trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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Yes. I suffer from PPMD, so yes.

You Know Elle... I haven't been officially diagnosised but I've always thought I may have PPMD or PMDD..

A friend asked me what the difference was between PMS & PMDD..

I told her imagine a couple sitting at dinner the husband says.. 'You didn't pick up my dry cleaning' <insert mundane comment> and with PMS the wife answers 'No guess I didn't I was busy doing blah blah & had a horrible headache etc' maybe shaking her steak knife at him..

Same convo at dinner table but PMDD husband says 'You didn't pick up my dry cleaning today??' and wife says 'No you selfish Bastahd' jumping across table plunging knife in his leg!!


But I tell ya there are times I think I'd physically have to stop myself mid table lunge :floorlaugh:
I tried searching for the answer and ended up wasting the last 2 hours reading some persons blog (an ex prisoner with a similar name). Anyway, is the jail JA is in, is it a "narcotic / scheduled substance" jail? I don't think it is. If it's not, then she wouldn't be given anything stronger than maybe naproxen 500mg every 4 hours and trazadone for sleep. Most jails aren't into sedation and only a few even put people on methadone.

Imagine being on drugs and having to kick it cold turkey with a shared toilet :(

She did look glassy eyed today but I thought it was more "insomnia face". She looked like that yesterday as well. I wouldn't doubt that she's faking an illness, wearing a shirt where the color washes her out and purposely losing weight.
OMG, I cannot stand JeanC. She sickens me totally. What is her issue????
JC on hln just said the defense scored some points today. That they were doing well. Uh...okay.
OMG, I cannot stand JeanC. She sickens me totally. What is her issue???? Maybe she has a superior IQ?

This posted twice, I don't know why. I wasn't finished with the first one :). Sorry guys
Could Wilmott calling the witness names cause this? Listen to this link, I definitely heard what is alleged to have been said. Wilmott has no class!

See if you can hear it too! I think if the judge gets wind of this the DT is in deep trouble.

I hear it, too. At first my logic tells me JW wouldn't do this, but her body language combined with saying something under her breath doesn't go with the words "You bet" or "You betcha". Dr D was making her look for the reference and JW didn't appreciate it... clearly, JW let her happy face down... and I heard this audio as "What a B*&%ch"
The most maddening thing to me about today's testimony is JW's unwillingness to listen to the answers to her questions. How many times must we listen to her repeating the same question three times in a row? She does it as though the witness isn't answering her, but we're all hearing the answers unambiguously and clear as a bell. Maybe it's because she spent so much time working with her own defense witnesses and their constant obfuscation and pontificating. That might be some kind of reason, but it's not much, I realize. I just want to yell, What part of that clear-as-a-bell-answer did you fail to hear, counselor?

Personality disorder is not a mental illness, it is a character disorder. The disordered are ego syntonic not ego dystonic, which means, they see nothing wrong with themselves and do not suffer any sort of neurosis or worry about themselves, do not suffer anxiety about themselves like the latter, nor any sense of failure. They are not suffering. And nobody's making fun of mental illness and a 'failed life'. Her life did not fail, she did. She chose to murder. Savagely.

I disagree, choice is what it's all about. And responsibility. Those are the priorities in a civilised, mature world. Not feeling sorry for the bad guy without conscience. Not making out the perpetrator to be the victim.

Well, here I go again, as always with my point of view, I RESPECT YOURS but totally disagree.

Here in the United States, Personality Disorder IS considered a mental illness.

In the UK IIRC there was some debate, I'm not up to date on where that stands.

As for the rest of your post would you mind clarifying that? I'm not sure I understand it.
I'm watching video of the court and I just don't understand. Jodi looks just fine. When you have migraine troubles as Jodi claims you can feel them coming on. So, if she had to cancel court due to migraine she wouldn't be drawing and writing as she does. Glasses on glasses off. Migraines don't allow you to do that even as they are coming on.

Then I saw video again of her after lunch. She does look sick. Maybe Jodi just has something else. If she is claiming that it's a migraine I do not beleive her. If she is just sick to her stomach/flu/whatever I agree. She looked like she was trying not to vomit.

Then again that could be an act. See, she is so manipulative I can't believe anything she says or does.

Edited to Add: Jodi took her makeup off during lunch break. I do not believe her anymore.
To state malice implies a decided lack of compassion and for the overwhelming majority of people here, nothing could be further from the truth.

My ex is diagnosed disordered. I know all too well just how serious his mental illness is. Any compassion, any empathy, I feel for him - for the small, broken boy he once was - ends at the very moment he made a conscious decision that hurting anyone else was acceptable, for any reason. What I feel now, towards him, is more apathy than anything else. I refuse to pity an adult man who terrified me and our children, deliberately, for years; who raped his teenage niece; who stole from my parents shortly before they died; who consistently uses, manipulates, and abuses those who only love him. (There was a time though, because I am only human, that I visited vast pain and great violence to him mentally. I wanted him to feel just a smidgen of what he'd dished out.)

That really is the difference between personality disorders and other mental health diagnoses - a conscious choice to harm, manipulate, or abuse others to your gain. Jodi knew something was wrong with her. Jodi knew she had moments of intense, seemingly uncontrollable anger. Jodi knew she had the capability to, and even did, hurt others. Jodi chose never to pursue treatment that may have afforded her a someday 'normal' life with healthy, loving relationships.

MOO...and perhaps because of my own personal experience having lived with and once loving someone disordered, the only way I can see it.

And I think she relished every moment. Those moments were not anathema to her.
that is clearly so laughable: she explained how the process works:twocents:

As far as I'm concerned, JW's behavior came across far from professionally astute and was more inciteful in my opinion.

Grasping at ideas and cutting the witness off to make the sentence look like it implied something else in the record. Booo.
I don't know what trial JC is watching but it wasn't this one :rolleyes:
Look at Dr.D diagnosis on all three-PTSD,BWS and BPD
the actions she took before,during and after shows she does not have PTSD or BWS
But look at her actions before,during and after the murder-BPD fits her to a T.Most everything the doctor described Jodi is and did!
JW & KN know the doctor is telling the true nature of who JA really is inside and out and there is nothing they can do about it.I'll bet all the other doctors they tried to hire probably said the very same things about her,thats why they said NO to them about testifying on her behalf.JMO
Good evening kayice and everyone!

Just heard her also. This former co-worker was on before, and she hasn't changed her story nor her opinion of JA. Seems honest as I can easily imagine JA doing what she has reported.


Omg, wouldn't you like to have a cup of coffee or something stronger with this lady? That lady doesn't mince any words. The kicker is she tried to help Jodi when she worked with her, she told Jodi that guys don't like or need what Jodi was doing. Not to chase him or drive a 11 hour round trip as Jodi had to work the next day. I heard her last time, she needs to talk more without interruptions.
Btw, that "friend" of Jodi's with the pictures of childhood, that girl was either drunk or high. NG was finishing sentences for her last night. Imho, that girl probably knows a lot about Jodi, too. I wonder if Jodi had a drug problem somewhere in her younger days? She was growing pot at 14...
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