trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

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OMG sociopaths and psychopaths are different now on Dr Drew .. WOW.


No wonder these ideas continue to have life.

OK so they're saying sociopaths are the corporate types, and psychopaths are the ones in prison, is that their idea in a nutshell?

There is a theory out there that sociopaths are nutured, psychopaths are wired.

AFAIC they're one and the same but I'm no dr. LOL
BBM ~ Nice. Reminds me of the movie "American Psycho".

I can't even watch HLN anymore. It brings out negative emotions. ;)

OMG sociopaths and psychopaths are different now on Dr Drew .. WOW.


No wonder these ideas continue to have life.

OK so they're saying sociopaths are the corporate types, and psychopaths are the ones in prison, is that their idea in a nutshell?
Thank you for your prayers. Heard from my son 20 mins ago and they are all fine in Boston. Just waiting to see if the teachers decide to try to fly home early or make the best of things for the rest of the week with the kids now that all the plans are up in the air. So relieved words can not express right now. I take it I did not miss a lot of anything today?

Hugs from all of us! And yes, we miss your pictures.:blushing:
That stipulation picture is one where Travis is sitting on the floor of the shower, correct?

I think it is his face shot taken while in the shower.

In terms of semantics, I do think people use the term "psychopath" when someone with ASPD has a proclivity for violence and "sociopath" for someone with ASPD who is not. BUT you are dead about him, as a mental health professional, not knowing or pointing out that the underlying condition is the same.

He is such a popularist .. dumbing down his own knowledge just insults the intelligence of the general public.
I hate when you're posting to something and the door slams shut. Anyhoo, we know Jodi was blown in for growing pot so she has a juvenile record for that and I wonder what else is hiding in there that we'll never know?
In the Bobby and me photos there is one where if you look at the table to Bobby's right you can see lines of coke laying right there. Wonder if the big smiles are from that?

Well Bobby looks pretty wide awake to me.
Exactly. I was replying to a question regarding changing weapons and premeditation. In this case, there are two distinct forms of premeditation. One is the planning beforehand and the second is the overkill of the crime itself.


I wish JM would use a map and show the jury the route Jodi took to Mesa. It screams premeditation, especially given her near pennilessness at the time she was renting cars, buying gas, and traveling 1000s of mi. There's no reasonable explanation for Jodi leaving Monterey and driving 6 hrs. south to Pasadena to take pics, but the object of the pics had no idea she was coming, wasn't home when Jodi arrived, and didn't return her calls. Jodi went to Pasadena because she could get on I-10 E and be in Mesa, AZ 5.5 hrs. later.
Nurmi is so jealous of JM. He was hamming it up as much as he could to try to get some of the rock star love.

The envy shown towards JM by KN and various TH's on TV is quite strong - they want what JM has, which is a brilliant mind. They know they'll never have that.
The one thing that stood out to me in the eye pic was what appeared to me to be the huge sweatshirt she had on.

I'm a smoker and dress like that sometimes because the kangaroo pocket will hold my smokes and a couple extra beverages. A knife and a .25 would be easily concealed. MOO

So the "eye guy" said Travis had "a tear" in his eye in that pic, is that correct?

He'd either been stabbed prior to that pic being taken or had a weapon held on him and was told he was going to die - why else would he have a tear in his eye?
No, you're right, most people on TV do and it makes sense when your face is your business. It's just that sometimes the results are, well, um, interesting.

'Gosh' I didnt even notice, I was watching her for a while then switched channels.
So tomorrow if the DT rest
Juan will do his rebuttal & then closing statements will happen,but Juan gets the last word as it is him who has the the burden of proof!
Yeah, it was pretty darn good, I nearly spit the water out of my mouth on the keyboard at work when I heard him say that. Oh and my other favorite made me laugh out loud while listening on headphones at work like a nut was Nurmi saying "this isn't 2nd grade, this is a court of law and should be treated as such". Too funny considering who was saying it!

While his client sits there and colors. :floorlaugh:
Seriously, if the expert today couldn't find a gun with his state of the art fancy smansy equipment...what makes you think you can? Not trying to be rude...just trying to save you some time

I don't think I can get it more clearly than him, I also have an old version of Photoshop. It's an educated guess, which he isn't allowed to take.

I think the State is picking and choosing what to go with as far as theories. I think the State feels the gun shot DID come first (just like I think they entertain the notion she might've had help). But because the ME testified that the knife wounds came first.......the State realized that was to their benefit and actually helps their case even though they might not 100% agree.

To the State, it doesn't matter which weapon came first because they know it was premeditated.

But for the Defense, it matters because Jodi incorporated this cockamamie panicked: 'gun-on-shelf' retrieval.

Jodi had two weapons for one of three reasons.
1) there was someone else there or
2) she wanted to create the illusion there was someone else there or
3) she used the gun just to 'hold him at bay' then used the knife because it was quieter. The gun really might've gone off accidentally in the struggle. Who knows.

I hope after Jodi gets convicted to death, she'll tell the real story.

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