trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

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Thank you for your prayers. Heard from my son 20 mins ago and they are all fine in Boston. Just waiting to see if the teachers decide to try to fly home early or make the best of things for the rest of the week with the kids now that all the plans are up in the air. So relieved words can not express right now. I take it I did not miss a lot of anything today?

Glad he is ok.

We missed your pics.
Yes, and at any time during the commission of the murder when she continues to inflict injuries to Travis. Slashing his throat definitely killed him. Then she dragged his body back to the shower and shot him in the head. There are so many times she could have stopped, however CHOSE NOT TO.


I agree, the injuries are enough to prove premeditation .. especially the neck wound, but there is still so much more ...
Everyone RELAX.

NOTHING has changed in the case the state presented. Reading so many posts about whether or not this goofy, utterly indecipherable photo negates premeditation is making me need a reminder to RELAX. lol
OMG!! The TH on Dr Drew.....

"A low-level wedding planner would know better than to seat JA and TA's family that close together."

Well-Played, sister.
Thank you for your prayers. Heard from my son 20 mins ago and they are all fine in Boston. Just waiting to see if the teachers decide to try to fly home early or make the best of things for the rest of the week with the kids now that all the plans are up in the air. So relieved words can not express right now. I take it I did not miss a lot of anything today?


Two defense motions denied, a stipulation regarding an enhanced version of one of the photographs of Travis...just read back to the beginning of this thread and you'll get it all.
Jodi could have been holding the knife between her teeth while looking down at the camera. She lifted her head and he saw. This could give her the much desired expression of distress from him. Then she took his last living photo.
I hate when you're posting to something and the door slams shut. Anyhoo, we know Jodi was blown in for growing pot so she has a juvenile record for that and I wonder what else is hiding in there that we'll never know?
In the Bobby and me photos there is one where if you look at the table to Bobby's right you can see lines of coke laying right there. Wonder if the big smiles are from that?
we don't know.

If they were smart they would have rested on that stipulation... they did not (note I am not saying they are not smart only that if I were them I would have rested on that stipulation to the jury)

I see what you did there. :websleuther:
I agree, the injuries are enough to prove premeditation .. especially the neck wound, but there is still so much more ...

Exactly. I was replying to a question regarding changing weapons and premeditation. In this case, there are two distinct forms of premeditation. One is the planning beforehand and the second is the overkill of the crime itself.

Bailing out early, darn pollen headache. Enjoy your evening.
Just because there is a stipulation about that pic doesn't mean JA did NOT have a weapon in her hand. As JM said during argument, he saw a dog in that pic. LOL

IMV Martinez stipulated for 2 reasons a) whether JA had a gun in her hand in that picture it's totally irrelevant to his case; and b) to save the jury another 2 weeks of useless testimony that would prove nothing.

JA could easily have been holding a gun in that pic. The "eye guy" was hired by the defense, he was put on the stand to testify what the DT asked him to.

The look on Travis' face in that picture is one of terror, so IMO JA either has a gun/knife on him at that point in time, or she had already stabbed him at least once.
Jodi could have been holding the knife between her teeth while looking down at the camera. She lifted her head and he saw. This could give her the much desired expression of distress from him. Then she took his last living photo.

lol, FourEyes posted earlier (joking) that maybe she had the knife between her teeth like a ninja chihuahua.
Thank you for your prayers. Heard from my son 20 mins ago and they are all fine in Boston. Just waiting to see if the teachers decide to try to fly home early or make the best of things for the rest of the week with the kids now that all the plans are up in the air. So relieved words can not express right now. I take it I did not miss a lot of anything today?

Compared to what you've been through and now knowing that your son is fine, you missed NOTHING. :) Take a deep breath and feel the love. We were all very very worried about and for you. God bless :)
It's trying at times to get an addict to relax. ;) :rocker:

Everyone RELAX.

NOTHING has changed in the case the state presented. Reading so many posts about whether or not this goofy, utterly indecipherable photo negates premeditation is making me need a reminder to RELAX. lol
My favorite quote of the today hearing on misconduct comes from DT, Mr. Nurmi when he said, "The great one" in referencing Jm. He said it dripping with sarcasm but it was funny hearing him say it!
and of course my favorite JM moment when he was talking about the DT "wasting time" with all these motions for mistrial and he said that it wasn't a waste of time for the DT cause they would be able to add a few more pennies to their "kettel"..not sure what he meant..but that was a direct "BURN" on them dragging this trial out to make more money..hahahaha... was a big day for the trial process. The judge ruled rightly so and shut down the DT and their motions to get a mistrial and continue to drag this trial out.
I almost feel that listening to interview between Juan and Dr. Samuels, makes them wish his was back on the stand. lol.

That reminds me of another Nurmi gem from today. After pretending to be outraged that JM failed to address Samuels using his correct title "Doctor", Nurmi said with feeling, "You have to keep your eye on the ball, judge!"... Not "Judge Stephens" or "your honor"...just "judge". Maybe that's kosher, but it seemed rude to me. I don't think someone on the lower rung of the bar food chain should be giving orders to a Superior Court judge.
why if I were the defense would I rest on that stipulation to the jury (my opinion only:twocents:):

they got what they wanted: Jodi wasn't holding a weapon in the photo (last alive photo)

If they try to bring MM on the stand they will be O B L I T E R A T E D.

and what else do they have after this?

Putting Arias on the stand was their biggest mistake imhoo:twocents:

Weren't they forced to put her one the stand because of her 'self defense' claim?
That reminds me of another Nurmi gem from today. After pretending to be outraged that JM failed to address Samuels using his correct title "Doctor", Nurmi said with feeling, "You have to keep your eye on the ball, judge!"... Not "Judge Stephens" or "your honor"...just "judge". Maybe that's kosher, but it seemed rude to me.

I agree that he is disrespectful. He also made a comment that her idea that the jury isnt watching the trial is 'fantasy'. Also, noticed that he tells her what to do a lot. JW seems to ask and wait for an answer. Nurmi seems a little jealous of JM's rockstar status.
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