trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #115

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"there is no particular incident of abuse"

how does this "expert" know that Jodi did not make the shirt?????
Can a mod give her a ringy-ding and ask her to join us here at WS. :giggle:

I have a pretty good feeling she will find us all on her own. Rather quickly, in fact. All it takes is a quick Google search. We've had jurors find us several times before. (In fact, more often than I am sure we will ever be aware of.) Most of them wish to remain anonymous, however we've had a few come forward.

I can't call her though. We respect their privacy. Now Tricia may decide to contact her to be a guest on her show. But no mod or admin contact. ;)
She said she got the spiderman underware for VALENTINE'S DAY?? That's just weird, I must say. Any proof of it being true?
ALV is testifying like she knows all this for fact. Baloney!! All her testimony is based on JA and her script. Unbelievable! ALV knows none of this as fact!!!
I don't understand why this is allowed?

They are answering as if this is fact. All this is a regurgitation of what the lying liar defendant said.

Makes me sick.

Oh here we go with the official again! OFFS
Wilmott chirpy attitude has me literally growling at my screen......

Doesn't matter...the judge loves it. She has been leaning over backwards and sideways to coddle Ms. W the entire trial. I think Wilmott plays silly and oh so innocent so the judge can "mentor" her. It is sickening and inappropriate and disrespectful to Travis' family. :twocents: :furious:
Why doesn't Wilmott have to say JODI TOLD you that she did not make it.. Why can LV say it like it is a fact? !
I still don't care if TA was a ladies man.
I don't care if he dumped Jodi.
I don't care if he used Jodi.
I am sure this jury feels the same way.
ALV is a waste of time and space.
JA did NOT receive ANYTHING from Travis for Valentines day/ We only have the liar's word for this.
People, I think it's going to be all good.

JA looks a little smug, but if you look harder you can see fear in her eyes. This is the last stand for the defense, and if all they have is hearsay from their seventh-choice witness and getting one juror booted then we're looking pretty good. Wilmott will end her questions (eventually) and JM will get his turn. Then the state is up.

Just hold on a bit longer. Justice is coming, and it will be sweet.

Remember the Michael Peterson case (murdered wife at bottom of staircase)? The jurors were getting kicked of right and left during the last couple of days of testimony, one was drunk at a bar telling everyone they couldn't touch him cause he was a juror in the Michael Peterson case, the next day he was excused. He was convicted only to get out due to expert testimony not being so expert. I keep waiting to hear when they will retry him.

Concerning this case. Don't you think it is just a bit odd that JA would admit to stabbing and murdering TA when she says she doesn't remember any of it in her "fog." There is no chance in the world that I would admit to anything I couldn't remember, no matter what the evidence said.

And once again I have to say that JA could clear all the gun questions up if she just told where she dumped Travis's gun, BUT of course she can't do that because it IS her grandparent's gun=premeditation.

Now JW shut up and ALV sit down.:banghead:
I'm not watching/listening, just reading along here, but I have to say, if someone took a look at my emails that were written 5 years ago, I'm sure there's many things in there that could be twisted and used against me in a negative way. This should never have been allowed in, I don't care that the rules are different for "expert" witnesses. This is total hearsay and taken out of context. The jurors can't even look at the actual emails. As someone else said upthread, this may have been a way to try and get her to stay away from Travis. I really don't want The Hughes' called in rebuttal because no matter what Juan gets out of them, Willmott will spin it in cross and make it seem they love and adore JA and make Travis appear to be an abusive jerk. She would probably base her entire closing argument on that.
So the judge allows for this email to speak to Travis and Jodi's character but any testimony regarding Jod's stalking behaviour would be prejudicial? -_-
It does look darker. It looks black today, and before it looked salt & pepper dark brown.

Noooooo Juan!! Don't do the "Just For Men"!! You're too dignified for that.

I don't care what he does with his hair. He is adorable to me and has pretty hair no matter the color.

can juror 5 be allowed into courtroom as observer now or not at all in courtroom? <modsnip>
This is a complete lie, the tshirt was from a PPL event wasn't it where everyone on Travis' team got the T-shirt ... I hope Juan can bring this in.

Spideys - give me a break.

Who's your source? Jodi? Yeah good. And the stalker would've loved it if he'd been possessive, he was the opposite.
I believe ja manipulated them in a convo over this--I don't get anything from it--I thnk it was also VERY early in the realitionship and later they despised her----she was never invited back in the house...first impression

IIRC, didn't they support the killer at first because she was playing them for fools and being her manipulative self, then after a while they discovered what she really was and they told Travis they didn't want her around them or their children. Also, that if Travis wanted to stay with them, he couldn't do it with her in tow? Or am I mixing up couples again? I thought there was a whole bedroom convo where they were trying to talk Travis away from her and she was eavesdropping outside the door. :peace:
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