trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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So the very nice expert...not going to disparage her...never examined JA? That's what was said on tv last night. Hence all the anecdotes.
I wonder if the jurors will ask so many (over 100) questions of this expert like they did with Doc. They must realize this will subject them to an additional 2-3 days of answers, redirect, recross...I wish they would keep it to a question or two each. There are 18 jurors at this point so 30-40 questions would be good.
IRISES... Why? The cheapest flowers. Why 20?

OKAY call me crazy! Irises.... Iris.... Eyes....20/20.... Vision.... VISIONARY ----- DEAD.
JASMIN killed him.

Is it just me or did she send flowers
with a hidden message to mummum?

After hearing Travis on the video speak about the gun to his head and he was trying to get a message out "through his retina"
This was not about a "baby name" for a girl.
It was a HA-HA I killed him and his dreams, here is the proof and no one will ever figure it out!!!

Again if this has been mentioned already I apologize.
I'd hate to insult someone that had posted this before.

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She said she chose Irises because that was Travis' favorite name for a girl & what he planned to name his first daughter (if he had one).
Good Morning One and All!!!
Fresh coffee for everyone

:cup: :cup: :cup: or needs a refill...

Hope everyone day is going good thus far!
Irises were her fave flowers, IIRC

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JA said on one of the 48 Hours clips that she sent Irises because she and Travis were discussing baby names once and he said he liked the name Iris for a girl. Whether that story is true or not.... is a different story, but that's what she said the reason for that particular flower was.
I'm interested in this. Could you please explain what the SARA eval is exactly?

ALV wanted to testify for the state?

Did the dt pick her up after the SARA was disallowed?

If she felt he wasn't an abuser , why did she accept to testify for dt, knowing JW will ask things that will imply he was an abuser?

I know many say she will be a good witness for state as well but I hear her deliberately touching on dt talking points even when not being asked specifics. Sorry for all the questions, just trying to figure things out that have been bothering me :)

No, it wasn't ALV (defense's witness) who wanted to use it. It was Demarte(spelling?) the prosecutor's expert witness who will be testifying in rebuttal who wanted to use it.

Spousal Assault Risk assessment
Jaycee Dugard is a perfect example of a child who was kidnapped and abused. I know of people who had been abused as children and have never hurt anyone, including animals. I know people who have grown up in alcohol abusive homes that don't drink, nor are they abusive. I don't think it should be stated as a greater risk, only a risk. Jodi, by abuse standards, was never abused and yet she is abusive. People are abusive for different reasons. Some because of their environment and some children were permitted to be bullies due to overly permissive parents. I just don't think "greater" is a good measure. jmo

Interesting you would use Jaycee as an example. I was thinking of her yesterday as I was driving. She suffered some of the worst abuse anybody could go through during which she raised two children. She has so much to work through but issue is not being an abuser herself. I find that line of thinking very offensive.

Sure being abused or neglected as a child is a risk factor for many things but not everybody can be painted by the same brush.

If Ms. Laviolette wants to talk about some of the risk factors or issues Travis may have had as a result of being neglected as a child then she should talk about co-dependency.
i thought she HAD interviewed her because of that. i don't know where that came from if she DIDN'T interview her. so either JW is going to get to this specific case, of they've decided to go the more general route.

right now, i can't figure out if this is what her entire testimony is going to consist of, or if JW is just painfully and slowly working towards JA, specifically. if so, we have a long way to go.

Judging from the huge smiles she and Jodi exchanged when she took the stand, the two have definitely met.
:seeya: Hi There gngr~snap - how is your puppy doing?

Bindee? She had babies a year ago! I have one of the males. He is handsome.
Bin is headed to the vet in the next week or two to get fixed.
This last heat was a doozie! I am too old for this diapers and constant vigilance so she won't get knocked up!!! I will post some pics in the pet thread.
Oh! We found out what she was. Not sure if I ever told you.
She is a "Carolina Dog" or an American Dingo whatever you choose I guess. Google them very cool breed! They are wild and born underground in dens!!!

To keep this on topic.... I think Jodi killed many animals and the ones she didn't sensed her evilness. I bet lil Naps ran and hid from her. Notice she never took any pics of him!!!
Heck I have pics of my kids friends dogs!!!!
My neighbours dogs....
None of she Travis and Naps.... IMO cause Naps vacated when the devil showed up!
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Does anyone know if they are going to stream the 9am hearing this morning?
So the very nice expert...not going to disparage her...never examined JA? That's what was said on tv last night. Hence all the anecdotes.

I asked on another thread. I heard that on hln too but didn't she get questioned by Juan in the pedo letters hearing that Jodi told her she saw *advertiser censored* images of boys on Travis' computer? That would mean she interviewed her?

I know hln doesn't always get it right so am wondering if anyone knows for sure if ALV interviewed Arias or not? TIA
JA said on one of the 48 Hours clips that she sent Irises because she and Travis were discussing baby names once and he said he liked the name Iris for a girl. Whether that story is true or not.... is a different story, but that's what she said the reason for that particular flower was.

I swear I remember somewhere they were her fave.....but you are right about the 48 hrs thing. Maybe its just too early for my memory lol.

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I wholeheartedly AGREE. I also think Martinez should have ALSO passed on the Quack Doctor as well and if ANYTHING maybe made a few points and then got out of there. By even questioning them at all, that gives them merit for them even being there and gives Arias's fabled story credence and that is something he should NOT be doing. By completely blowing off these asinine DUHfense Witnesses, he is stating that this is just another ruse in the litany of lies told by the defendant and their testimony holds NO WEIGHT because they are testifying to the LIES told by Arias so their diagnosis's are merit-less. Pass on the cross of LV and get on with the REAL matter at hand that is the Rebuttal case, the Jury has had it and the Defense KNOWS the longer they drag this out the better it is for them. It's time to bring this case home and knock it outta the park!

I have full faith that Juan Martinez will do what is right and necessary. If he thinks she needs to be questioned extensively he will do so. I respectfully disagree about Samuels. JM did the cross exam perfectly. He totally destroyed this man's credibility. A few short questions would not have revealed Samuels true biases and unethical behaviors, imo.

Juan cant leave any stone unturned. He cant leave it out there that JA was an abused woman or that Travis was abusive simply because he was abused as a child which is not only one of the most ignorant things ALV said but one of the most offensive.:furious:

AVL has opened the door for Juan and he is going to drive a Mack truck right through her testimony. She has given him many opportunities for him to ask hypothetical after hypothetical using Travis as an example and doesn't even have to say his name. The jury will know who he is referring to and will get it.

So as I always say........Juan Martinez should do what he thinks is best just like he has done in over 300 cases he has won.

I asked on another thread. I heard that on hln too but didn't she get questioned by Juan in the pedo letters hearing that Jodi told her she saw *advertiser censored* images of boys on Travis' computer? That would mean she interviewed her?

I know hln doesn't always get it right so am wondering if anyone knows for sure if ALV interviewed Arias or not? TIA

Maybe that is one reason that the DT wanted JA's jail visit info sealed. They did not want it known how much time the experts did/did not spend with JA.
Anyone knows if the evidence that is sealed will be shown after the verdict? I so want to read the letter the killer send to Travis grandmother. I also want to read those cards RS sent to the killer. I believe something in those cards makes JM thinks RS was in some way falling in love with the killer.
Good morning!!

Here's to hoping JM gets to cross today lest I fall asleep at my desk. :cheers:
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