trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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I know many don't like NG but I think she right on. Of course JA had a high anxiety level she killed TA and is being evaluated by the state. Come on really????? Grasping at straws with her years, little cracks ( wish I had a little crack, lol).
Personality disorder is not a mental illness, it is a character disorder. The disordered are ego syntonic not ego dystonic, which means, they see nothing wrong with themselves and do not suffer any sort of neurosis or worry about themselves, do not suffer anxiety about themselves like the latter, nor any sense of failure. They are not suffering. And nobody's making fun of mental illness and a 'failed life'. Her life did not fail, she did. She chose to murder. Savagely.

I disagree, choice is what it's all about. And responsibility. Those are the priorities in a civilised, mature world. Not feeling sorry for the bad guy without conscience. Not making out the perpetrator to be the victim.

Maybe people are referring to the official diagnosis as a mental illness (because it's classified that way), rather than making a leap on their own just because it's JA.

We heard that DD diagnosed JA with Borderline Personality Disorder in accordance with the DSM (Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders). The DSM classifies Borderline Personality Disorder as a mental illness and that's what has been talked about in court.

Just thought this may help to clear up some confusion. I don't think people are willy-nilly throwing around unkind words (or what can be perceived as unkind) just for the fun of it.
I know many of us only listen to HLN for the so called entertainment value, but once again, the TH's can't even get the names right.
So now the male TH called ALV...Ah-leece....
I guess no time to read the Cliff Notes. Please folks disregard the commentary from these 'professionals'. They get paid to talk. And mispronounce. And misspeak. And misinterpret....
SMH. Hard.

I laughed when same TH called TA a pastor in the Mormon church, such a fool.
I would be ashamed to even be on TV with so little knowledge. IMO
People, JW did not say "b*tch." It just did not happen. There is no way any attorney is going to call a witness a b*tch with the microphone on right beside her (through the hookup, the court reporter can hear far more clearly than even we can - the parties have to be careful).

No attorney is going to do such a thing in open court in front of the judge and the entire country. Not to mention, JW and JD's exchanges had not even been particularly contentious, so it wasn't like she'd gotten so riled up she couldn't help herself.

It just didn't happen. I know it can sound like it did, but it did not. Look at all of us who were watching - you don't think one of us would've caught that here right away? No one thought any such thing. It only started making the rounds after someone elsewhere claimed it and everyone started listening specifically for that word in the video replay.

Why is JW questioning Dr. D. about a copyright while holding a "copy" of the copyrighted material?

Is JW a psychologist? Because she has the questions and she'd conferring with Dr. D. about them. What is the difference? In fact, she's sharing the questions in court.

I wonder if Anne Rice can sue me for letting my niece borrow her copyrighted novel?
I don't know why I watch hln it just infuriates me.

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I get that JW is trying to discredit the witness, but is it working?

I see that JW is belittling Dr. D's experience, but she's asking her things about ALV that, to me, it would seem that ALV probably did, too--JM just didn't ask. Like that question about Dr. D "practicing" while getting her masters. JW asserts that ALV had her masters, but did we ever hear anything about ALV "practicing" in the interim of achieving it? It would seem that she would have if Dr. D. is correct that it's common in the field.

If I were a juror, my stance would be that the field has evolved since ALV's time and Dr. D. probably is better educated unless ALV got continuing education.

Did you see 50/50? Surprisingly cute movie about a young guy with cancer. His physician recommends he see a psychiatrist so he walks in & it's just a young girl. She's studying for her doctorate, but she treats him alone. I'm sure it's the same situation as Dr. D.
She comes close to maybe having a point, trying to taint with innuendo, but all she can do is point really close and be kind of irritating.


Her questioning so far is dizzying and nonsensical. The copyright issue was strange and laughable and misty and foggy. The only thing she can legitimately attack is DeMarte's inexperience, but unfortunately DeMarte comes across as so capable and knowledgeable, so confident and sure about the latest psychological tests and techniques, that Willmott would have to be very careful and crafty and smart to pull out that inexperience. But so far, as you highlight, she hasn't been able to really land the point. Her questioning instead comes across as petty and ultimately inconsequential.

The only thing that makes it bearable is that Janeen DeMarte has poise, intelligence and professionalism and, despite Wilmott's best efforts, she gets useful information across.

I'm not sure Olivia Munn could play her in the movie.

Double HA!

DeMarte is enjoyable to watch. Her testimony on direct and cross reveals her clear head, intelligence, and her ability to use the correct tools for individual clients, which enable her to ferret out real issues, instead of overwhelming the individual with her own firmly held belief system (see ALV)

I have an amazing therapist but oh! If DeMarte was an option I'd be tempted to switch.
JVM and her THs are going on and on and on about how much Dr. Dynamic looks like Jodi Arias.

Not seeing that at all.

I personally don't think she looks anything like her and I am sure the good doctor would take offense to that.Dr.D is extremly beautiful..Jodi..well she looks more like a guy to me!
I am not trying to be snarky when I say this..but Jodi is looking more like a man every day.She looks very strange to me!!JMO
Maybe y'all could stop talking abouth the lifetime movie carps here...the Sidebar thread might be better for for that discussion.

No offense....but I find it rude to the Alexanders-- its not a made-for-tv-movie to them....

KM2...sounds to me like she says "what page?" She was looking through papers...seriously I think we shouldn't be so nit picky..things are going great for the prosecution that's why JA is sick today!
For once I'm gonna be glued to NG! I want to hear from Dr. Walker! I want to hear it from her mouth that Jodi was not abused. I hope she is pissed off at this disgrace of a defense! Using her name as if she backs it up!
ohhhh NG is showing the "b!tch" tape????
To the poster who called the whole btch thing being on NG tonight


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I put my quality speakers up high and closed my eyes to listen and I heard the b word too, which I truly did not expect to hear.

I know!, I was VERY skeptical and thought that there was no way JW would say that knowing she had a mic on but it's low enough that the courtroom didn't seem to notice it (but oddly Arias smirked at the same time) but after I replayed it several times I kept hearing the same thing and was pretty stunned. Because my hearing has been affected due to severe ear infections I thought I'd see if people here could hear what I did.

Nancy grace is talking about it now..she heard it too lol. She said as long as jury didn't hear it then it's not a problem as far as the trial goes. It just shows JW to be very unprofessional.
that is clearly so laughable: she explained how the process works:twocents:

Exactly! If that was the case then medical school students would be practicing medicine without a license during their schooling. This is the same issue JW had with understanding the intership, residency, fellowship process.
NG just showed the questionable comment. I'm on the 'she said it' side.
I agree with you Micky, Willmott is very professional and I think she is doing the best she can with what she has to work with. At this point she is just trying to save her clients life, not looking to set her free.

Some scum bag and/or pompas not known person will relish this case. Cha Ching in their or lose. NOT about truth, justice or verdict...them.
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