trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

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I do not believe this is accurate.

I don't know which attorney's said this, but there is a lot of mis-information floating around.

Jodi is the defendant and cannot be compelled to witness by the state.

can not be

Good morning. I am not an attorney. But this was asked and answered on the legal thread, if you want to take a look.
I have high expectations for Dr. Janeen DeMarte. She has a local practice in Phoenix, so JM may know her well. Needless to say, Samuels and ALV haven't set the expert bar too high.

T - 2 hours and 49 minutes ish.

I have decided to have a relationship with the man on the moon. That makes it official right?

Just watch your bottom margin, if you know what I mean.
Remember the song "Celebration"? That comes to mind when we finally hear the defense team say, "Your Honor, the defense rests".

Kool and the Gang! Love it! Great teen memories and great to bring it to this case. When the defense rests, and when JA is sentenced.
The photo analysis expert from yesterday mentioned how the equipment he has at his office has twice the resolution as the photo being shown in court and that he can make out the image he traced onto what was shown yesterday.

I don't know a lot about cameras, so this may sound stupid, but wouldn't it be possible for him to take a photo with another camera of the image on his equipment at his office that clearly shows this outline and present that photo in court?

I believe the expert was trying to explain that only his office/lab equipment has the extraordinarily high resolution necessary to "see" what he saw. What people were seeing in court were watered down, so to speak, by limitations of a computer and the imaging device to project the image on the screen.
Well, thanks for the reply, but can someone Please answer, seriously, I'm confused on this. Is a photo like a Mirror image, since it shows as TA's Right eye that they're talking about, as it appears in the photo.
IOW, right arm, right eye, yet they say his Left eye. Do they mean left side of the photo??????

Right eye and yes, it was on left side of photo. You are correct.
Good morning all,
I was watching the eyeball testimony when the Boston attack occurred. Of course, being from outskirts of Boston, our attention was diverted. I'm checking in to websleuths periodically to update on the trial.
Just want to say thanks to all of you for providing such good coverage.
I have high expectations for Dr. Janeen DeMarte. She has a local practice in Phoenix, so JM may know her well. Needless to say, Samuels and ALV haven't set the expert bar too high.

The DT are going to try to hammer Janeen about the number of years she's been working, etc . Can we just say Asked and answered about 10 times in advance?


Years in Practice: 8 Years
School: Michigan State University
Year Graduated: 2009
License No. and State: 4120 Arizona
I believe the expert was trying to explain that only his office/lab equipment has the extraordinarily high resolution necessary to "see" what he saw. What people were seeing in court were watered down, so to speak, by limitations of a computer and the imaging device to project the image on the screen.

Exactly so. Especially the limitations of the RGB projector. I run into that problem all the time with high-res images and not being able to project them at the same resolution.
Well, seguek9 thought so too, but failed to recognize the abuse in the relationship.

I'll consider myself warned. I don't think it's a full moon tonight anyhow so I'm fairly safe for the time being.
isn't today ALV? at 9:30 or what ev????
The DT are going to try to hammer Janeen about the number of years she's been working, etc . Can we just say Asked and answered about 10 times in advance?


Years in Practice: 8 Years
School: Michigan State University
Year Graduated: 2009
License No. and State: 4120 Arizona

My suspicion is that the major DT challenge will be to ask if she has ever served as a Keynote Breakout speaker or not. After she answers, "no," they'll sit down with little smirks. Just a prediction.

Good morning all,
I was watching the eyeball testimony when the Boston attack occurred. Of course, being from outskirts of Boston, our attention was diverted. I'm checking in to websleuths periodically to update on the trial.
Just want to say thanks to all of you for providing such good coverage.

You do know that websleuth has a thread on this in another forum! nurse put it on the first section of the thread here on this one.

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I'll consider myself warned. I don't think it's a full moon tonight anyhow so I'm fairly safe for the time being.

:floorlaugh: Yes, I can see how the phase of the moon would be important.
Having considered it and slept on it, I believe JM stipulated because he did not want the goofy line drawing admitted. The 'tracing' would be the source of much confusion. I believe that if JSKS admitted it under Rule 702, eventually the 16 remaining jurors would have had to be transported to Neumeister's lab in order to 'see' the blob his way on his equipment, leading to even more histrionics and over-emphasis on Guesstimony™ as fact. Not to mention further delays and added confusion.

Moreover, if established in at least one juror's mind, it would place the defendant standing fully erect near the time she initial attacked Travis in the shower. While she certainly wouldn't have taken more than a second to bend or crouch, juror confusion is not good for the State's case.

It appears that JM's calculus was that the picture, being framed so obviously intentionally, was taken by the photographer with both hands while looking through the viewfinder, and crouching as the defendant herself testified, and not standing, with the camera held below the chest and lower on the torso, in the neighborhood of the navel, as Neumeister claims.

Is having jurors understand that JA was crouching, not standing, when she took that photo damaging to the State's case? Or does it actually comport more with the State's version of events? Obviously, JM thinks the latter is true.
I saw WALDO in the photo yesterday..finally found that guy..

AAaaack! Appointments for Sam all afternoon in Charlotte. Not happy.
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