trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #127

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The context of the cross so far might be that ALV is not educated enough to do hard science, and the simple fact of this makes her sad.

Also in context, did someone once say Juan has a girlfriend? If true, that makes me sad. I wouldn't mind being vulnerable to him.




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Jodi has that eerie evil look of a sociopath that will never except the truth - I see she's drawing to hold her temper back.

Yes, Jodi has certainly been keeping herself "entertained" during this testimony. Methinks that she is :furious:
So what terms is the prosecutor permitted to use?

How is it the admitted killer gets so many rights?

remember when the defense kept saying "on the night Travis 'passed away'..." As if.:furious:

I cannot fathom why this witness is willing to throw away her entire career for the likes of JA. It really, truly boggles my mind. And like others, my dog slinked (slunked?) away and hid under the bed just a little while ago.
Sitting on my hands to not type all the things I would really like to say. I wish the judge would allow Juan to his job and wish she would do her job without Juan needing to ask.

My 2cents for the day as I'm sitting on hands, sitting on hands.

Did you type that with your toes? :waitasec:
That means you're assessment is incomplete, doesn't it?

No it doesn't.

Wow! She's got some big cajones to say that. :what:

Alyce is NEVER wrong. She is a self proclaimed expert, and cannot ever be told she's wrong. It doesn't compute to Alyce.
Defense filed a motion, which was granted, that prohibits the prosecutor from saying Travis was "murdered" or referring to the act as a "murder". Too prejudicial to their client, the murderer.:furious:

So in any other murder trial, they are not to call it a murder? I've never heard of that one. So can JM refer to it as a brutal killing. :crazy:
At least Juan is pulling the wool off slowly. If she sees Jodi in all her glory too quickly she will turn to stone.
The expert has painted herself into a corner. Either she is the dumbest person alive who actually believes JA or she is a paid shill who will lie about believing a self confessed liar for enough money.
And she appeared so smart and knowledgeable during the defenses questioning but plays dumb with the state questions her.
Has anyone noticed how many times Jodi writes something down and then erases it? At the rate of her corrections , wonder how long it took her to create those journals.

It is really annoying---like the rest of this trial isn't, right!
Arias whispered to Willmott "no I didn't" lol what a joke.....
I don't beleive ALV beleived everything Jodi told her.
I believe ALV believed everything Jodi, Willmott and Nurmi told her.

We already know Nurmi went down the list of nearly everyone on the witness list for the state and blatantly lied to them about the "Ten Letters". I beleive this same thing happened with Dr. Sam.

The attorneys are not being honest with the experts they are putting on the stand. That and they are putting horrid experts on the stand to testify in the first place but it's Nurmi's job to watch for stuff like this. That is why he is getting paid MASSIVE dollars. 1.4 million for a defense which consists of paying people, throwing them in a room with Jodi and lying to everyone to get them to testify for their defense. THAT is how Nurmi spends tax dollars.
I just wish HLN would not pause when there is a sidebar, I wish they would fast forward till sidebar is over. We might could get caught up.
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