trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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:seeya: I think this is a very good possibility ...

Jodi is a "manipulative sneak" and I would NOT be surprised IF she stole the ring -- using it to "play games" with Travis ...

Oh, was the ring ever found ? Could she have "pawned" it ?


I questioned that awhile ago. I don't think she would have pawned it locally, (but for Jodi what is local, she's all over the place!) Maybe she gave it to Matt or Darryl to pawn/sell for her.

I heard that JA gave Darryl a DVR player. If so, is that he DVR stolen from her grandparents house? Anyone....tia
Okay, I went back and suffered through a little bit of JA testimony on day 14. Here's the timeline:

In September of 2001, while working at Applebee's in Ashland, OR, JA found out about Matt cheating on her with Bianca. She immediately drove 1.5 hours to confront Bianca at the Lodge at Crater Lake. Jodi and Matt broke up a few days later in Medford.

In October, 2001, Jodi left the southern Oregon area. Jodi got a job as a server in the restaurant at Ventana Inn and Spa in Big Sur, California. After her interview with Darryl Brewer, Brewer hired her. She was allowed to use the campground with other employees there, and she bought a tent and lived in it. Matt McCartney moved to California and was hired at Ventana about a week later. They then lived together in the tent for two weeks. Jodi said that there were "blurred boundaries" during this time and recalled that they had sex "one time."

During the summer of 2001 Jodi developed a crush on Darryl. In 2002, Jodi took the position of wedding coordinator at Ventana. Darryl resigned his management position after one year, but retained a supervisory job at Ventana. Jodi and Darryl "discovered" their "mutual interest" in early 2002. After a short but unclear period of time, Darryl took another step down to become a server. They began dating while Jodi and Darryl were both still living in staff housing in separate apartments.

Jodi worked at Ventana for 3.5 years.

Darryl and Jodi bought a house together in Monterey in 2005.

Redundant disclaimer: This is all coming from the mouth of Jodi, so you know that a large percentage of it may not be true at all.

I thought it came out that Matt had already broken up with Jodi and moved on to Bianca. Jodi reacted, just like she did with Travis.

Another thing, Somehow..if true, I heard that all of these guys were connected either by being room-mates (Bobby-Matt)?, boss-employee (Darryl-Matt-Jodi) and Jodi until Travis. Jodi still living with Darryl when she met Travis, which the DT downplays so, so well. Where were Jodi's morals?

Perhaps Jodi was playing her "friend-ly" stalker games with Matt in the months before Darryl. The way JW downplays stuff, one can almost see her doing the same with relationships like it is okay.
My own personal opinion, based on nothing, is that the phrase "friends with benefits" came into being as the feminine equivalent of "thinking with the little brain."

I just find it incomprehensible that women today choose to enter into a 'friends with benefits' situation with any man. To me, it is choosing to be devalued as a woman. You are nothing more to him than an oriface, a sperm bank. Sex is SO intimate, bodies are merged. Why would you enter into that unless it is a love relationship? I just don't get it. Get a vibrator, at least you don't feel used by a vibrator.
Because she has shown time and again, that she isn't as smart as she thinks she is.

Buys a gas can with credit card - buys gas for 3 gas cans on credit card
Turns her license plate upside down and gets pulled over
Uses her grandfathers reportedly stolen gun
Takes pictures of herself during commission of crime
Distinctly asks for inconspicuous rental car
Dyes hair during exact crime timeframe
Her lies can't account for most of the most pressing items


Do you really believe that she's intelligent enough to figure out the abilities of a new, technologically advanced camera that isn't hers? NAY!

I don't think she's as smart as she thinks she is. There's no such thing as a perfect crime, and even well-organized perpetrators do forget things/can't think of everything (see Leopold and Loeb). But taking a memory card out of a camera doesn't seem to be a big deal, especially for someone familiar with cameras.
Rebuttal witness wish list:

1. Chris/Sky Hughes
2. Travis' gun enthusiast friend
3. Clancy
4. Matt McCartney

Agree/disagree? I am willing to defend these choices!

1) useful in deconstructing/contextualizing that 2007 email
2) very useful in debunking any idea that TA owned a gun
3) vulnerable/not credible per the jurors
4) not reliable based on his admission that he'd lie for the defendant

If MM was offered total immunity for his testimony and he agreed to give it up 100%, then perhaps. No way to guarantee such a flake would be truthful though. It's a pass, I think.
JA made mistakes that day, some cannot be rationalized because they are mistakes.

She is clumsy, cannot hold down major functions in life like steady living and paying her own bills, she is uneducated and living in a twisted fantasy world.

It is not unfathomable that the camera and many other seemingly planned events were merely more mistakes in another messed up jodi day.
Because it was his. It could have come with it and if it was missing they would be looking for it and would connect that to her. She thought she erased it. I think it shows just how she was NOT a real photographer. I would think if I erased them then washed the whole darn thing it would be gone for good. Corrupted. How many times have we done this by accident and mourned the loss of the pictures.

I don't think she forgot a thing. She planned this whole thing.. Takes the knife and gun, washes the sheets, knows that washing a camera will destroy it.. She deletes the pictures thinking that and washing the camera are enough...

She did really good clean up considering the fog.... ;)

I think (personally) that she reformatted the card - which deletes everything on a SD card. I believe that's her 'superior camera-taking intelligence' working. When she talks about the camera aspects, she's clearly hiding a secret that no one has discovered. All of her behavioral 'tells' indicate glee.

(I am an investigator by profession, besides all of the courses I've taken - after years of interrogation experience, it is second nature to be able to read responses and behavioral indicators of deception and hot-spots).
just listening again to JW try to cross examine JDM. wants to use the 'anger subscales.'

JDM: 'that would be an inappropriate use of the MMPI.'

JW: 'well, let's take a look at them anyway.'

JDM: 'they're uninterpretable.'

and JW plows on!!

A true 'WTF' moment!
I thought it came out that Matt had already broken up with Jodi and moved on to Bianca. Jodi reacted, just like she did with Travis.

Another thing, Somehow..if true, I heard that all of these guys were connected either by being room-mates (Bobby-Matt)?, boss-employee (Darryl-Matt-Jodi) and Jodi until Travis. Jodi still living with Darryl when she met Travis, which the DT downplays so, so well. Where were Jodi's morals?

Perhaps Jodi was playing her "friend-ly" stalker games with Matt in the months before Darryl. The way JW downplays stuff, one can almost see her doing the same with relationships like it is okay.

Yes, I believe she was stalking Matt after they had broken up.

There's an obvious overlap of time where JA confronted Bianca and left Oregon in the autumn, while she states she developed her crush on Brewer in the summer. I just typed it like she said it.

Wilmott is permanently on my fecal roster for playing games with Dr. DeMarte on the dates in this stupid, most likely fictional boyfriend timeline "evidence."
As to Mr. Nurmi - I'm thinking he was thinking if he needs a head shrink expert in the future, Dr. DeMarte would be a good choice. Much of my :floorlaugh: coincided with Nurmi's, I was :floorlaugh: at Ms. Wilmott's shrill little voice and dumb comebacks, such as because Travis is dead you didn't try to find out how he felt. Ms. Wilmott had some rare moments during her not so well put together cross. I howled especially loud when Dr. DeMarte told Ms. Wilmott she could not answer one of her questions as yes or no and Ms. Wilmott said "that means no" and the good Doc just responded no it can't be answered by yes or no. I realize a trial should be a serious event, but this cross conducted by Ms. Wilmott was much closer to the 3 Stooges "Who's of First" skit, than a real cross examination.

Yeah, she was trying way too hard to be Juan but she didn't do it right. That line of questioning about Travis not being alive was so much fail. It was her attempt at a "we cant subpoena God" moment. But all it did was remind everyone that Travis isn't here to tell his side of the story and that the defense spent 3 months taking his words out of context. Great job willy.
But why wouldn't she remove the memory card, just to be safe? As a "photographer" she would know better. I think it was something she forgot about in her rush to get out of dodge.

ahhhh because she wasn't a real "photographer". Even a real photographer would believe if you throw a camera in the washer with bleach, the camera and memory card would be damaged.


Now I'm really hungry!!
Originally Posted by SamuraiPie
Rebuttal witness wish list:

1. Chris/Sky Hughes
2. Travis' gun enthusiast friend
3. Clancy
4. Matt McCartney

Agree/disagree? I am willing to defend these choices!

1) useful in deconstructing/contextualizing that 2007 email
2) very useful in debunking any idea that TA owned a gun
3) vulnerable/not credible per the jurors
4) not reliable based on his admission that he'd lie for the defendant

If MM was offered total immunity for his testimony and he agreed to give it up 100%, then perhaps. No way to guarantee such a flake would be truthful though. It's a pass, I think.

3) Was Clancy deemed not credible by the jurors? Please let me know if I missed something! If so, Clancy could easily be switched out with another character witness for Travis, or someone else who witnessed JA's cray-cray
4) I think the fact that MM would lie for the defendant is very telling--JM could bring that out on direct. Cross would be a landmine for the defense. Also, I really want to hear more about the secret message in the magazine...
Folks: here is a little reminder on the rules that are at the start of every thread (esp rule number 3)

3) NO OFF COLOR OR SEXUAL JOKES PLEASE- which would include sexual innuendo using the word '*advertiser censored*' and restroom humor
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