There is no vengeance in the statement of the Steenkamps..." Roux congratulates Steenkamps, admits admiration and states they do not want vengence.
(Steenkamp's look nonplussed. Feels like the suggestion of paid 'blood money non-vengeance'
"Confirming the true emotions, the reports from Scholtz (Weskoppies inept report), Vorster, Hartenberg...confirms [Pistorius] pain."
Um, anyone who did not come forward to confirm their flirtation or sexual relationship with Pistorius while he was in a 'serious' relationship should do so now if they want to believe in equitable justice.
Roux says shockingly: "No punishments can be worse than the last 18 months."
His voice dips...tellingly showing EVEN ROUX doesn't believe his spinning and this deceit.
Every 150, 000 prisoner in the SA justice system drops their jaw. Society says *b----- don't kill my vibe*