trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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Anyone knows if the evidence that is sealed will be shown after the verdict? I so want to read the letter the killer send to Travis grandmother. I also want to read those cards RS sent to the killer. I believe something in those cards makes JM thinks RS was in some way falling in love with the killer.

I can't answer your questions but I want to read those things too!! I can't seem to get my hands on enough in this trial.
OR could she have been threatening to kill herself in front of Travis?
bare with me here..
JA is takes photo's while Travis 1st gets in the shower (hence no flash), gets closer and Travis hears/spots her there or maybe a flash does go off and Travis sees it..
JA has the gun, spouting off she will kill herself and some trumped up story that the photos will be Proof and/or JA spouted she will make it look like He killed her(?) by the photo shoot.. (she crazy so no telling what was said)
Travis may have somehow talked her out of it hence the sitting position in the shower.. shower door was open by the time of those photos..
Maybe Travis did reach for her/gun/knife and then camera dropped; IMO she had that knife handy like tucked in the back of her pants..
1st stab to chest could have happened while he was reaching and crawling near the bathtub; blood splatter while stabbing him more (in back and neck) while he was heading toward the sink area using the walls for support trying to get up etc.. if this timing works.. thoughts?


I have thought the same thing. Were she to straight threaten him, I think he may have reacted sooner than the 10-11 minutes he stayed in the shower.

If she were threatening to kill herself and ranting at him, he may have stayed in that shower trying to think about how to talk her down. In some of the shots, he really appears to be praying to me, as well.
I have full faith that Juan Martinez will do what is right and necessary. If he thinks she needs to be questioned extensively he will do so. I respectfully disagree about Samuels. JM did the cross exam perfectly. He totally destroyed this man's credibility. A few short questions would not have revealed Samuels true biases and unethical behaviors, imo.

Juan cant leave any stone unturned. He cant leave it out there that JA was an abused woman or that Travis was abusive simply because he was abused as a child which is not only one of the most ignorant things ALV said but one of the most offensive.:furious:

AVL has opened the door for Juan and he is going to drive a Mack truck right through her testimony. She has given him many opportunities for him to ask hypothetical after hypothetical using Travis as an example and doesn't even have to say his name. The jury will know who he is referring to and will get it.

So as I always say........Juan Martinez should do what he thinks is best just like he has done in over 300 cases he has won.


Couldn't agree more Ocean, not to mention that first day of Doc S's cross was about the finest piece of lawyering I've seen.
Good morning, everybody!

I can't wait for Juan's cross.

I want Ms ALV to answer the following:

- On your continuum, under which category would taunting the family of the dead victim fall?

- On your continuum, under which category would slashing tires fall? What about hacking into social media accounts? Breaking into a partner's home and stealing journals?

- What about going through your partner's cell phone? Following your ex-partner while on a date with a new love interest? Peeping through your ex-partner's windows?

- Driving an hour-and-a-half to confront your partner's new love interest?

- Hitting a sibling with a baseball bat? Hitting or kicking a parent?

I'm sure there's more, but that's a start.

I can't wait for Juan to turn this around and put the focus back on the true victim, TRAVIS!
I read/heard somewhere last night (here? NG or JVM or the like?) that TA's grandmother wrote something on TA's "memorial page". Is that something online that I can see? Does anyone have a link?

Also, I'd like to read more about his upbringing. I know he came from troubled parents but I'd like to know exactly when he moved in with his grandma, what prompted it, etc. Gracias!
I read/heard somewhere last night (here? NG or JVM or the like?) that TA's grandmother wrote something on TA's "memorial page". Is that something online that I can see? Does anyone have a link?

Also, I'd like to read more about his upbringing. I know he came from troubled parents but I'd like to know exactly when he moved in with his grandma, what prompted it, etc. Gracias!

I believe he was 10 years old when his GM took in the kids.
Good morning, everybody!

I can't wait for Juan's cross.

I want Ms ALV to answer the following:

- On your continuum, under which category would taunting the family of the dead victim fall?

- On your continuum, under which category would slashing tires fall? What about hacking into social media accounts? Breaking into a partner's home and stealing journals?

- What about going through your partner's cell phone? Following your ex-partner while on a date with a new love interest? Peeping through your ex-partner's windows?

- Driving an hour-and-a-half to confront your partner's new love interest?

- Hitting a sibling with a baseball bat? Hitting or kicking a parent?

I'm sure there's more, but that's a start.

I can't wait for Juan to turn this around and put the focus back on the true victim, TRAVIS!

Good Morning
I hope your day is going well. Enjoy a :cup: or refill

Good questions
Good Morning

Hope your day is going good thus far and enjoy :cup: this fine morn

Thanks and same to you!

I would be a lot better if it wasn't for these ridiculous shows covering the trial late into the night. After Dark is sooo bad but I can't stop watching. Today I'm really really tired. :(

My husband wonders why, if I watch the entire trial all day, I have to watch these shows afterwards? Well, what if they have a clip of her interrogation that we've never seen or something similar? I don't want to miss out!
I read/heard somewhere last night (here? NG or JVM or the like?) that TA's grandmother wrote something on TA's "memorial page". Is that something online that I can see? Does anyone have a link?

Also, I'd like to read more about his upbringing. I know he came from troubled parents but I'd like to know exactly when he moved in with his grandma, what prompted it, etc. Gracias!

I don't have a link but Google Travis Alexander Being Better Blog and have some tissues.
You will really "know" him after reading it.
I only read it a few days ago and I am still shaken.

Here I found it.

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2
Judging from the huge smiles she and Jodi exchanged when she took the stand, the two have definitely met.

i have no doubt she met with JA. JM specifically asked 'didn't you tell a social worker.......'

that would be ALV. the ONLY thing i can think of is there are so many inconsistencies inwhat JA told her, the DT decided not to use her report and just go the 'hypothetical' route. if they don't ask her about the *advertiser censored* on the computer story, JM can't cross on it. maybe that's what's going on.

the other thing we do know is she was originally going to come in during the penalty phase for mitigation purposes, and that was changed, making her a witness in the guilt phase.

there is SO MUCH STUFF that's gone on behind the scenes in this trial that we're never going to know. and one of the stories is about this witness. all we can do is speculate. it's infuriating.
I don't think Juan will be as aggressive with ALV as he was with Samuels because he won't need to be. She will be a state witness when he finishes his cross. She doesn't seem like the type to be all Jodi all the time, who thinks she's the best thing since sliced bread, even if she did slaughter an innocent man and I expect her to be fair. :twocents:
I am with you Josie. Wilmont needs to speed it up with this witness. How much can Ms Laviollette talk about DV. She was interesting in her early hours on the stand but then came in all the stories. With each topic came a new one. Laviolette is starting to remind me of Samuels with all his stories and the hypothetical Wilmont pulled yesterday really irked me. I suppose since Laviolette is the DF star witness Wilmont wants her to stay on the stand as long as she can, but really enough is enough. Juan has been relatively quiet with her on the stand, with the exceptions of a few objections...I think 3 and that is how we left off yesterday. I do hope she wraps it up today. Someone mentioned Laviolette was scheduled for 4 days on the stand. Today is day 3, although Monday she was only on for about an hour or so. Waiting for Juan to question her.

The ME was on the stand for part of one day reciting facts pertinent to the case. 4 days of fabricated DV???????
Maybe that includes a day for jury questions?
Thanks and same to you!

I would be a lot better if it wasn't for these ridiculous shows covering the trial late into the night. After Dark is sooo bad but I can't stop watching. Today I'm really really tired. :(

My husband wonders why, if I watch the entire trial all day, I have to watch these shows afterwards? Well, what if they have a clip of her interrogation that we've never seen or something similar? I don't want to miss out!

Here so more :cup: :cup: :cup:

for the days trial to help yea stay awake :)
I had a dream last night that Wilmott said, "Your Honor, may I approach?" And the judge said, "No." and gave her an icy stare.

If only.....

This is OT but since we are in a holding pattern waiting for the trial to start I will share.

Yesterday the post lady blew her horn. I went outside and I had a package from my best friend from Tucson Az.

Guess what it was????

I opened it up and it is a large bag of Tootsie Pops and taped to the TP bag was two packages of Pop Rocks. Baaaawhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!:floorlaugh:

I couldn't stop laughing.

When hubby comes home and sees them......he immediately asked me "are you going to braid your hair too?":blushing::) :D

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