trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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omigod...jodi!!!!! she is so narcissistic she wont even look up!!

look at Dr D's expression, is she watching jodi steal pencils?

She can't look up. Dr. D. knows the truth and can see Jodi's soul. Jodi is ashamed to look at her.
I can hear Travis saying to Dr.D-You are one of my Heroes,put JA away for good!JMO
Speaking of tweets. . .did anyone see Donavan in the gallery today? I didn't see her with the family.

:seeya: No -- she was not there this morning -- I made some posts about in the previous thread ...

I think someone needs to keep an eye out for her ...

At least we can see what she is up to in the courtroom ... but when she is not there, hmmm ...

Baez chose to represent Casey and I think they developed some sort of affectionate bond for each other. KC chose to listen to Baez for the most part. I must say she wouldn't have been half as bad as JA on the stand but then their pathetic case wasn't half as bad as this one.

CA and JA are one in the same/of the same mold. If CA had made the utterly stupid move of taking the stand I think that she would have done just as bad as JA when confronted with all the lies. You cannot tell that many lies & spin that many webs/tells and not come off the stand damaged. The only difference between the two is that CA apparently was a little more intelligent in making decisions that best benefitted her sociopathic butt.
Wonder if they'll return after lunch. JA looks seriously wonked out. They need to lower her dosage of whatever she's taking.

I wish I had whatever JA is taking. After this morning, I would not mind being zoned out.
It would be JUANderful if JM would ask DD if she is familiar w/ THIS article, or find a way to bring these conclusions up. That among the community of her peers, the conventional wisdom regarding legal conclusions should not rely on the self-reporting of the defendant re: BWS.

An Essay on Battered Woman Syndrome

Copyright 2001-2007

Joe Wheeler Dixon, PhD, JD

Article's been around. I am sure Alyce knows the controversy and choice to ignore.

I left my husband after reading Lenore's book in the early 90s. I never thought BWS should justify murder even if true.

And after thinking about it I thought the concept pretty sexist. PTSD is a much better umbrella. But, again no justification for murder and there has to be some kind of validation.
I just re-watched the end of today's morning session -- and Jodi did NOT stand up when the jury filed out the courtroom for lunch !


Anyway ... her mit spec lady walked over to her and started talking to her, and Jodi was still sitting down ...

Unfortunately, the camera went off ...

Any thoughts ?


rebuttal not going well for dt so I wouldn't be surprised if we're in for some illness theatrics from JA
While I don't think that JW has done much damage to this witness, Juan will clean up nicely when he has Dr. DeMarte on the stand for re-direct. :great:
Yes pugs are adorable and so very smart. I dont remember where I read this but Travis's beloved grandmother also had pugs.

mine right now is staring me down...she thinks that will achieve in her scoring of potato chip....not working
I just re-watched the end of today's morning session -- and Jodi did NOT stand up when the jury filed out the courtroom for lunch !


Anyway ... her mit spec lady walked over to her and started talking to her, and Jodi was still sitting down ...

Unfortunately, the camera went off ...

Any thoughts ?


I noticed that too, probably in a fog.
Maybe she got a job?

I don't know why that woman isn't working...just sitting there day after day...

Probably living off a welfare. I guess ex cons have a hard time finding jobs in today's economy.
The Killer knows she's busted, she's thinking about appeals now and how long she can keep herself alive. She knew she was done with all the negative questions for ALV from the jury.

She has given up, the killer has thrown in the towel on this one. She is sitting there very aware she is going to be convicted of first degree. She's medicated and is finally coming to terms with the fact that she's gonna be on death row.

Remember the confident, snarling, smirking killer on the stand?

Look at her now.
I feel bad for her.

if i thought she knew how badly this was going, i'd feel sorry for her too. but i DON'T think she knows. if she did, surely she'd hit her highlights and sit down. this is just painful and she keeps going and going and going. she's just DETERMINED to catch her on something and it's not going to happen.
I am looking forward to the jury questions.. I don't think they will be at all snarky but will gt Dr. D to expand further on some of her conclusions. And I don't think DT will like the questions at all. MOO, of course
From last thread originally posted by sacrablue (sp?)
De Marte is just a mouthpiece of JM. Of coarse she hasn't done anything wrong....she hasn't done anything to solve the problem. If I suffered from depression she would be the last person I would see.

It's quite interesting that you point that out. You're absolutely correct, she hasn't done anything to solve the problem. She was hired to do an unbiased evaluation of Jodi, not treat her. Unfortunately for the defense, both of their experts crossed the line that very clearly divides an evaluation and therapy. Neither of the defenses witnesses were supposed to journey on the therapy side of the line, yet both of them did.

Solve the problem? I think she's doing a pretty good job at solving the problem and helping to find justice for Travis and sending Jodi away for the rest of her life.
I thought this important enough to repost:

"Joe Wheeler Dixon, PhD, JD

Battered woman syndrome (BWS) was first proposed in the 1970's and was based solely upon the clinical observations of a single clinician, Dr. Lenore Walker. After she coined the term and published her hypotheses the concept quickly caught on. BWS became a popular way to justify criminal conduct of women who were charged with the murder of their husband. However, while the idea initially enjoyed success in some clinical circles and several legal jurisdictions, BWS was never empirically validated through scientific research as a bona fide condition, and therefore it has not enjoyed widespread support by psychologists who practice clinical and forensic psychology. For those women who are indeed chronically battered, they may more reliably and more correctly be diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
to date there is insufficient empirical evidence to show that BWS per se meets the rigorous diagnostic criteria of psychology or psychiatry for a mental disorder. For instance, there is no reliable means to differentiate those women who merely claim a history of battering from those who have actually been battered.
Doctors typically rely upon the patient's first party self-report when diagnosing clinical conditions. In the case of BWS, when some women are seeking to avoid criminal responsibility, it is extremely unwise for a doctor to reach what amounts to a legal conclusion of battering based solely upon the presenting complaints and history of one person. "

more: Essay .htm

Reading this made me do a happy dance! :great:
I was just catching up on the last thread and saw this and wanted to post about it but the thread was closed. Thanks for bringing it over. :seeya:
Just because I have this somewhat bizarre passion to know where people are from...

Janeen Alice DeMarte
Hometown: El Paso, TX
High School: Austin
D.O.B.: 6/15/1980

Shout out to you Texas folks!

She's representing like its her business.
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