trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

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Aha! Could it be that on the day ALV decided that she wanted the afternoon off when she told the judge that she was suddenly too sick to continue after lunch, that there is evidence she was not at the hospital, or convalescing in her hotel room, but photographed with her BFFs at the local disco or bar? :rocker:

BTW, Linda7NJ, could you edit my quote (in your post), as I had somehow posted my text twice and edited out the repeated section, but not before you made your super-fast ninja quote before I could fix my post? Thx. :)

I loved Nurmi trying his best to sound like he was full of righteous indignation...yet falling flat...even raised his voice a bit. Was pretty darn entertaining!

He was really cringey today. Both JW and Nurmi look like they are just playing lawyers on TV.
what we learned in court today... The person taking the pictures was holding... a camera! GASP! LOL
I think he is so far above this that quite honestly, he doesn't give a chite what JA thinks or says about him. She's in jail. Not him.



I know, I know, the reason I felt so sympathetic towards him is that it was at the end of the hearing where the DT just went out of their way to be rude to him, to attack him and his actions. It was just tough to watch him alone against all of these people, with so much at stake and so many people relying on him. I know he has plenty of support in the media/fans but he gets criticized whenever he as much as acknowledges them, so I sincerely hope that he has someone in his life who's giving him the moral support he so well deserves away from the public eye.

He's certainly not new to this but this trial has not been easy for him, he's probably working a lot, and certainly feels a lot of strain. I'm so glad that this is almost over, and we're in the final stretch, hopefully this part will be easier for him - where he can deal with facts, rather than devious obfuscating witnesses like Jodi and the 2 "experts". And I hope lots of people in the area can celebrate with him OPENLY and gives him the acknowledgement he deserves once this is all over.
Does Juan have children? Can you imagine being his teenager? lol you'd never get away with anything!

I can see them saying something and him saying "Did I ask You...." Oh Im gonna use that on my grandkids. hehe
ALV was not in court today. There was a meeting to decide how to proceed tomorrow when they finish up with her. She told the judge on Friday that she might have follow up tests on Tuesday and the judge told her she did not need to know her personal issues that she was to be in court on Tuesday. The Judge also told her to make "preparations" for Tuesday. We can take that for what it's worth. Unless they decided today not to proceed with her tomorrow we should see her first thing. The jury is of the opinion she will be there tomorrow and the judge did not tell them she had been excused so I'm guessing she will be there.

Um, I think it was verified that ALV was in chambers with the judge and both sides at 1:15 and she is apparently in some sort of trouble...(insert yippee here) okay, so that was dealt with. Now, if in fact there are more Jury questions for her then I assume she will be back on the stand. If there are no Jury questions we - are - never - going - to - see - her - again.
Yeah, for someone who, just last week, was apparently communicating with the outside world through smoke signals she sure motored her way through the last 1000 years of technological improvement fast didn't she.

:floorlaugh: HA that was funny

Did she not also testify that she doesn't use email? She said on her twitter page that this (twitter) is "a little more advanced than gmailing!" Hmmmm

I'm thinkin here that her um.. honesty.. while on the stand is a big part of that closed hearing.
Juan was something that was "UNCOVERED" ...I don't think it's some courtroom behavior that everyone is already well aware of. It's something else. Something BIGGER. Imo

Linda that is very interesting. I just assumed it was an issue surrounding her refusal to answer questions about fear Travis felt over the defendants stalking.
He was really cringey today. Both JW and Nurmi look like they are just playing lawyers on TV.

On a soap!

And poor Willmont is going to chew a hole in her poor lip before the trial is over.
ITA. Why would her left arm be down in front of her? To use a camera properly 2 hands are necessary to steady it.

The whole thing is RIDICULOUS! (i'm shaking my head again. i may need neck surgery by the time this trial is over....sigh)

The sad truth is...the image is Travis Alexander. He was murdered shortly after this picture. What I an amazing guy, who is stunned, shocked, and had no clue what was about to happen. :cry: What I want to Justice for Travis and his family! His family was so broken up in court today, having to sit right behind the murderer. Whoever thought that one up, should be held in contempt, of being a human being. :furious:
If she was holding a weapon in one hand and the camera in the other it would have to be the gun. If she was simply holding a knife on TA I don't think he would have just sat there and let her take the photo. He would immediately start trying to defend himself. A gun, on the other hand, is a different kind of threat. It might cause someone to become frozen with fear. Personally, I think she had the gun on her person and used it while he wasn't looking, to get the jump on him. Since she went there to kill him there would be no point in warning him in advance. IMO her plan began to go awry when the gunshot did not kill him and, for whatever reason, she was not able to shoot him again. That's when she went to get a knife to finish him off. In addition, I think her original plan was to shoot him in the shower so all the blood would go down the shower drain. She wanted to make sure she didn't get any of his blood on her to accidently take back to CA on her person or in her car. She thought she planned the perfect murder but, think again JA.

How could someone think that she could have run off and got the knife. It makes absolutely no sense. There just wasn't enough time. Just look at the photos. She didn't run off downstairs or into the bedroom or wherever to get the knife. It doesn't cohere. She had to have had it already at hand, as well as the gun. I also think that she not only chose, but planned to kill him with the knife, versus the gun. This, because of the shear number of stab wounds, and even more so, the throat slashing. The throat slashing itself speaks volumes, imo. If she had just wanted to kill him with a simple gun shot, it makes no sense that she would have then engaged in such a physically violent act as what then transpired. No sense at all, imo.
I know, I know, the reason I felt so sympathetic towards him is that it was at the end of the hearing where the DT just went out of their way to be rude to him, to attack him and his actions. It was just tough to watch him alone against all of these people, with so much at stake and so many people relying on him. I know he has plenty of support in the media/fans but he gets criticized whenever he as much as acknowledges them, so I sincerely hope that he has someone in his life who's giving him the moral support he so well deserves away from the public eye.

He's certainly not new to this but this trial has not been easy for him, he's probably working a lot, and certainly feels a lot of strain. I'm so glad that this is almost over, and we're in the final stretch, hopefully this part will be easier for him - where he can deal with facts, rather than devious obfuscating witnesses like Jodi and the 2 "experts". And I hope lots of people in the area can celebrate with him OPENLY and gives him the acknowledgement he deserves once this is all over.

He got his diggs in today! I thought Willmonts head was gonna spin right off her neck at the pennies in the kettle comment.
I know, I know, the reason I felt so sympathetic towards him is that it was at the end of the hearing where the DT just went out of their way to be rude to him, to attack him and his actions. It was just tough to watch him alone against all of these people, with so much at stake and so many people relying on him. I know he has plenty of support in the media/fans but he gets criticized whenever he as much as acknowledges them, so I sincerely hope that he has someone in his life who's giving him the moral support he so well deserves away from the public eye.

He's certainly not new to this but this trial has not been easy for him, he's probably working a lot, and certainly feels a lot of strain. I'm so glad that this is almost over, and we're in the final stretch, hopefully this part will be easier for him - where he can deal with facts, rather than devious obfuscating witnesses like Jodi and the 2 "experts". And I hope lots of people in the area can celebrate with him OPENLY and gives him the acknowledgement he deserves once this is all over.

I know what you mean. I know Juan is a big boy and can totally handle it, but there was a point today when he was speaking and he just seemed so exasperated. He's just trying to do his job and bring this sweet family justice and he's getting hammered from all corners. I wonder if he was been this attacked before.
Did you notice JW's reaction to JM reasserting that the reflection in the photo could look ike a dog; it could be a German shepherd or a Mexican chihuahua? :floorlaugh: Watch JW in this very short (24sec) video at about the 15sec mark:

I saw the German shepherd when he pointed it out.

I did not and do not see whatever that "expert" had drawn on the photo. Who holds a camera the way that the expert drew? How could Jodi possibly get her elbows up that high and why???? I think it's a mistake for the DT to even want to show the picture with the lines. Without is more powerful. I was actually thinking about what they were saying before seeing the picture with the lines. After I saw that, I just lost the script.
I just got off of a 24-hr TO, for which I was a little miffed (actually, a LOT miffed), since I in NO WAY said what I was accused of. :furious:

Join the club. Me too. What I apparently said would have been funny if it were true but I for the life of me don't recall what I supposedly said about the DT that got me put in the corner. I'm new but quickly realizing that abuse of TOS is very subjective. Mod A might think nothing of it but Mod B will not like it..I dunno, it's hard to know where "the line" is. But yeah, the particular reason I was banned I truly don't remember doing. :peace:
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