trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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I've read that ALV has interviewed JA and I've read that she has not. I just assumed she had since Juan asked Jodi what she told her about the child *advertiser censored* on the computer. Does anyone know for sure?
Juan's expert couldn't say TA was an abuser or JA?

No, she can't say TA wasn't a domestic violence abuser. Apparently she wanted to enter in a SARA evaluation showing TA did not have the characteristics of an abuser, it was not allowed.
She actually said this?

I don't know what the research shows - I can imagine that children who were abused grow up and HAVE A GREATER RISK of being abusers themselves...


Both my father AND husband were physically abused as children, I mean serious abuse (locked in closets for DAYS, beaten with furniture, starved, humiliated, etc.

NEITHER of these fine men have even laid a finger on their children, wives, or ANYONE for that matter. They are emotionally distant at times but they have been excellent providers and loving fathers - who rush home from work every night to be with their families.

Jaycee Dugard is a perfect example of a child who was kidnapped and abused. I know of people who had been abused as children and have never hurt anyone, including animals. I know people who have grown up in alcohol abusive homes that don't drink, nor are they abusive. I don't think it should be stated as a greater risk, only a risk. Jodi, by abuse standards, was never abused and yet she is abusive. People are abusive for different reasons. Some because of their environment and some children were permitted to be bullies due to overly permissive parents. I just don't think "greater" is a good measure. jmo
She actually said this?

I don't know what the research shows - I can imagine that children who were abused grow up and HAVE A GREATER RISK of being abusers themselves...


Both my father AND husband were physically abused as children, I mean serious abuse (locked in closets for DAYS, beaten with furniture, starved, humiliated, etc.

NEITHER of these fine men have even laid a finger on their children, wives, or ANYONE for that matter. They are emotionally distant at times but they have been excellent providers and loving fathers - who rush home from work every night to be with their families.

Obviously you're a battered woman trying to protect these two abusers.

At least that's what we'd be hearing from this case's defense experts.
I thought ALV helped the prosecution more than the defense today. When she mentioned stalking, jealously, not accepting that the relationship is over, and the threat of suicide, she described JA to a T! Upon review, I'm sure Wilmott will deploy damage control tomorrow. I just can't wait for Juan!!!


The crime didn't go across multiple states. He was murdered in Arizona and his body was found in Arizona. If someone is kidnapped and taken across state lines and murdered, the FBI can get involved.


Are you all ready to step back in time to the 80's and early 90's for sociology class today courtesy of the Arizona tax payers?


Goodmorning guys! (welcome to all new members and guests that I have missed!):seeya:
No, she can't say TA wasn't a domestic violence abuser. Apparently she wanted to enter in a SARA evaluation showing TA did not have the characteristics of an abuser, it was not allowed.

Meanwhile the defense can have this idiot Samuel take the test for Jodi and then fudge the answers when they don't meet the criteria to justify his pre-determined conclusion. :banghead:
I think that Dr. RS was arrogant, his arrogance was based ignorance. He thought he "knew" a lot but was proven by JM that he was sloppy and he lost his "professional" detachment by showing his emotion.
I think that ALV will be arrogant as well. I believe that she may feel that because she has testified for both the prosecution and defense in previous trials that she can handle JM and his cross examination. I have full confidence in JM cross examination but I also believe that she won't be so easy to fluster and crack as he did with Dr. RS. I think the best strategy with JM is to not waste time with ALV. Drive in the prosecution points to help his case against JA, try to get her distracted if possible and if that doesn't work, finish up and get her off the stand. I think JM spent a little too much time on Dr. RS the second day.
Haven't watched her testimony, so forgive me if this is wrong.

She actually said those words?? :what: Because if so, and there's someone on that jury who was an abused child who grew up to be a loving, caring adult, that will for sure alienate the juror. Not to mention offend him/her.

Below is wenwe's transcription of that exchange. Notice Ms ALV didn't get a chance to answer Willmott's outrageous question/s:
*** [brackets] added by me
[JW] Children growing up in abusive homes . . . in abusive families . . do these children grow up to be abusers themselves . . . we don't have everyone in our programs.
[JM] objection - [JS]sustained
[JW] a child's personality does that make a difference?
[JM] objection
[JS] court will recess . . .until 10:45 tomorrow morning because the court has a matter to take up @ 10am.
I blamed ALV at the time, but Willmott was the evildoer. Someone, maybe beeshie, made that point several times, but I was too mad to believe her.
Could this explain Jodi's interrogation room antics



Thanks for the link

I just posted about this in the last page.

Also, I am watching Nancy Grace right now and they have more footage of the interrogation with Det. Flores. Jodi starts to cry when he won't let her go to the bathroom without an escort. She says "I won't run, I am not a murderer". :what:

Amazed that she said so many things that are now coming back to kick her in the a$$.
20 white irises.
IRISES... Why? The cheapest flowers. Why 20?

OKAY call me crazy! Irises.... Iris.... Eyes....20/20.... Vision.... VISIONARY ----- DEAD.
JA killed him.

Is it just me or did she send flowers
with a hidden message to mummum?

After hearing Travis on the video speak about the gun to his head and he was trying to get a message out "through his retina"
This was not about a "baby name" for a girl.
It was a HA-HA I killed him and his dreams, here is the proof and no one will ever figure it out!!!

Again if this has been mentioned already I apologize.
I'd hate to insult someone that had posted this before.

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2
No, she can't say TA wasn't a domestic violence abuser. Apparently she wanted to enter in a SARA evaluation showing TA did not have the characteristics of an abuser, it was not allowed.

I'm interested in this. Could you please explain what the SARA eval is exactly?

ALV wanted to testify for the state?

Did the dt pick her up after the SARA was disallowed?

If she felt he wasn't an abuser , why did she accept to testify for dt, knowing JW will ask things that will imply he was an abuser?

I know many say she will be a good witness for state as well but I hear her deliberately touching on dt talking points even when not being asked specifics. Sorry for all the questions, just trying to figure things out that have been bothering me :)
Morning :seeya:

Yes, what is interesting about these photo's is TA is on top of the comforter and in JA's the brown sheets are showing..
The camera could have been set on the 'timer'.. question is, where could JA have placed the camera for a self timing shot (dresser drawers)?

Also, (sry if discussed) most new camera purchases do not come with a Memory card, must purchase separately..
Is it possible that JA took photo's from her own camera and removed the memory card to place in Travis' new camera?
And is Why there are time/date stamp on the photos of Her?
please do correct me if wrong since seems I haven't seen All of the nudes.. TIA

There wasn't any place in TA's room she could have placed the camera for the shots that ended up being at that angle. The armoire was down at the corner and couldn't have gotten "over" her as in the two full-length shots. A standing carved wooden screen served as a room divider to hide his exercise bike.

JA said TA stood at the side of the bed to take some shots, then climbed up on the bed to take the others. That is consistent with the angles/perspectives shown in the photos.

She couldn't have substituted memory cards since Olympus memory cards do not fit other cameras, they have one side that is curved.

At least two photos of JA do not have timestamps. But imo they are withholding something from the public, perhaps due to the defense motion of July, 2011 re: nude photos. The two full-length nudes of JA don't show any timestamps and the earliest timestamped photo in evidence is at 1:42:53, yet Det. Flores wrote in his report that the first one of JA was taken at 1:40. He wouldn't know that if he hadn't seen something saying so. He also wrote there are eight nude pics, 6 of JA and 2 of TA. We have seen only four of JA (but that is more than enough).

Judging from how JA plotted to look good for her mugshot, I'm now guessing she might have insisted the two other nude photos of hers be withheld from the public because they were unflattering and/or made her @ss look too big. :D :what:
Good morning fellow WS'ers!!!!:seeya: Does anyone else here find this crazy trial affecting their personal life?! My DH and I do not see eye to eye on this trial. :banghead: (Altho he doesn't even begin to know all that I know about it.) The other night we actually got in a fight about it! We were yelling at each other! I was beginning to think I would be the next one on trial!!! I literally got so mad I was about to cry and all of a sudden I realized that JA has already ruined SO MANY lives and here I am, never have met this crazy woman, and she is about to cause a divorce in my marriage!!!!!! I just burst out laughing and DH and I both ended up laughing about how stupid the whole thing was! :floorlaugh: SHEESH! I am still desperately hoping for and praying for justice for Travis and his sweet family, but am going to take this thing with a grain of salt from now on! Just wondering if anyone else has had this trial affect them this way?
I've read that ALV has interviewed JA and I've read that she has not. I just assumed she had since Juan asked Jodi what she told her about the child *advertiser censored* on the computer. Does anyone know for sure?

i thought she HAD interviewed her because of that. i don't know where that came from if she DIDN'T interview her. so either JW is going to get to this specific case, of they've decided to go the more general route.

right now, i can't figure out if this is what her entire testimony is going to consist of, or if JW is just painfully and slowly working towards JA, specifically. if so, we have a long way to go.
IRISES... Why? The cheapest flowers. Why 20?

OKAY call me crazy! Irises.... Iris.... Eyes....20/20.... Vision.... VISIONARY ----- DEAD.
JASMIN killed him.

Is it just me or did she send flowers
with a hidden message to mummum?

After hearing Travis on the video speak about the gun to his head and he was trying to get a message out "through his retina"
This was not about a "baby name" for a girl.
It was a HA-HA I killed him and his dreams, here is the proof and no one will ever figure it out!!!

Again if this has been mentioned already I apologize.
I'd hate to insult someone that had posted this before.

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

Irises were her fave flowers, IIRC

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
OR could she have been threatening to kill herself in front of Travis?
bare with me here..
JA is takes photo's while Travis 1st gets in the shower (hence no flash), gets closer and Travis hears/spots her there or maybe a flash does go off and Travis sees it..
JA has the gun, spouting off she will kill herself and some trumped up story that the photos will be Proof and/or JA spouted she will make it look like He killed her(?) by the photo shoot.. (she crazy so no telling what was said)
Travis may have somehow talked her out of it hence the sitting position in the shower.. shower door was open by the time of those photos..
Maybe Travis did reach for her/gun/knife and then camera dropped; IMO she had that knife handy like tucked in the back of her pants..
1st stab to chest could have happened while he was reaching and crawling near the bathtub; blood splatter while stabbing him more (in back and neck) while he was heading toward the sink area using the walls for support trying to get up etc.. if this timing works.. thoughts? could be right.

Although she's a narcissist and they don't kill themselves. She had an angry plan in the works IMO when she decided to drive from CA to his house, armed with a gun and at least one knife that we know of. Whether it was "take me with you to Cancun or else" or just "I hate you and now you're going to die" we'll never know, but I don't think she used the threat of suicide that day. IMO she was on a mission to kill.

I think you're spot on about Travis maybe reaching for the gun or knife, he had to have known he was in mortal danger and tried to protect himself.

Poor soul. He didn't deserve what that psychopath did to him. May he RIP.

Do you think she had someone else in mind to kill afterwards, because she had other knives and bought another gun afterwards?
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