trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #115

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I don't think she's stuck in a time warp. I'm about her age and I've been emailing for twenty years. I emailed a lot as part of my job. This is someone who actively doesn't want to email. Not sure what that says about her, but I suspect she doesn't really have an understanding of how and why people communicate by email. JMO

BBM... OMG all I could think of... keepin with 70's theme...

Couldn't help myself :floorlaugh:

Time Warp Lyrics
by Rocky Horror

It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely

Not for very much longer

I've got to keep control
I remember doing the Time Warp
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me

And the void would be calling

Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again

It's just a jump to the left

And then a step to the right

With your hands on your hips

You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane
Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again

It's so dreamy
Oh, fantasy free me
So you can't see me
No, not at all
In another dimension
With voyeuristic intention
Well secluded, I see all

With a bit of a mind flip

You're into the time slip

And nothing can ever be the same

You're spaced out on sensation

Like you're under sedation

Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again

Well I was walking down the street
Just a having a think
When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink
He shook-a me up, he took me by surprise
He had a pick up truck and the devil's eyes
He stared at me and I felt a change
Time meant nothing, never would again

Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again

It's just a jump to the left

And then a step to the right

With your hands on your hips

You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane
Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again
I realize they are not sequestered, but I would have thought they provided transportation to and from an outside location so they are not just walking around with the public or at the cafeteria with everyone.

Just like a car pool meet area that the judge orders be kept secret (so media won't disclose it)
Tricolor, juror five, is my hero. Don't have a clue what she possibly did wrong. But I am sick of anyone bashing her when we don't know. It's okay for the defense to trash TA? It's okay for JA to take a witness stand and promise to tell the truth and she lies for days on end. It's ok that two very mentally sick "experts" twisted things and spew lies all around.
But one juror may have said one thing wrong and she is going to be bashed on websleuths?? Come on! That makes me sick! And if there is a mistrial at some point...believe me, the defense team better know that potential future jurors are watching them.
I don't believe that unless there is some kind of proof that someone can link to. Also, KDDJ is not a member of the 'media.' She's there as a citizen and while she is a guest on DD, she's not paid for her appearances.

I think people are mixing 5 with Katie's story about "A juror" NOT juror 5 asking her if she was in the lunch line and Nurmi was there. I did not hear her tell anything about herself and juror 5.

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Right??? 12 guys on the jury, giving up their work time, family time, personal time ~ not to mention their income! And they're being forced to listen to this BS about what guy she emailed & who was jealous?? Oh man, Wilmott, Nurmi & JA are pissin' off this jury in a very big & dangerous way.

If the jurors feel the trepidation I do,that we're going to have to go through every single time TA and Jodi had sex, AGAIN, I bet they're past irritated.
I am way behind on page 36. I need to get this off my chest..... I don't think anyone should be too hard on juror #5 since we have no idea what she said. From all accounts from WS's trial watchers she was always very attentive, took lots of notes and asked questions. It could have been something very innocent and not meant as taken as anything more than an innocent remark, no malice intended. (been there, done that). I think the Judge had no choice except to dismiss her, in order for it not to come up on appeal. This woman put her life on hold and devoted 3 months of her life to this trial. I will HIGH FIVE her and thank her for her service. JMO

Absolutely. Defense may have been waiting for the chance to get her off because they didn't like her questions and jumped at the first thing that came along cloaked under the complaint about JM. Another victim. Jodi better hope the jury didn't see that smile on her face.
Does anyone know if people saw the "Travis Alexander's" t-shirt at a PPL event?
Wasn't it advertising Travis's blog?
How difficult would it be for Juan to bring that in in rebuttal; someone who saw the shirt & knew what it was made for?

Yeah, I think it was his blog! JM will so be nailing this witness on all her BS.
I wonder why the Jodi innocent site was taken down. rofl You think maybe they started all this crap and afraid someone (JM) might come after them in some way.

I just's still up and spewing it usual crap.:banghead:
People need to relax. Doesn't MATTER what Juan Martinez does with his hair. The fact remains that Jodi Arias is locked in a cage like the animal she is, and will remain so for the rest of her life, or until they get around to putting her to sleep. It's not like she's going to walk free. As for ALV, there is no difference between what she's doing on behalf of an admitted liar and killer and a prostitute. She's being paid to perform a service and she has to pretty much step outside whatever soul she might have to perform it. Judging solely on outward appearance, one might have to conclude she has not had very much actual experience in romantic relationships. Juan still gets to question her, still gets to offer rebuttal witnesses, and will have the last word to this jury in closing statements. I do think the judge has been FAR too lenient with the defense in this case and has seemingly not been in control of her courtroom. But Arias will be found guilty and will never be free again.
someone said that #5 talked to KDDJ during lunch last week. Anyone have a link to this? Interesting the judge mentioned escort to lunch today!

That Katie on Dr. Drew said a juror asked her a question in the lunch line, I thought about lunch or something....dunno. She said "no"...Nurmi heard it....Katie acted funny to me, like there was more to the story, that she couldn't say on it was all BS. Nurmi , imho, is on the hunt for anything for mistrial..desperation.
I wouldn't put it passed JA and the defense team to have set up tri-color. Possibly by having someone wait outside the courthouse for someone matching her easily identifiable description in order to purposely get her to say something, anything she shouldn't

I absolutely agree. I think they will do anything to get a mistrial. Judge may want to think about sequester soon.
Tricolor, juror five, is my hero. Don't have a clue what she possibly did wrong. But I am sick of anyone bashing her when we don't know. It's okay for the defense to trash TA? It's okay for JA to take a witness stand and promise to tell the truth and she lies for days on end. It's ok that two very mentally sick "experts" twisted things and spew lies all around.
But one juror may have said one thing wrong and she is going to be bashed on websleuths?? Come on! That makes me sick! And if there is a mistrial at some point...believe me, the defense team better know that potential future jurors are watching them.

Based on how attentive some folks have said she has been I like her. I hope she gives interviews and even writes a book after the trial. I'll buy it.
The defense team is like a junior high clique gossiping about who is taking who to the spring dance and did Justin hurt Caitlyn's feelings by asking Heather first.

Jodi Arias' love life has the emotional depth of a Babysitter's Club book.

Didn't Jodi say on the recording that Travis woke her up by pulling down her pants and then performed oral on her and that is how he woke her up? Or was this another time? If this is the same timeframe her story on the tape differs from the story she told ALV.

I'm not on the jury, but if I was ~ and had to hear one more stinkin' second about her nasty *advertiser censored** sex life, I'd vote yes to guilt & DP just for putting me, the family & all of human civilization through this nightmare.

And I'm a WOMAN!!!! Good lord, what are the men thinking?????
This is the most bogus expert testimony I've ever heard. I hope ALV is torn to shreds on cross.
I'm expecting a juror to go down every day she stays on the stand.

I disagree... it's a close running second to RS's testimony though...

attempt # 2...

This is all I got.


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The hatred is really overwhelming. I never dreamed I could feel this much above and beyond what I felt for Casey Anthony .. I absolutely hate to say this, but IMO Casey Anthony is absolutely likeable in comparison to this evil witch..

The psychopathic evil IMO literally exudes from her.. i just cannot imagine the overwhelming evil that one must feel when actually in her presence when I, at home in my living room am so overwhelmed with the evil through my television.
So they admit there is no abuse incident in the emails. THEY ARE WASTING EVERYONE'S TIME.
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