trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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I wanted to get more info on Lenore Walker and found that she is a pioneer in DV, like Alyce LaViolette. LW was an OJ Simpson defense witness and interviewed him. I don't know a whole lot about Simpson's trial as I was too busy working and going to school at that time. LW received some flack for her involvement with OJ and it does not seem to have hurt her reputation. IDK Most likely, ALV's work won't suffer either. MOO

Are you saying that Lenore Walker supported OJ Simpson? Wow these folks will do anything for money. Unreal.
During this trial, I think many of us have become one! pajamas all day, not getting food on the table for family.. not cleaning the house as well as we used to..

I am a big time sloth! :D:D;):D:D

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I thought that too!
I'm watching video of the court and I just don't understand. Jodi looks just fine. When you have migraine troubles as Jodi claims you can feel them coming on. So, if she had to cancel court due to migraine she wouldn't be drawing and writing as she does. Glasses on glasses off. Migraines don't allow you to do that even as they are coming on.

Then I saw video again of her after lunch. She does look sick. Maybe Jodi just has something else. If she is claiming that it's a migraine I do not beleive her. If she is just sick to her stomach/flu/whatever I agree. She looked like she was trying not to vomit.

Then again that could be an act. See, she is so manipulative I can't believe anything she says or does.

Edited to Add: Jodi took her makeup off during lunch break. I do not believe her anymore.

I did see a clip where she placed her hand to her mouth. Talk about drama! If you're feeling vomitous you either try to ride it out, suffer in silence or do something about it. You don't play to the cameras.

I think she just didn't sleep well last night. Now why would that be? Ha!
I actually had a migraine today & couldn't get to a doctor for Imitrex. I took a handful of Benedryl just to see what it would do & it actually got rid of it. I knew that that's one of the components of the IV I get at the ER--I just never thought of taking it myself. I took 4-5 benedryl with Excedrin, and 2 hours later, it started to fade. That's pretty remarkable to me, since I tend to get 2-3 day migraines when the barometric pressure drops (like today).

I do too, girlfriend. Glad you got relief. I have had some good luck with Excedrin Migraine IF and only IF I take it early. ;)
Someone misbehaved and was put in a pod with 12 or so women. I'd misbehave on purpose to get out of that terrifying free-for-all. I can see why Jodi might feel like an Einstein by comparison with those folks.

Jodi is a high school dropout. I don't think there is any reason for her to believe herself superior to ANY of those other inmates. Many of the other inmates probably have more formal education than she does. True, many are dropouts as well.
Absolutely incredible. I hope this isnt lost on the jury how Wilcott thinks the murder of Travis by her defendent is just a huge barrel of laughs.

We may find things that are humerous and entertaining to us as we are spectators having to endure this lengthy trial, but the big difference is we are not presenting the case to the jury. Her behavior is incredibly unacceptable.


I felt so damn awkward and embarrassed watching her bizarre behaviour.

Willmott needs to get it together.

This is just perfect! Thanks for helping to keep the absurdity of the DT in our minds, while we put up with their mind-numbing, foolish and inept cross, and, the endless mind games of the defendant, the prototype of a psychopath.

Passing this forward for anyone like myself, who can never keep up or catch up, even in one thread, with all the interesting comments to read here. :seeya:
This is OT But becuase there are so many of us here who have gone through the agony of migranes( When I had one I would never look as composed as JA does..I would look like a truck has hit me) If I take an anit-inflammatory when I feel it coming stops it. My dr. was convinced it was becuase anti-inflam contain some pain med. But as one poster did, I could take Darvon and it never worked like Lodine. Not a Dr here or prescribing..just sharing what has made my hell in migranes 150% better
Likewise, my doctor doesn't think it's migraines because Excedrin contains caffeine, so he thinks it's caffeine withdrawal, but I don't have caffeine everyday and my symptoms do fit migraines, they are that bad that my head feels like it wants to explode and I can't tolerate any light or noise. And I barf, which helps relieve the pain. My triggers are: hormones, barometric changes in the weather/cold, and not eating enough carbos.
My dream is for Dr. DeMarte to soon meet Lenore Walker...


Oooo like tomorrow! (if JA is still "sick")

JW asks JD on TUESDAY "but you never met LW right?"
JD says "yes I have"
JW says " ummmmmmmmmmm... ooooookayyy... last week you said you had never met her."
JD says "well I hadn't met her then. We had lunch Thursday. You remember we didn't have court that day. Riiight?"

I got SEVERE tachycardia and palpitations from it.
My heart rate was over 225! ER visit... crash cart and all!

Scary... needless to say I won't touch it again!
Bring on the migraine, at least they won't kill me (I hope):twocents:
Thanks for sharing.

I also had a reaction (won't take it again) - my other siblings can tolerate it. Weird.
Wonder if it was MS LaViolette that gave her that information?

Walker wrote the forward for ALV's book so my bet is that ALV is the source of JW's information. Who knows if ALV gave the incorrect info or if JW just didn't understand what she was being told.
I think you're entirely right. I've had eye prescriptions that required fixing for one reason or another, and the reason I knew I needed to have them fixed was because of the headaches I was getting from wearing my glasses! Yep, could definitely be the problem with her.

Then the solution is simple. Ja needs to try on another inmates glasses ( as she said she did the first time in 2010) and then quickly have Donavan order her a pair online from Supervision! :floorlaugh:
Thanks guys, I have never had migranes. In fact, I can count the number of headaches I've had in my life on two hands. This includes the few partying headaches I had in college (not few partyings, but few headaches). I just don't get headaches. I feel very lucky reading the comments of the rest of you. I can't imagine how difficult it is to debilitated by a migrane.

I would get migraines that coincided with my period - the throwing up kind. Horrible- couldn't stand the light and had to stay in a dark room. This would not happen every month, tho'.
Imo JW needs to tread carefully with Doc D. When (doc d) she "knows" something she really understands it. If JW was smart she wouldn't get caught up in semantics, Doc D is gonna win.

She's playing with a bomb. Tomorrow she'll keep playing with it til she blows both her arms off. Guaranteed.
I actually had a migraine today & couldn't get to a doctor for Imitrex. I took a handful of Benedryl just to see what it would do & it actually got rid of it. I knew that that's one of the components of the IV I get at the ER--I just never thought of taking it myself. I took 4-5 benedryl with Excedrin, and 2 hours later, it started to fade. That's pretty remarkable to me, since I tend to get 2-3 day migraines when the barometric pressure drops (like today).

Yes, mine are pressure sensitive, too. Changes don't always prompt a migraine, but they always bring on a headache of some kind.
I actually had a migraine today & couldn't get to a doctor for Imitrex. I took a handful of Benedryl just to see what it would do & it actually got rid of it. I knew that that's one of the components of the IV I get at the ER--I just never thought of taking it myself. I took 4-5 benedryl with Excedrin, and 2 hours later, it started to fade. That's pretty remarkable to me, since I tend to get 2-3 day migraines when the barometric pressure drops (like today).

Yep I was gonna relay that cure that I had found and I got sidetracked. I have some that the benadry/tylenol will work on. if after 45 minutes there is no change it is hyrdocodone and phenergan and I will see you in a few days.
Then the solution is simple. Ja needs to try on another inmates glasses ( as she said she did the first time in 2010) and then quickly have Donavan order her a pair online from Supervision! :floorlaugh:

Maybe she's wearing Donovan's extra pair right now.
I actually had a migraine today & couldn't get to a doctor for Imitrex. I took a handful of Benedryl just to see what it would do & it actually got rid of it. I knew that that's one of the components of the IV I get at the ER--I just never thought of taking it myself. I took 4-5 benedryl with Excedrin, and 2 hours later, it started to fade. That's pretty remarkable to me, since I tend to get 2-3 day migraines when the barometric pressure drops (like today).
Never tried Benadryl with it, but Excedrin usually works for me if I catch if early enough.
Oooo like tomorrow! (if JA is still "sick")

JW asks JD on TUESDAY "but you never met LW right?"
JD says "yes I have"
JW says " ummmmmmmmmmm... ooooookayyy... last week you said you had never met her."
JD says "well I hadn't met her then. We had lunch Thursday. You remember we didn't have court that day. Riiight?"


That would be PRICELESS!

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