trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

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Wouldn't you think either Nurmi or Wilmott would tell their client to at least pretend to pay attention?
NONE of the links are working for me. I just get a black empty screen. Must be something wrong with my MacBook?

Clear cache and clear history. Try that. Or just shut down and restart. HTH you

Did I hear this right?
Juan impeaches Not only 1 but the 2 experts for DT???
WOW just WOW :great:
you the man Juan, Justice for Travis is happening!!!
Wow. Email with Jodi describing angry outbursts she's had -- kicking holes in walls, kicking in doors, etc.

Jodi knew she had a problem and did not seek help that she needed.
I am mesmorized by the fact she will not even look up. I think she is seething. Wonder what the jury thinks of this.

I'm too. It's fascinating to watch her.

Why does JW smirk everytime this Dr says something applies to Jodi...

I think she wants the jury to see her smirk and believe that she finds the doctor to be full of it.

You know why Jodi hates it? Not because it's internally destroying her, but because she knows TA's friends and family are hearing it.

Appearance is everything, and even facing the death penalty, this kind of exposure is worse than the death for her.


It cannot be lost on the jury that the killer sits mesmerized when her own witnesses testify about her, but today she has not looked up once from her doodling or manifesto project as the truth is spoken.

I think a competent lawyer might tell her to look semi - engaged in the preceedings but that whole defense table is less than capable.

i do not believe the defense attorneys are incompetent. They seem competent to me. They just really have zero to work with.
Oh, wouldn't this be around the time Jodi was getting her Spidey underware and candy for Valentines Day?

Yea, right. We knew that was total bull****.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WS'rs. I've seen so many of you here really think people who have BPD are just totally evil.

I have PTSD/BPD/Anxiety.

Please take some time to educate yourselves. Please try not to make sweeping generalizations about those with BPD are all evil monsters (I've seen that a lot on here)

Borderline personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We love you Veritas, and I have known people (within my family) with anxiety, BPD, PTSD, and OCD as well as bipolar. And those things are not their fault, they work hard and are decent loving people who are loved back, though sadly one is now deceased because of lithium poisoning. I understand your pain and will provide you a cyber hug or two.
JA just looked up and at Dr D after this little 'win' in the objection. More whispering between JA and JW.
Bummer! I can't believe JM didn't get acknowledgement from Jodi about the email when she was on the stand.

Up to the jury to see if they can uncover what is in there. I wonder if this "missing piece" might have been the result of something ALV did?
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1m

We were waiting for Valerie to make some copies. Val... Valerrriiieee.. Vall making copieeessss. #JodiArias


Haha. That Valerie earworm is difficult!
I am really surprised she was not diagnosed with ASPD and NPD. She has no empathy.
Gee, how conveniently the defense left this little gem out of their case.

yep that's indicative of anger...just :what:
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