizona. If someone is kidnapped and taken across state lines and murdered, the FBI can get involved.
Juli said:
I agree with you that she showed up at his home sometime that day. I do question the photo shoot in the shower. When I look at those shower photos, the quality is severely lacking for a good camera. Jodi was a good photographer but the lighting and angles are horrid (his face is not even aligned in the pictures correctly); not the quality you'd expect from a person who is skilled at picture taking. The pictures were very dark.

Consider this if you will. Do those photos look like they were taken through the clear glass door? Look at the shadows, lighting, and water marks.

I am thinking that Travis was taking a relaxing shower. It's not unusual for people to prop their hands against a small shower stall wall and let the warm water hit their back and head with their eyes are closed. He doesn't look as though he's posing. Also, I can see glares from what appears to be the glass door.

At 5:27:18, Travis looks startled and then there are a couple of pictures that indicate something was going on, other than picture taking. The first picture that has really good light is the one of Travis sitting in the shower.

Was she stalking around outside his shower and snapping pictures without his knowledge?

Something to consider.

Some photos are dark because no flash was used, but flash was used in the first two photos, 5:22:24 and 5:22:36, and flash was used several more photos in the first minute of the 8-minute shower before she attacked him, so there is no way he didn't know she was there. JA testified the shower door was open the whole time, that the water pressure in his shower was so low that there was no danger of the camera getting wet, and Mykerk explained on Post #557 on Thread 80 that what looks like water droplets from a closed shower door was actually a well-known phenomenon and that the door was not closed.

In the shot at 1:48 on the video below, he appears to be curled in the shower lying on the floor on his right side, with his arm raised. That is one of the oddest photos of all, yet nobody has commented on it. Take a look and see if anyone can figure out why she posed him that way. Or am I seeing it wrong? Recall that JA said that Travis was "on his knees" in the shower at one point.

Shower Pics of Travis Alexander - YouTube
Of course not in the amount of atrocities Hitler committed, obviously, but imagine if she had someone to feed off of like that? Like Paul Bernardo? She could have been a cold blooded killing machine.

BUMP This is what I meant lol
I'm 100% confident Juan will craftily put the pieces together in closing. ;)

Do you think JM has the same belief that the photos were taken without Travis knowing, and that she was stalking outside of his shower? I haven't watched all days of the trial, so maybe I missed something. Maybe he's waiting to reveal this to the jury in his closing argument.
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