trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

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To add to what katydid23 replied, from here on out JM is going to bring up witnesses just to make a few quick points. The general theme will be that Jodi lied on the stand about X, and therefore JM's claim of premeditation is the only way the jury can see it.

If there was a return transaction for the gas can, the defense would have produced it.
They didn't announce it in court, of course. Jean Casarez claimed tonight on HLN After Dark that she had a reliable source who confirmed that it was a migraine, that they had given JA medication and waited 30 mins, then recessed.

I hold that Judge accountable for all of this mess. The judge set the precedent of ending court early the very first time JA pulled this stunt. Had the Judge said, give her meds and some crackers and put her back in her chair we are proceeding with court the very first time, the Defense wouldn't be pulling this stunt over and over again. She wasn't sick, Dr. Drews' Jurors said she wasn't sick and they even said that they were sure the Jury knew what was going on too. The Defense thinks they are getting away with this , but they are most certainly NOT.
To add to what katydid23 replied, from here on out JM is going to bring up witnesses just to make a few quick points. The general theme will be that Jodi lied on the stand about X, and therefore JM's claim of premeditation is the only way the jury can see it.

When someone returns something to Wallyword, the cashier crosses out the item that is being returned and gives that receipt back to you usually. On the receipt entered in to evidence, there is NO markings of the gas can being crossed out. Thus, NO return.
I hold that Judge accountable for all of this mess. The judge set the precedent of ending court early the very first time JA pulled this stunt. Had the Judge said, give her meds and some crackers and put her back in her chair we are proceeding with court the very first time, the Defense wouldn't be pulling this stunt over and over again. She wasn't sick, Dr. Drews' Jurors said she wasn't sick and they even said that they were sure the Jury knew what was going on too. The Defense thinks they are getting away with this , but they are most certainly NOT.

I agree with you AND Jodi being unable to participate in her own defense (I'm sure the DT considers this debilitating!) that would look like serious grounds at the mandatory appeal. I just don't think JS is willing to risk it.

I also agree that the jury is getting every bit of this and it only adds to their frustration at the DT (i.e. defendant). I might even guess KN and Wilma tried to get her to stay.

Of course her mind is ready to explode with this witness and I KNOW (having BPD) she can't handle it.

I wondered too, as I just finished listening to today's testimony on youtube. JA is shown talking and standing while holding her large bundle of envelopes and papers, after the judge said an issue had come up. She looks like her regular self, no sign of any kind of distress. No idea where that came from.

I am re-listening to part 2 from today's testimony and Minnie Mouse seems even more shrill and unbearable. I want to hear again what she lied about concerning LW.

JW: Are you aware then with the updated research even LW is not using those six criteria anymore. Are you aware of that?

JD: Those six criteria include PTSD.

JW: Are you aware that LW doesn't even use those six criteria anymore?

JD: That seems inaccurate.

JW: So, you're not aware of that?

JD: That doesn't sound accurate.

Jodi Arias Trial Day 49 Part 2 - YouTube

Is an expert witness,in this case Dr. JD, allowed to do research overnite the accuracy of the defense attorney's statement. Or allowed to refresh her memory concerning the authors and articles she has read?
Is an expert witness,in this case Dr. JD, allowed to do research overnite the accuracy of the defense attorney's statement. Or allowed to refresh her memory concerning the authors and articles she has read?

As an expert I would think so...why not? Especially if it's not related to testimony given by others?

Good legal question!
JW is really trying to mirror Juan's style in cross-exam however, it's ineffective and inappropriate.

And regardless if I'm biased in this case or not----Dr DeMarte is an extremely cooperative, forthright, well-speaking, yes and no witness and there is no need or reason to treat her as a hostile witness as JW seems to be doing.

JW is looking, hoping and fishing for something DD might've said that was incorrect and all that keeps happening is, JW herself, is incorrect. So this technique is not only not fair (and being used on the wrong type of witness) but it's back-firing big time!

If JW thinks she'll have a Perry Mason moment with this particular witness, she is sorely mistaking. Juan is way too thorough to have overlooked a 'fact' that can be later contorted while.....DD is much too professional to candy-coat anything.

I mean, it really doesn't effect my stance on this trial and clearly the jury sees by now how incomprehensible not only Jodi's story but now how her defense team is so desperately trying to throw this trial.
JW is no longer on defensive-mode but instead on offensive-mode and attacking the integrity of a very polite and credible witness. And if this strategy weren't legal then---it would be considered bullying by most!
Good Morning all.
Yes Jodi is NOT taking to the very correct Dr.D at all. She is fuming and now I would say they most likely have her on something which I think is wrong. The jury should be able to see her true colors but I can see it in Jodi's face, she is not taking this all to well hence all the damn scribbling. She has lost her control with Dr.D so figured I will get it back, you just watch. Out sick she goes, nothing wrong with her except as we all know she is psycho.
Dr.D I love you.
I hold that Judge accountable for all of this mess. The judge set the precedent of ending court early the very first time JA pulled this stunt. Had the Judge said, give her meds and some crackers and put her back in her chair we are proceeding with court the very first time, the Defense wouldn't be pulling this stunt over and over again. She wasn't sick, Dr. Drews' Jurors said she wasn't sick and they even said that they were sure the Jury knew what was going on too. The Defense thinks they are getting away with this , but they are most certainly NOT.

I agree with you. This is getting downright ridiculous.
Good Morning all.
Yes Jodi is NOT taking to the very correct Dr.D at all. She is fuming and now I would say they most likely have her on something which I think is wrong. The jury should be able to see her true colors but I can see it in Jodi's face, she is not taking this all to well hence all the damn scribbling. She has lost her control with Dr.D so figured I will get it back, you just watch. Out sick she goes, nothing wrong with her except as we all know she is psycho.
Dr.D I love you.

Well said Farm!!!!!
For every day that the Defense calls off court due to JA's migraines or whatever other fake illnesses she has the jury deliberations will be one hour shorter. That's my theory and I'm sticking with it. ;)
On the other hand this would be a really quick, sort of low hanging fruit witness. From what I've read there are still quite a few people who seem to find the gas cans for driving across the desert to be logical.

What's not logical is "needing" to have 3 gas cans. Here's where is crossing 'reasonable' to me. If it also proves she lied directly to the jury it's another nail...imo :jail:

Exactly its not logical to lie about the third gas can if she needed them for her trip.

Jodi better not play sick today or I will lose it.

I hope someone was keeping an eye on her back at estrella last night. Just a feeling that she would go back there ajd play happy families bragging she fooled us all again

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I love how Dr. Lenore Walker said on Nancy Grace last night that she STILL USES her 6-step. JW told Dr. D that Ms Walker no longer uses it

Hats off to Dr. Lenore Walker!!! :rocker:
I love how Dr. Lenore Walker said on Nancy Grace last night that she STILL USES her 6-step. JW told Dr. D that Ms Walker no longer uses it

Hats off to Dr. Lenore Walker!!! :rocker:

That was so satisfying. Im glad I watched NG I was ready to switch off

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Exactly its not logical to lie about the third gas can if she needed them for her trip.

Jodi better not play sick today or I will lose it.

I hope someone was keeping an eye on her back at estrella last night. Just a feeling that she would go back there ajd play happy families bragging she fooled us all again

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JA's nervousness and insistence during cross that she did not have three gas cans when she went to Mesa (JM asked her something else and she said 'I did not have three gas cans when I went to Mesa') screams of guilt.

Demarte is a good witness and what she says has value for the prosecution but I think it was clear when JM was done with Samuels/ALV's cross that there was no PTSD/Domestic Violence in this case. What she said about fight or flight was huge for me.

Ultimately though it is the pre-murder cover up, the actual murder, autopsy photos and crime scene evidence that will convince the jurors to vote for guilty of premeditated murder.
I wish I could stay up late to watch all this but I have to get up so early I just can't!
Thank You for this site and all you great people.
JA's nervousness and insistence during cross that she did not have three gas cans when she went to Mesa (JM asked her something else and she said 'I did not have three gas cans when I went to Mesa') screams of guilt.

Demarte is a good witness and what she says has value for the prosecution but I think it was clear when JM was done with Samuels/ALV's cross that there was no PTSD/Domestic Violence in this case. What she said about fight or flight was huge for me.

Ultimately though it is the pre-murder cover up, the actual murder, autopsy photos and crime scene evidence that will convince the jurors to vote for guilty of premeditated murder.

Would it surprise you that wallmart have NO record of you returning this gas can?

The look on her face was priceless.
I cant wait for the wallmart and Tesoro witnesses. I hope the DT are pooping their pants

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I wish I could stay up late to watch all this but I have to get up so early I just can't!
Thank You for this site and all you great people.

Oh my gosh, what time is it for you?? It's almost 6 am in MN and I just got up. Must work the night shift??

Happy dreams of a conviction! :seeya:
I cannot imagine how the DT is going to cross the Walmart guy or the Gas Station in SLC guy. I can hear Wilmott now. Mr. Walmart Guy, have you checked the accuracy of your computers? Did you take a complete inventory? Mr. Gas Station Guy. Someone else could have purchased gas at the same time. :floorlaugh:

Remember when Linda Drane Burdick called the Gentevia computer guy to the stand? The type of questions the defense asked him will be as you say nitpickig and grasping at straws. The gas station issue is HUGE for the premediation and the fact that it proves Jodi was not just lying then, she is lying NOW, to the jury, straight faced. Once they are sure of that fact, they will feel certain of the beyond a reasonable doubt measure. This could be just the thing to help the one person on the jury who would otherwise be perhaps a little hesitant about the dp. The fact that Jodi made the purchase was already proved by JM pulling her bank records and matchin up the transaction, and Jodi admitted it was her purchase. What the Tesoro employee is going to testify to is the store of the gas station is closed at that time of day, therefore, she could ONLY have been buying gas, not snacks.

After thinking about it for awhile, I agree there is no need for JM to call Lenore Walker to the stand to add time to this trial. He can resolve this matter in two quick questions on redirect. Thankfully, this witness, unlike Samuels and ALV has confidence in what she is testifying about, and therefore she was unshaken by any of the antics of JW. She has likely been up against many a liar, or many a manipulator both in her work and as a witness and JW was no match for her. She literally wiped out the entire defense case in two hours her first day on the stand. JW looks so desperate, she reminds me of a preteen arguing with a parent and then bursting out into tears when she doesn't get her way. All she is missing is some roller skates for when she does her objections for the remainder of the trial.

Who I am looking forward to is the Medical Examiner bringing this trial back to what it is all about, and a friend or two of Travis. Juan Martinez is famous there for saving the best for his rebuttal cases.
I wish I could stay up late to watch all this but I have to get up so early I just can't!
Thank You for this site and all you great people.

Wow what time is it where you are? Its just coming up for 12noon here

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