trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

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That's a big blob of nothing. We could draw lines around it all day. Your guess is as good as that witness's, IMO.
LOL. I agree. Big blob of nothing. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

LOTS of that to go around!

Do you think there's anything in her left hand? Who holds a camera with one hand when taking a pic...

I've done it before. Just the other day for my daughter's play I had my video camera in my left hand and my other camera in my right. I took pictures throughout the play without a problem. I've also done it while trying to get a picture of the kids and instead of standing in an odd position I just go one handed click the pic or set the timer then position camera to take picture. Though I should add I'm not a professional and my cameras are nothing fancy.
I think Nurmi has eye problems.I notice he has to put things right up to his face to read them.His watch is big so he can see the numbers

In fairness, he's a really big guy and IMO he would look stupid with a tiny watch.
I think Nurmi has eye problems.I notice he has to put things right up to his face to read them.His watch is big so he can see the numbers

And he wants us to believe he can see this picture clearly.
But Ms. ALV was not there. It is possible when the Judge said "with" could she have meant it in the context of "issue with" Ms. ALV? We know she did not come or leave from that courtroom so she was not there and JSS did tell her she was still under subpoena and had the be there on Tuesday. If she was there they could have continued with court today instead of ending early.

Judge gave her a choice between Monday and Tuesday. It's possible she came that day to get it over with. If they hadn't taken care of it already, I don't think court would be starting on schedule tomorrow and it is.
I'm not still convinced she didn't have a weapon in the picture. JMO

Nurmi wanted to take the jury on a field trip to the witnesses photo studio. That would have blown about a weeks worth of trial time, imo. So I think that Juan just agreed to the stipulation to prevent that total waste of the jury's time.

I think Juan is worried about losing more jurors to illness or mistrial motions or boredom. So he just said " whatever " to the DT and let them have their stipulation. Because it does not really affect the state's theory anyway.
I took it upon myself to enlarge another one of the crime scene photos to see if I could see another reflection. To my surprise, Jodi can be seen doing the "roll and run" down the hallway that she described in her testimony. Here is the enlarged photo, see for yourself...


Spat coffee .. best laugh all day
In fairness, he's a really big guy and IMO he would look stupid with a tiny watch.

I know someone with eye issues and their watch is that big. He said he could see the numbers but can't with a smaller watch.
This is what I am taking away from today. Two Monday mistrial motions were denied. Travis had a left pupil . Both sides stipulated no weapon was being held in Exhibit # 159. When RS visitd JA in December 2012 he thought/heard she was feeling down but she was not as depressed as he thought she would be. ALV may or may not be finished with court issues. Trial will continue tomorrow at some time, maybe. ( I have no smilies, etc. at the moment so insert whatever is appropriate in your fog)
I think she really thought they could get a mistrial before the rebuttal. Their attempts failed. It's hopeless now. The rebuttal is coming and it will hang her. Her defense has failed. It's sinking in. This jury WILL convict her.

Yeah, I think you're right. My first instinct is that surely she would have seen this long ago and surely her attorneys explained this was the likelihood long ago but I'm starting to think she is just arrogant enough to not believe it until recently. Tick tock Jodi.
When the judge informed the jury today about both sides agreeing there was no weapon in jodi's hand while she took that picture, Nurmi and Wilmott were STARING at the juror's with their PENS IN HANDS and noting who reacted. It was very obvious.

I think they are making a big mistake by harassing them....
And JSS added that she is under the control of the Sheriff's Department. They are the one's who need to reel her in. I would think it would be easy if she is doing this through a known felon. If I were Donovan I'd be worried about myself.

Why? Donovan is doing nothing illegal ( at the moment) she's free to tweet for Jodi. Jodi can talk on the phone to Donovan ...she hasn't been convicted yet. Tweet away!
Big watches are fashionable these days. It's not just Nurmi.
That's a big blob of nothing. We could draw lines around it all day. Your guess is as good as that witness's, IMO.

Agree with everyone who's said the reflection in Travis eye could be interpreted as anything ... a dog, flash, goldfish, -- just baloney.

BUT ...
I think it was wise of Juan to agree to the silly "stipulation" INSTEAD of possibly allowing Nurmi to get the "photo-shop dude" in as an expert witness.
Expert witness ... My arse.
Just like people who see an angel burnt in a piece of toast ... Or a Rorshack (sp?) test where everyone sees something different.

If the "photo-shop dude" had been admitted (instead of just this brief stipulation) ... He would have gone on & on for days with Nurmi questioning him about minutiae.

It's time to get the focus of this trial back on the TRUE VICTIM of a horrendous murder -- Travis.
Juan was wise to not get into any of photo shop dude in front of the jury. IMO.
Just more smoke and mirrors that the defense wanted to cloud the real issues with.

ENOUGH already of the defense team ridiculous motions for mistrials and stunts like today.
It all just reeks of the DESERATION that Nurmi & Wilmott are facing right now.
They watched their last chance witness (ALV) go down in flames with those jury questions and they have to know the gig is up.
Judge gave her a choice between Monday and Tuesday. It's possible she came that day to get it over with. If they hadn't taken care of it already, I don't think court would be starting on schedule tomorrow and it is.

But she was not there. Never entered nor left the building. Media was camped out all over the place. Right now ALV is the story they would have been watching for her. Well, we will know soon enough tomorrow I guess. lol
I've done it before. Just the other day for my daughter play I had my video camera in my left hand and my other camera in my right. I took pictures throughout the play without a problem. I've also done it while trying to get a picture of the kids and instead of standing in an odd position I just got one handed click the pic or set the timer then position camera to take picture. Though I should add I'm not a professional and my cameras are nothing fancy.

I have too. Once my grandchildren were sliding down a tube slide and I wanted to get a picture of them without standing it front of it. They were coming down fast!

So I held the camera in one hand (right) and just put the camera in front of the tube with one hand. I actually got some great shots of them that way. The looks on their faces were priceless!

It can be done.

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