trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #115

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If the Hughes truly felt that way about Jodi, how is it that all of Travis's young peers could see through Jodi but the Hughes, more mature friends, couldn't? I guess this answered a question I have been having about why the Hughes didn't relay Travis's statement to someone that he was fearful of Jodi. They didn't believe him! I know some people close to me like that. You tell the truth and they blow you off as overreacting!
Poor juror #5. Considering how attentive she has been I think whatever she did was unintentional. JA will pay for all of this when she is convicted of first-degree murder.
The standards a jury is held to are extreme and quite frankly I doubt ANYONE in such a high profile nonsequestered case ever flawlessly follows the rules. Not that they itentionally break them, but in a multiple month span it's impossible to control what others say to you, what you might see on a magazine rack or on a tv out in public etc. and frankly we dont know what she said and it could have been something completely irrelevant but suggestive of "bias." Everyone has opinions and after LIVING and BREATHing this trial for months it's not surprising someone let a little comment slip. They are human, doing a public service and making a big sacrifice. They don't deserve flack for making a human error when they have been very active in the trial and trying their best to do their duty.

I'm not in the habit of giving someone undeserved flack!! She could have destroyed this she should just disappear until its over.
OK Jodi was seriously long winded...and overly wordy!!! And I am the first person to admit I need my own editor...but that's INSANE!
Wilmott always sounds like this is her first trial. "Well, let's see...." "Wait, let me ask it this way...." "Oh wait, that's already in evidence..."
Gonna say something that I hope doesn't offend anyone...

Shades of "Strawberry Shortcake" ? I think people who blatantly exhibit unusually unconventional or /obviously attention-seeking attire or hairstyles... Are not always well-suited (no pun intended) to keep the focus where it belongs in a Jury situation. JMO . So, don't throw rocks at me!

ETA .. Buh Bye Number 5.
Good lord - do you see how long that single spaced email is ?????? All just to say "let's just be friends, K?"
I do feel bad for the Hughes.

I don't. I bet it was Sky Hughes who was gossiping about TA's relationship with JA. She shouldn't have butted in. And Nurmi told her lies hoping to get her on his side. JM will clear all this up.
This reminds me of Cindy Anthony repeating Casey's lies and stories verbatim in court
Jodi keeps glaring toward the jury during testimony. Looks like she's writing notes, too. She probably has her sights set on another one...

I'm sure she does. I think the DT have their sights on a a few jurors. Which is why the Judge needs to stop any more fishing expeditions.
She wrote the letter FOR Travis to read ALV - she wrote what she wanted HIM to see.
Bless all of you who are watching this...I had to BP was topping out....this EXPERT is so questionable as far as I am concerned. IMO everything she says is so skewed.
Abe never received this email! Arias pretended to write this for Abe but sent it only to Travis!
Ok Here's what I don't get...


How can we guarantee these are accurate??

btw ABE will prolly be on Dr D tonight..

PSS Abe says it was only ONE DATE

WTF???? You serious??

She wrote an email like that for someone with ONE date??? And the serious discussions with the Hughes so early in their knowing each other?

LMAO! She has a serious screw loose. No wonder she was used for sex only by most. I mean, who needs that kind of crap?
"Jodi shows empathy". LV is made of hubris. You have to willfully turn a blind eye not to see what's in front of you.
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