trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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Expect a record breaking number of objections when JM gets up. Witnesses and jurors dont know that Jodi early on wanted to plead guilty to second degree murder. She was turned down. As a result of that, she had to come up with something . What a leap. Wanting to plead guilty, to self defense and then as a matter of course, bring in the expert witnesses. This is a mockery. One thing is for sure, any viewer, who also was a victim that was helped by this latest witness, will be disguisted by her presence in this courtroom. Her credibility is really at stake now. Its not worth it. She should have become familar with this case before she agreed to do this.

The DT always has a ton of objections! It drives me crazy because it is so obvious they don't want JM to be able to ask anything! JM very rarely objects and many of his objections are sustained. The DT however, objects about everything and is overruled often.

If I've noticed, surely others have too.
I was going to say that JM should have someone come in and explain why Travis was the victim and expose Jodi for the stalking crazy ***** she is, but Im sure JM through Q@A will turn this person into a witness for the state.

I have no doubt JM will definitely do this!! I would love a question like: Would you consider behaviors such as monitoring emails and phone usage, peeping in windows, sending emails to new love interests, slashing tires, kicking dogs, and hiding in closets while your ex is out on dates and watching them when they get home as abusive behaviors? Are you aware that JA displayed all of these behaviors???
:seeya: Good Morning Y'All,

So ... do y'all think that Wilmoth will have this "expert" on the stand all day today -- AGAIN ?

If so, I just will not be able to listen this B-O-R-I-N-G . . . B . . . S . . . which has absolutely NOTHING to do with Travis' murder !

Now, I will NOT miss Mr. Juan cross-examine this "expert" -- which no doubt, will be bombshells !

Will check up for updates later ...

:seeya: Good Morning Y'All,

So ... do y'all think that Wilmoth will have this "expert" on the stand all day today -- AGAIN ?

If so, I just will not be able to listen this B-O-R-I-N-G . . . B . . . S . . . which has absolutely NOTHING to do with Travis' murder !

Now, I will NOT miss Mr. Juan cross-examine this "expert" -- which no doubt, will be bombshells !

Will check up for updates later ...


I hope we will see JM for a bit atleast during the end of the day. Last witness. Woo hoo. :great:
I hope JM asks this expert just a handful of 'wowing' questions. Don't give JW yet another chance to question her on re-direct! Let's get her off the stand ASAP.
IMO Travis wasn't posing in the shower pic where he was sitting down. I believe this picture was taken after he saw JA with a weapon in her hand (the surprised full face shot), he was trying to make some sort of escape, slipped & fell in the shower, & this pic is right before the first stab to his heart. Remember, he was hosting a conference call @ 6:45pm or so & his plan was to get ready for that. I think TA thought JA was gone, & she sneaked back in. I don't think TA knew he was getting photographed. I don't think he was even "posing". My husband does the same thing when he is showering- stays in the shower just because he likes to get his thoughts together for the day (and uses all the hot water, lol).

"knowing " Arias as do now, I can only imagine what she was saying to Travis during the shower. I think she probably ranted and whined and threatened and toyed with him :furious: No way would she have just stayed quiet, especially while the last shower photos were shot. I just don't think she would have been able to stop herself from verbally taunting him.Can't get "smile say cheese" of of my head :( If she doesn't get 1st degree, there is no justice imo

I really hope wilmott gets a move on today, , surely she must be aware of the jury and that they are gonna be pizzed that they've been stuck there for 36ish days. I know I'm more than fed up listening to their "objection" "may we approach" "mr Martinez is a big meanie" blah blah blah

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I am with you Josie. Wilmont needs to speed it up with this witness. How much can Ms Laviollette talk about DV. She was interesting in her early hours on the stand but then came in all the stories. With each topic came a new one. Laviolette is starting to remind me of Samuels with all his stories and the hypothetical Wilmont pulled yesterday really irked me. I suppose since Laviolette is the DF star witness Wilmont wants her to stay on the stand as long as she can, but really enough is enough. Juan has been relatively quiet with her on the stand, with the exceptions of a few objections...I think 3 and that is how we left off yesterday. I do hope she wraps it up today. Someone mentioned Laviolette was scheduled for 4 days on the stand. Today is day 3, although Monday she was only on for about an hour or so. Waiting for Juan to question her.
"knowing " Arias as do now, I can only imagine what she was saying to Travis during the shower. I think she probably ranted and whined and threatened and toyed with him :furious: No way would she have just stayed quiet, especially while the last shower photos were shot. I just don't think she would have been able to stop herself from verbally taunting him.Can't get "smile say cheese" of of my head :( If she doesn't get 1st degree, there is no justice imo

Ranted and whined is putting it mildly. She stabbed him and cut his throat shortly after that last photo. Can you imagine the amount of hatred that must have been brewing in her at that point? The pure EVIL? She must have tortured him with her words. If she doesn't get the death penalty then do away with it already! This is one of the most horrific murders ever. I would be greatly troubled if this jury does not have the verdict in a day at most.
If this ALV testimony is going to consist of nothing but generic "all I can say is that this action (or lack of action) is consistent with a battered woman" statements, perhaps the entire cross-examination could consist of:

"Ma'am, if a woman exhibits some occasional minor physical injury that might seem normal at first glance, that would be consistent with what a battered woman might exhibit, right?"
"And if a woman never documents via pictures or a diary or any other means that an injury was caused by her partner, that would be consistent with what a battered woman might do, right?"
"Because she wants to hide it, right?"
"Right. And similarly if there was no separate contemporaneous evidence whatsoever to indicate an injury was inflicted by her partner, that would also be consistent with a battered woman, right?"
"And if anyone asked her whether an injury was a result of her spouse and she vehemently denied that it was, that would be consistent with a battered woman hiding this, right?"
"And if a woman never indicated to a friend or a doctor that she suffered any sort of injury or abuse from her partner, then for the same reason of hiding it that would be consistent with what a battered woman might do, right?"
"And in fact if a woman denies to anyone who might ask that she has been subjected to physical or emotional abuse by her partner, that would be consistent with a battered woman too, right?"
"And so all of these things I just described are consistent with the actions or the lack of actions of a battered woman, right?"
"Well ma'am, I hope you never talk to my wife, because all those things describe her."
'No further questions."
"May we approach, your honor?"
I too believe that she was not in the house with him the night before. She *may* have been parked near, watching the house, peering in the windows but I think she showed up around 1pm too. I'm also still having a really hard time completely believing that they had sex. I believe all of the pix of her were taken by her, while Travis was still sleeping, downstairs, or she was in the bathroom alone. Those two pix of Travis were not posed sexy photos taken by a "photographer". They both look like she was behind him and took hm unexpectedly as he woke up.

I agree with this scenario, but I've never been able to reconcile those, uh, intimate photos of her -- can't figure out how she'd be able to take those by herself.
IMO Travis wasn't posing in the shower pic where he was sitting down. I believe this picture was taken after he saw JA with a weapon in her hand (the surprised full face shot), he was trying to make some sort of escape, slipped & fell in the shower, & this pic is right before the first stab to his heart. Remember, he was hosting a conference call @ 6:45pm or so & his plan was to get ready for that. I think TA thought JA was gone, & she sneaked back in. I don't think TA knew he was getting photographed. I don't think he was even "posing". My husband does the same thing when he is showering- stays in the shower just because he likes to get his thoughts together for the day (and uses all the hot water, lol).

Apologies for repeating this but he had to have known she was there since you can clearly see the flash reflection in the first two photos, on the tiles of the back shower wall and reflected in the water droplets on his arm. AND if she'd tried to shoot through glass it would have made a big 'ol reflection and ruined the photo. Thus, the shower door was open and he knew she was taking photos the whole time.

Here's an article on the problems caused by trying to shoot photos through glass:

And an example of flash bouncing off glass and ruining the shot:

View attachment 31242

ETA: The fabulous Tabularasa6 included the following comparison in her Photobucket file of this case. Where flash was used, it would have bounced off the glass shower door and ruined the shots:

I have no doubt JM will definitely do this!! I would love a question like: Would you consider behaviors such as monitoring emails and phone usage, peeping in windows, sending emails to new love interests, slashing tires, kicking dogs, and hiding in closets while your ex is out on dates and watching them when they get home as abusive behaviors? Are you aware that JA displayed all of these behaviors???

That would be wonderful. I don't know if Juan can use JA as his example of the stalking but he certainly can bring it up in a hypothetical question. I assume we will have many objections and sidebars with Wilmont. I think the Judge is getting a little frustrated with her.
Good mortinggggg!! (said like Madea)

I've got my :coffeews: and am going to need a LOT of it for this testimony. :waiting:
I wonder how it would be taken if Juan passed on questioning this expert witness. As if what she has to say is meaningless. jmo
TY! :seeya:

BBM: :what::eek: OMG I hadn't heard that!!! :what:

I agree people who hurt animals are evil. JA fits that description to a t.

During interrogation she said that sometime in the past she'd been using a glass to to rinse Napoleon during a bath and it had broken and she'd cut herself -- that's how her blood got in the bathroom. Lots of trouble with breaking glass and cutting fingers, that one.
That would be wonderful. I don't know if Juan can use JA as his example of the stalking but he certainly can bring it up in a hypothetical question. I assume we will have many objections and sidebars with Wilmont. I think the Judge is getting a little frustrated with her.

I had a dream last night that Wilmott said, "Your Honor, may I approach?" And the judge said, "No." and gave her an icy stare.

If only.....
Ranted and whined is putting it mildly. She stabbed him and cut his throat shortly after that last photo. Can you imagine the amount of hatred that must have been brewing in her at that point? The pure EVIL? She must have tortured him with her words. If she doesn't get the death penalty then do away with it already! This is one of the most horrific murders ever. I would be greatly troubled if this jury does not have the verdict in a day at most.

I agree with you and snowcat. JA probably said the worst things to Travis as she brutally killed him and watched him die. She supposedly wanted to apologize to a dog she kicked, but has never expressed one ounce of remorse for the man she tortured and killed. She deserves the death penalty. She deserves to live by herself until she is put to death.
Btw, Eiglarsh figured out why Jodi did the headstand. It's an old beauty pageant trick to redden your face when you don't have makeup. She was obsessed with her makeup, she asked for it at least 3 times that day.

Ah...the old handstand to redden your face when you don't have makeup trick.

That's on par with the do push ups or curls dumbbells before you take your shirt off and hit the beach trick for guys.
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