trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

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She was on before with the wedding video. She said Jodi took still photos for her as a "gift."

She refused to discuss the pot growing episode and didn't really seem oriented yet to what Jodi has done.

I felt kind of sorry for her. She really seemed stunned.

I got the impression she got a little choked up...did you get that impression?
I wonder who JA's best friend is that has "come out of hiding" and is going to debate NG... Hmmm....

It's that girl who was in court for a couple of days, remember she wore kind of skanky clothes (for court anyway). The off the shoulder stuff and she had tattoos and chewed gum like a cow chews cud?
Ted Bundy was quite a charming fellow, too. Give me a break. I apologize but I have a real problem with her childhood friend. All this glowing praise for JA. But when she was asked, the other time she was on NG, and the rooftop garden was brought up, she virtually pleaded the 5th.... Things weren't quite as sweet and innocent as they seem. Sorry for the vent but this is getting old.

We were posting at the same time about virtually the same thing. Lol! I'm with you! Sick of listening to this "childhood friend" that wants to look at Jodi through rose colored glasses.

10 to 1 she's NEVER seen the autopsy photos of Travis as saw what Jodi did to that poor man.
If I had a nickel for everytime JW says 'let's talk about that' I'd own a vacation home.

And I'd be your next door neighbor :lol:

Too bad we aren't getting paid for listening ;)
Am I incorrect to be a little surprised that the diagnosis was just "Borderline Personality Disorder"? I thought it would be a worse diagnosis like Bipolar or some Phsychosis or maybe I just dont understand how serious Borderline Personality Disorder is?
Psychosis is a total mental break with reality. If she were truly psychotic, she would not be able to assist her defense, and we would likely not be here. (Andrea Yates or Dena Schlosser are very synonymous with psychosis.)

Bipolar is the new term for manic depression. Many people experience depression - though bipolar is obviously an extreme variant - it's very treatable with the right course of medication and/or therapy.

Borderline is one of the Cluster B personality disorders. I don't know nearly as much about BPD as I do antisocial or narcissistic, so I'll keep it as generic as possible. Personality disorders are highly resistant to treatment because the afflicted personality often externalizes blame (everything is everyone else's fault, always); they're very prone to utilizing manipulation on those around them; they can be deceitful, abusive, and sometimes extremely selfish. Many also often lack empathy or appear callous. Some can be impulsive, risk-takers, and criminalistic. More specific to BPD, in the little I know, they often have unstable relationships, a deep fear of abandonment, anxiety, depression, detachment, withdrawal, etc. (In just my jaded, biased opinion - it doesn't get more serious than PD. The treatment options aren't great, no known cure, and it deeply affects all those surrounding the afflicted person too - often without them even knowing what's causing the person they love to choose to act irrationally and sometimes even violently.)

TMK, it's rare for a Cluster B to be in and of itself, by itself. Very often, people afflicted are comorbid with a vast array of possibilities. I think it very likely Jodi's comorbid too - but probably exhibits BPD traits most consistently and/or acutely.

(All MOO and honestly not meant to offend anyone.)
It's that girl who was in court for a couple of days, remember she wore kind of skanky clothes (for court anyway). The off the shoulder stuff and she had tattoos and chewed gum like a cow chews cud?

was that the strange girl from the Along Came Jodi 48 hours ep ? or is this a diff one?

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I'm about to bid you Adieu for the evening, but wanted to share this. For those who are unfamiliar with BPD or don't have a family member who suffers from this severe personality disorder, I encourage you to read a book that was suggested to me by one of my sister's psychiatric social workers during one (of many) of her periods of hospitalization. The book provided me with information and insight into my sister's mental health issues. Thankfully, my sister never killed anyone, but she exhibited many of the behaviors that I've observed in JA.

Stop Walking on Eggshells: When someone in your life has borderline or narcissistic personality disorder

by Randi Kreger
I have only ONE criticism and maybe they did this for a reason.

When Ms Demarte read off the items, and Mr Martinez wrote them down, they should have had this on a paper typed, copied...that seemed to take forever and she kept repeating herself.

I wondered if this was because her notes and stuff had been stolen with her laptop (because they were in the laptop), but it seems to me that she had time to reconstruct some papers by now, right?
I though maybe part of the reason the prosecution chose Demarte to evaluate JA is because Demarte is a young, intelligent, successful and attractive woman and that could bring out the worst in JA, for the benefit of the state! Just one piece of it... She seems great because she doesn't come off as taking her testimony personal, she hasn't gotten argumentative or purposefully loose on her answers as to not be "tricked"...
Moo :)

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Exactly!!! At first glance she bears a resemblance to the defendant, and thereby is only reinforcing to the jury everything the defendant is NOT. The expert witness made something of her life, got her education, etc. while JA chose to live off whoever she was dating at the time. Being in the same age group, Dr. DeMarte could also relate to this relationship in a more analytical manner, and be more unbiased in her opinions. Dr. DeMarte is great!

Please everyone, there is a HORRIBLE facebook page that has been made. And I do not mean it's for Jodi, it's just... I'm in tears.

Please go to the State vs Jodi Arias facebook page and they will link you from there. Warning the page that needs to be reported has death photos of Travis and they are calling him a pervert. Please help stop this, it's not up to try and get a different view on things. There is no excuse for it. I will NOT link it so just go to the State vs Jodi Arias facebook page and they are talking about it and can link you.

I feel like I am going to be sick now. :cry: There are too many monsters in this world.
I still cannot believe that JW thinks she has what it takes to impeach this witness or even bully her. I knew she was going to go there, I just felt it in my bones. She sounded like she was lost.....the first questions were laughable she confused Dr. and psychologist and then after JD corrected her w/ her answer she said that is what I asked you?? No you didn't :facepalm:
I'm back...missed most of the afternoon. I would really appreciate a quick response to let me know if I missed anything worth me queing up the video for???
Uhm Lotus? I think you stole my Min Pin. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Your avatar looks just like my Max. I swear I saw him just a second ago chasing my cat under the bed.:floorlaugh:

Chasing cats, yes it could be the same dog. But today my girl was too lazy to get her own dinner and I served her in the living room so I swear I didn't dognap your Max! :biglaugh:
LOL, I didn't see a ring on her finger! :floorlaugh:

Seriously though, she is a fabulous witness. I wish I was half as smart as her.

Jodi didn't wear her glasses all day. Maybe she was trying to play it like she thought she was prettier than DeMarte? Only in your dreams Jodi!

Isn't that the truth! She is bright and knows her stuff, I love how understated things have been only to have Willmott thing Dr. Demarte took 2 months off to be a slacker, and Dr. Demarte said "I was teaching" (um JM try to catch her in a period of time she stopped working and just watched court tv or something? not gonna happen...)

She should have stopped trying the Gotcha stuff it was not working and making her look like and angry defense attorney that was losing a case
Does anyone have a link to the cross examination of Dr. DeMarte? I apologize. I've searched YouTube and cannot find it and apparently HLN isn't going to show it.

Instead we get to listen to Nancy Grace talked to an old childhood friend of the killer's, talking about how sweet she was and how she always smiled. Gimme a break!! Grrr...


Croakerqueen123 on youtube will have uploaded it soon.

It will be on her youtube channel and labeled "Jodi Arias Trial - Day 48 - Part 4"
It was sorta like "you're not saying you're GOD, are you?"

"Why, yes......I AM god!"

Shaddup, Jennifer!!!! It ended up sounding like she didn't even know how this kind of education works!

I worked with anesthesia residents when I was a pharmacy tech and I know that residents can be called Dr.

Gillian's Island material!

Quick! Someone hit Jodi in the head with a cocoanut and let's watch to see if her memory comes back.



Does anyone have a link to the cross examination of Dr. DeMarte? I apologize. I've searched YouTube and cannot find it and apparently HLN isn't going to show it.

Instead we get to listen to Nancy Grace talked to an old childhood friend of the killer's, talking about how sweet she was and how she always smiled. Gimme a break!! Grrr...

Try this;
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