trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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Question: totally beyond the scope-
The only thing that doesn't make sense is the shoe print in blood in the bathroom. How did she not track that blood around. If she didn't see she made a shoe print in the blood, how is it not anywhere else in the house?
Any ideas?
I see strippers, *advertiser censored* stars, models, actresses.

Granted, there are some women are below average in chest size, and that is a her own choice if she wants to go up in size.

I just believe that most women who get boob jobs do it for unnatural reasons. moo

BBM Elle, I don't post much but when I see comment like this it makes me upset. So are you saying that woman who get a boob job us their bodies as a tool. In which way? I think that's an ignorant statement! MOO
But I've said from the beginning that these juror questions are useless for reading the jury because 1) The questions are submitted only by some subset of jurors who self-select, and we have no way of knowing what percentage of jurors are represented in the questions and 2) The questions are further screened by the officers of the court. both factors contribute to a process that shapes the questions, both as a body and individually, in ways that preclude them from telling us anything meaningful about where "the jury" as a body is at. JMO

Excellent point. Years ago in a class on crisis management, we read "Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis", a book that examined the Cuban missile crisis from three points-of-view. One was the traditional "great man" view of history, a view that asks what were Kennedy & Krushchev trying to achieve by certain actions. A second POV was from a political perspective and took into consideration allies, enemies, support or dissent within the respective governments, etc.

The most fascinating treatment was the third perspective, it was one which dealt with the systems that produced the information each government needed when deciding what action to take. Reports come through certain channels, long-standing patterns of analysis are employed that attach degrees of importance to various facts, summaries remove detail which the editor deems of less importance, etc. it's an excellent way to think about how information is transmitted and processes and its role in decision-making. Your statement about the jury questions is very much in this mode of analysis.
BBM Elle, I don't post much but when I see comment like this it makes me upset. So are you saying that woman who get a boob job us their bodies as a tool. In which way? I think that's an ignorant statement! MOO

Many women do it for their own self worth or self esteem...or they are cancer survivors. Many are normal, everyday women. Not all are strippers, *advertiser censored* workers, JA's, etc.

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Many women do it for their own self worth or self esteem...or they are cancer survivors. Many are normal, everyday women. Not all are strippers, *advertiser censored* workers, JA's, etc.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

Although I'm not an expert in this area, but I agree.
Question: totally beyond the scope-
The only thing that doesn't make sense is the shoe print in blood in the bathroom. How did she not track that blood around. If she didn't see she made a shoe print in the blood, how is it not anywhere else in the house?
Any ideas?

She did it all barefoot until the end.
Or she wore his clothing and shoes and those were the items in the wash. I tend to believe she wore his clothing. If you look in the photos not even a cap for the hairspray was moved! So there wasn't much of a struggle. If he was fighting her like she claims, the robe next to the shower, the flimsy cap to the hairspray and the stuff on the counter would have been moved about. This was very calculated, which is why I don't think this is her first kill.
Question: totally beyond the scope-
The only thing that doesn't make sense is the shoe print in blood in the bathroom. How did she not track that blood around. If she didn't see she made a shoe print in the blood, how is it not anywhere else in the house?
Any ideas?

I'm thinking she splashed water down on the floor to wash away footprints and that one just got missed.

The thing for me is this, I think in the foot picture, she has a shoe on and her foot isn't facing to the right, but it's her left foot under Travis or facing close to the wall. It appears in that picture that her left shoe is on because there's a bump right above the heel that is indicative of a rim of a shoe. You also see her left shoe print on the baseboard of the shower, right beneath the door hinge.

My guess is that she got knocked out of her right shoe during the struggle. She might have been in a sock and a shoe.
Maybe it's different in my neck of the woods.

I'm a normal, everyday woman. (or at least i'd like so and getting older).

I just wouldn't do it personally, the same way people feel about tattoos I guess?

Many women do it for their own self worth or self esteem...or they are cancer survivors. Many are normal, everyday women. Not all are strippers, *advertiser censored* workers, JA's, etc.

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Well aware of the professions/credentials of ALV, Samuels and DeMarte. I only referenced Alyce because she made extensive use of the words patterns and context in her long, drawn out testimony--and she was only able to see patterns when disparaging Travis.

Agreed...but that's why the hiring of witnesses of different stripes is important and in some cases silly. Alyce is good at what she does, no doubt, but the only business she had in this trial, and the only reason she was there, was for the most recent domestic violence angle.

The patterns reference--JW is not doing well with this from witness to witness.
[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Just heard on Scanner: Suspect in the photos with the white hat is at large in Brighton.[/FONT]

It's him you guys. I just got the photo and text "Homeland just swept the apartment.. it's him.". He's on the run tonight. Be safe everyone!
O/T.. this dude has been missing for 2 week and is a suspect in the Boston Bombings? And you know who he is?

It's him you guys. I just got the photo and text "Homeland just swept the apartment.. it's him.". He's on the run tonight. Be safe everyone!
Maybe it's different in my neck of the woods.

I'm a normal, everyday woman. (or at least i'd like so and getting older).

I just wouldn't do it personally, the same way people feel about tattoos I guess?

Well you'd hate me. I'm covered in tattoos (I'm in my avatar) and I have fake *advertiser censored*. lol. I had the tattoos done at 30 for my own reasoning (and no, besides the GERM tattoo on my neck - the band- nothing means squat) and my *advertiser censored* done at 22 because I had children so freaking young and I hated what I was left with (see: nothing). I have a square job but I am nude all over the internet - so it does help. But, I get a lot of unnecessary hate from men and women regarding them - and hired a lot less for screen tests and other things. Double edged sword.
O/T.. this dude has been missing for 2 week and is a suspect in the Boston Bombings? And you know who he is?

I don't know him, I know his roommate.

Since I don't want to keep derailing - he's been arrested. Here is what I have..


UPDATE 1:01 am EST: Holy ****, something's happening at MIT. Three officers shot and two "Middle Eastern" Men firing at them with police and grenades."
Yes. Right now according to what I know, he is. CBS is running the story, according to my friend who gave him up and did the interview. They used a photo he had as well.

I just looked at the photos being rerun on ABC news---and he does look like the one in the white ball cap.

So surprising to me as I was reading his MISSING STUDENT forum here when he went missing. I thought he seemed suicidal and was worried he was in a lake somewhere.
Yeah, and I can't believe the camping story, imo Jodi was preparing to run. No way do I buy she was going on this trip. It was a cover for the run to the border. She used the trip as a reason as to why she had packed up most of her *****.

I cannot believe this jury believes she thought a "logical" response to even her "version" of events with TA on the 4th, justifies her packing up two concealed knives and a concealed gun in her rental car.

Why not just not go if you are that concerned?
I don't think she was running for the border either- Scott Peterson and OJ- yes, her-no, I think she was headed back to off Mimi.
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