trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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I heard Beth K just say there were no questions put in the jar by the jurors today. To tell you the truth, I think they're confused about whether she thinks ja was the victim or the abuser. I know I am:facepalm:

What could they possibly ask her about that is relevant to their task? There are no questions because there was no relevant testimony.

One thing that I think contributed to my unexpected success at quitting was change of mindset

I decided I didn't want to be a smoker.

Not "I want to quit smoking"

It may have made a difference to internalize it that way. I did not want to be defined as or referrdf to as "a smoker"

threw out the pack, never wanted one (for any ,ore than 5 seconds) after that. 10+ years

good luck, it's so worth it

Wow, that's impressive. I didn't do that, I got pneumonia, and couldn't smoke - or do much of anything else for a while. And when I could, I didn't really want to so much, but force of habit and all that - then I realized I wasn't really enjoying it, it was getting very expensive, and I figured I'd wait until I reeeeeally, reallly wanted one. Turns out, I didn't, for a very long time, and then not at all.
I still get the urge once in a while - mostly when I have a drink or two, but I get migraines (real ones, not jodi ones), which tend to worsen with alcohol, so I rarely drink.
Besides, there are very few places that you can still smoke publicly, and I rarely drink at all, but almost never alone - so it's not pain in the rear.

But I guess my point was, it gets easier and easier the less you do it. And those Chantrix commercials always make me want one!
I just want to share this because it's been on my mind all day while I listened to AL on stand...

When I was 9 yrs old on a sunny spring/summer day where all your windows would be open with a cool breeze the couple across the street were yelling & you could hear it in our house. My mom went to the screen door of course I followed right behind looking out the window by the door to see what was going on..

The neighbor lady went to get into the drivers side of the pick up truck in their drive & the man grabbed her by her hair pulling her out. (My mom yelled for my 16 yr old brother to come here) The lady got away ran into truck shut door (guessing locked it) but the man got into the other door.. I could hear her blood curdling screams stop stop I'm sorry...

My Mom told my brother to go out into street & yell at the guy to stop as the police been called on the way. I was still looking out the curtain & saw my brother run yelling Hey Hey Hey Man stop.. Police are coming.. The guy jumped out of the truck went inside their home.. My brother went up to the truck asking the lady if she was ok..

She opened that truck door her ponytail bunch of hair falling out, ripped sundress could see half her bra but the most memorable image I'll never forget was the blood gushing from her nose & her mouth.. My mother ran over with a wet dish cloth and sat with her till the police car pulled up...

It's been over 30 yrs I'll never forget that as long as I live for 2 reasons..
1) the shear physical abuse that woman went thru in just a few minutes
2) that my mother & brother were not "afraid" to step up & help someone in a horrific situation...

I've been so angry today about the testimony today because the witness really is talking about women like our neighbor lady not JA but the DT is twisting her comments in a way to make it sound like JA was "abused" NO JA WOULDN'T KNOW ABUSE IF IT SOCKED HER IN THE NOSE!!

PS After witnessing this as a child.. I promised I'd never let a man (save our father) touch me in anger ever! So far I've lived up to that promise!

I just had to share because I've had these images replaying in my head all day and well just needed to get it out!!

Thanks for listening/reading.
I was molested by my step-dad when I was 5. I married a man who beat me so bad I was in the hospital 6 weeks recovering. I then married another loser who turned out to be a REAL pedophile. ( he taped the act, I found the tape) I was going to shoot him, then call the police, but I didn't. He was arrested and sentenced to 17 years in prison. I have NEVER kicked a dog. Hit my mother or killed ANYTHING because I was abused. The more I watch this BI*CH, the angrier I get. How dare she act like a "victim". She is one sick puppy. thanks...I guess I just had to vent.
HH Judge S. Stephens must not be inured to media criticism... She's got a pretty good poker face, imv.
Reading the court minutes...Beth Karas is CC'ed on a 3/25 minute entry about oral arguments on the defense motion for protective order. Interesting...

It would have helped me to have read it. "Contempt prior to investigation"

"Slap on the back of head"

Shoooo only CC: to Beth. However, you never know with this chick and/or her defense team. They are up to anything..

thank you for reminding to read it :blushing:
Aww...Beth K. Looks like she has a cold. I wonder if she's been the one sneezing in the courtroom. Poor Beth!
Dedicated to all who have been there...this is my battle cry--I would like to share. I hope Travis can hear us.....

Really weird ot observation: Dr. Drew looks like some guy I just saw a clip of on Dancing with the Stars. Is it him?
I was molested by my step-dad when I was 5. I married a man who beat me so bad I was in the hospital 6 weeks recovering. I then married another loser who turned out to be a REAL pedophile. ( he taped the act, I found the tape) I was going to shoot him, then call the police, but I didn't. He was arrested and sentenced to 17 years in prison. I have NEVER kicked a dog. Hit my mother or killed ANYTHING because I was abused. The more I watch this BI*CH, the angrier I get. How dare she act like a "victim". She is one sick puppy. thanks...I guess I just had to vent.

Oh That is all so awful! Sending you my best and warmest thoughts. *hugs*
Juan seems to be so fascinated, he looks like he's almost going to sleep, lol. I can't blame him, I feel the same way.

To Our Fran ! ! !







I've been very busy cooking this evening, but did I really hear that perhaps Travis was abusive because of his parents. WTF. Please share if you know! TXS!
Beth looks like she has a bad cold on DD. :(
I wish Juan would ask her the statistics.
How many victims kill their abusers?
How many abusers kill their victims?

Based on your checklist what are the chances JA was the abuser?
90% ?
100% ?
I was molested by my step-dad when I was 5. I married a man who beat me so bad I was in the hospital 6 weeks recovering. I then married another loser who turned out to be a REAL pedophile. ( he taped the act, I found the tape) I was going to shoot him, then call the police, but I didn't. He was arrested and sentenced to 17 years in prison. I have NEVER kicked a dog. Hit my mother or killed ANYTHING because I was abused. The more I watch this BI*CH, the angrier I get. How dare she act like a "victim". She is one sick puppy. thanks...I guess I just had to vent.

Vent away !!!

Many ^j^ to keep safe and strong :rose: :rose: :rose:
I really believe AVL's testimony is the final in the coffin for Jodi and her number is up. moo

Do you really think so, ElleElle? I just keep getting bad vibes about her testimony, I very much hope and pray that you're right.
Juan seems to be so fascinated, he looks like he's almost going to sleep, lol. I can't blame him, I feel the same way.

Juan looks as interested as my cats look when I want to make the bed and they are sleeping on it..."Are you serious?, I have to get up for this crap?"
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