trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #115

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So the judge allows for this email to speak to Travis and Jodi's character but any testimony regarding Jod's stalking behaviour would be prejudicial? -_-

EXACTLY! I do not understand that at all! :what:
This DA is on fire!! Objection!! Love him.

Ok so TA wasnt man of the yr but what man is? Throw em away, dont butcher him. Hope this doesnt work on this jury.

Justice for Travis.

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Hold the phone! If ALV "doesn't do email much," what the hek is she doing analyzing email messages? We all know that there can be difficulty assessing email tone, content, wording, vocabulary based upon the language of email.

Aw that's such an investment from Tri color and I still don't believe she did anything. I think JW and JA accused her of something in court. Nor do I believe others jurors were involved. That is just HLN mouthing off. They aren't privy to sessions in judges chambers.
I am clear about this though....those sisters want a DP for JA more than ever.
Ok Here's what I don't get...


How can we guarantee these are accurate??

btw ABE will prolly be on Dr D tonight..

PSS Abe says it was only ONE DATE
SO what is the pathetic Defense going to do, just keep dragging out this Alyce In Wonderland's Testibaloney as long as they can? What is this the 5th day this chick has been on the stand? This is just too much, this judge is just allowing the defense to get away with too much and it's officially a circus now. I can't even watch anymore, Cheerleader Willie's voice is just grating my spine. ENOUGH already. C'mon Judge, take control over your courtroom!
This is a complete lie, the tshirt was from a PPL event wasn't it where everyone on Travis' team got the T-shirt ... I hope Juan can bring this in.

Spideys - give me a break.

Who's your source? Jodi? Yeah good. And the stalker would've loved it if he'd been possessive, he was the opposite.


No way!!!!!!!!!!! Really????
The standards a jury is held to are extreme and quite frankly I doubt ANYONE in such a high profile nonsequestered case ever flawlessly follows the rules. Not that they itentionally break them, but in a multiple month span it's impossible to control what others say to you, what you might see on a magazine rack or on a tv out in public etc. and frankly we dont know what she said and it could have been something completely irrelevant but suggestive of "bias." Everyone has opinions and after LIVING and BREATHing this trial for months it's not surprising someone let a little comment slip. They are human, doing a public service and making a big sacrifice. They don't deserve flack for making a human error when they have been very active in the trial and trying their best to do their duty.

Have to disagree. When the only instruction is "Don't talk about it" then it's a pretty minimal expectation for compliance

It wasn't anything out of her control, like what she saw, it's what she said.

That said, the judge, letting this go on and on and on without enough work to stimulate the jury is asking for more trouble along these lines.
Poor Tr-Color...

“@KatieWickUSA: Juror 5 crying as she was taken to elevator. I've watched her for 9 weeks. She was most attentive of all jurors! #JodiArias"


In case it flew by in the fast moving thread.


I don't even know if her dismissal was really justified or just precautionary. I feel so terrible for her.
I don't know why exactly but I dislike this expert way more than Samuels.
just in case u guys don't remember: Abe denies ever receiving this email!
Abe again? Geez she uses these guys...
Here we go with the e-mail she sent Travis so she could make him jealous!
She did it on purpose, and we all know it.
ALV never met TA, or the Hughes.. the only person she talked to was the lying JA and the emails provided to her by the DT. All she can give are impressions.... Really? Am I the only one that thinks this witness can't not be credible?

When Juan is done with ALV she wil appear to have been passed through a cross-cut paper shredder! She better hope she didn't "presume" anything!
I'm outta here, what does all this BS have to do with the killer defending herself by stabbing Travis in the back???? bbl
2007 emails, Chris and Skye know nothing about the sociopath yet! Travis was a "player," Jodi felt bad, heard bad things, gets back together...BAH! Relevance?:banghead:

The infamous Jodie thrived on drama, I'm sure juan will make this drama queen look like the liar that we all know her to be.
Oh my GOSH, this woman is stuck in the 70's. She doesn't email?????? My 86 year old Grandfather (bless his heart) emails!!

Her attitude toward technology is like her attitude toward progress in the mental health field...she's not interested. Doesn't need it. She has all the info she needs and clings to it desperately. If she progresses with the times, she loses her niche.
Apparently she wasn't very attentive to those statements to remember the admonition.

I mean what is it about "do not talk" that people don't understand? Is it the age of social media we live in, where people (especially younger) think every tiny aspect of their lives need publishing? Is discretion a lost art?


Do we know what was said??
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