trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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Do you all hear that glass breaking, knic-knacks breaking & all that cussing.
That is JW trashing her house after watching LW on NG.She is :banghead: & :facepalm:herself for what she did on cross to JD today!!! :floorlaugh:
I was looking at an old DD transcript. Found an OOPSIE MOMENT from the killers testimony:

NURMI: What was the first incident of violence?

ARIAS: Well, I didn`t consider when he pushed me down twice violent.

NURMI: OK, but that was the first incident.

How about the last instance of violence? Was that June 4th?

ARIAS: No, that would have been right before I moved when he choked me until I lost consciousness.


OOPS. Did she just ADMIT there was NO violence on Travis's part on June 4th?


Also, to piggyback upon my earlier post, it reminded me of something interesting.

I have wondered why they almost downplayed that 'choke out' incident that she threw in, just before she moved from Mesa, supposedly. It seems like it should have been emphasized, if they want the jury to believe she was 'in fear for her life' on June 4th, imo.

So why haven't we heard much about that incident? I think it has to do with that 'mystery' picture, that JM TRIED to have admitted into evidence. He was not able, yet, to get that picture before the jury. But I read a little about it on the pro-Jodi site. And they are very lucky it has been kept from the jury, imo.

Apparently, there is a picture that she posted on her FB, when she was moving back to Cali.

And it is a picture of her sitting behind the wheel of the U-Haul. I have not seen it so I don't know if it was taken by her in the mirror, or was taken by her mom or by Travis or what.

But Juan REALLY wanted to bring it in because apparently, her neck is visible, AND THERE ARE NO BRUISES ON HER NECK in the photo. And she has already testified that she had to cover the bruises with make up.

So I guess it was kept out because the DT can say the bruises were covered up with pancake make up. Now I remember clearly, when my DS came home from college to go to a family funeral, and he had hickeys all over his neck. Kind of funny now, but I was upset at the time. Only because it was his grandmothers service and it was not cool.

My DD pulled out her arsenal of make up and worked hard, but it was not really that effective or successful to fully cover the marks. :giggle:
All right, I'm turning myself in, I am guilty. I had to open a 2nd window and go back to outfit from March 28 Migraine cancels court partway through the day. Well, I had to know if she was, by chance, wearing the same green top that day.

Nope, don't even try to force me to tell you was not wearing a green shirt that day.

ok ok, I give, she wasn't wearing the green shirt that day. Can we just stipulate to that, or do I need to bring a photo into evidence, probably blow a bunch of peoples magins, and my expert witness who will testify about rods and cones in our eyes. He will talk about each rod and each cone individually.

Bwah! Totally stipulated! (Because, you know, it's really irrelevant). LOL
I'm sorry if this has already been asked, but does anyone know who else Juan will be bringing in as a rebuttal witness?

The only thing i have seen is notifications list has been revised. Not who was on it. Anyone have any further info?
Absolutely incredible. I hope this isnt lost on the jury how Wilcott thinks the murder of Travis by her defendent is just a huge barrel of laughs.

We may find things that are humorous and entertaining to us as we are spectators having to endure this lengthy trial, but the big difference is we are not presenting the case to the jury. Her behavior is incredibly unacceptable.
ITA, none of this is funny (some parodies are, some of our remarks are, even some of what the DT and the accused are doing during the testimony are) nonetheless in totality not funny. This is a horrid case, involving a man who have endured terrible abuse as a child and a woman who was hit with a wooden spoon, it's ok to laugh here, (I am). You have a person with a personality disorder and a man trying to get his life in order who was brutally murdered by this woman who was abused by the wooden spoon. Absolutely nothing really funny here. As I see it anyway. Oh gosh Jodi, never mind the makeup, you are guilty.
Wearing the wrong prescriptions could potentially cause her to have migraines, but they seem to be more of a fashion prop for her, than actually needing them to see. She took them on and off several times yesterday...

She's done most of her 'transcribing' the last two days with them off, I've been thinking she was dropping the illusions for the jury and expect her to start playing with her hair any day now.
Okay so .. based on this past incident of being told why she's not liked and her going back to the place and sitting there, that's kinda all I needed to understand a bit about her. She tries to intimidate by this "quiet" thing she does. I bet she likes to work herself up into a tizzy and is known for doing that.

She knows right from wrong but she feels nothing, she's devoid of feeling and part of that is the BPD (we have a hard time connecting, so picture aspergers - it's very similar) and the rest is an underlying other issue. I don't know that we'll ever know what else is wrong with her, because I can't see her being honest.

I find this break down that's on TV right now rather spot on. Or what I suspected.

I have a friend who was stabbed in the neck, behind the ear by another friend. We were at a party, the guys got into it over tv and suddenly my friend is stabbed! I witnessed it, (yes the person who did it went to prison for 10 years) and also the blood loss. It was copious. When I looked at TA's autopsy and the photos - it was rather obvious to me what went down. I think she shot him last, probably due to the gurgling and thinking "He won't die!". This was an ambush.

I still maintain that she took her own nude photos and planted them.
On Dr. Drew...

Katie Wick thinks JA may have a headache because she's had her nose in a coloring book for two days. However she doesn't really think she's sick.


KW really said that? LOL!! I thought I read somewhere she wanted a job in journalism? I liked Beth Karas.
This is just perfect! Thanks for helping to keep the absurdity of the DT in our minds, while we put up with their mind-numbing, foolish and inept cross, and, the endless mind games of the defendant, the prototype of a psychopath.

Passing this forward for anyone like myself, who can never keep up or catch up, even in one thread, with all the interesting comments to read here. :seeya:

I don't know if someone already posted this - but I just saw it today for the first time. I think it's hilarious and looks just like Arias.

Mods - please delete if inappropriate.

Likewise, my doctor doesn't think it's migraines because Excedrin contains caffeine, so he thinks it's caffeine withdrawal, but I don't have caffeine everyday and my symptoms do fit migraines, they are that bad that my head feels like it wants to explode and I can't tolerate any light or noise. And I barf, which helps relieve the pain. My triggers are: hormones, barometric changes in the weather/cold, and not eating enough carbos.

Are you a human barometer too?:facepalm:

I'm sorry... it really sucks!
Weather affects me but I was caught off guard once.

My son was hospitalized with chicken pox... he had swollen joints and his "pox" were bigger than half dollars. (I know weird)
We were in a reverse isolation room with it's own circulation "system"
at the children's hospital.

When we left after being there 5 days... I got the SICKEST I HAVE EVER BEEN...
apparently they somehow have a different pressure in these rooms...
It didn't affect me when entering but geez... I barely made it home before I got the worst migraine EVER!!!
As many times as ALV reverently mentioned Lenore Walker, she just know she was watching NG tonight. Talk about palpitations-inducing. ER, get ready, Alyce is coming.

Speaking of ALV, I missed what happened with her Monday or Tuesday command performance this week. I'm sure it was sealed, but any news on it? TIA
Wearing the wrong prescriptions could potentially cause her to have migraines, but they seem to be more of a fashion prop for her, than actually needing them to see. She took them on and off several times yesterday...

That is what I noticed and at one point yesterday they were at the tip of her nose. She obviously cannot see close up with them on as on several occasions she has taken them off to read something. Assuming, because of her age that she is somewhat near-sighted (cannot see distances) if the glasses are not her prescription, they would do more harm than good.

Although, as I've said, this is more like malingering due to her dislike of the testimony than a migraine.

A personality disorder IS NOT a character disorder, indeed it is not currently known what the underlying cause of a personality disorder is, both genetics and environment may play a part. I think the poster who stated that there is significant bashing of people with personality disorders and mental illness at times on this site is correct. I understand is the heat of emotions over the vicious cruel murder and I hope than no one takes it personally. I have really big ugly man hands (I call them my blacksmith hands) and there is mental illness and personality disorders in my own family (maybe I have one too who knows) but nobody I know has committed any criminal act and certainly not a vicious murder.

I don't know if someone already posted this - but I just saw it today for the first time. I think it's hilarious and looks just like Arias.

Mods - please delete if inappropriate.


:floorlaugh: I am laughing so hard I need my inhaler!
ahhh I can't breathe!!!!

make it stop!!!
that is so funny!!!!!!!!!!
Hi - I posted this in the legal Q&A board and wanted to bring it over here to put this matter to rest so that we don't interfere with the actual topic in here.

I'm an audio engineer. WRT to what JW mumbled: I removed the ambience, isolated JW's voice and i can assure you she did not say B**ch. If anything, she said "you betcha" - answering the Doc's request to see the document. Case closed.

I cannot imagine JW, even as unprofessional as she has acted throughout this trial, saying something like that in open court, with mikes all around her. It would be beyond stupid.

Seeing as she was flipping through exhibits, it's more likely she said something to the affect, "...which" meaning which document she was looking for.

I've been out of town for the last 5 days, and so I haven't been able to closely follow, especially today, but Lenore Walker.....She is a giant in the field of domestic violence, for sure. She has tirelessly toiled on behalf of abused women everywhere, and for that she earns my respect and admiration.

But if I understand this correctly, ALV is the 'expert' witness who is towing Lenore's line, in that, no woman who claims she has been abused or battered should ever be questioned about it. Any woman who claims to be a victim of DV should be believed no matter what. And Jodi Arias is the proof that this is a false policy.

If I'm wrong, straighten me out, please.
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