GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #12

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The weather was unseasonable cool the day she disappeared. Everyone was talking about being able to get outside for a change. I'm in Texas too.

Agreed. Many kids were out and about that day on my street. Adults were out cutting grass and other yard work taking advantage of the weather. I'm at a corner so that might have been the source of my wind but the wind was blowing that day. While it was not by any means really cool outside it was a nice change from normal Texas heat. Do not think it even hit the 90s that day.

I'm like a fish out of water on most days outside. Feel like I'm about to shrivel up like Spongebob going into Sandy tree dome without his water helmet but I did good on that day. Went outside today got a migraine within 5 minutes of being out.
It seems at some point that Tyler dropped out of high school.

Ryan Brunn was allegedly 'homeschooled' (according to his language/grammer skills, not homeschooled well.), but all indications show he quit doing anything 'high school' and did not graduate. I believe he may have attained a GED eventually.

What about Austin? Was he still in school?

There was something different about his schooling. Did he go to an alternative school for awhile?
Walking a mile with 50 pounds probably can be done by a guy in great shape. I do not see TH as that guy. Riding a bike-- same thing.

It seems like LE would know the identity if every car.

This crime is so horrific that people will be calling in the tips on the cars in question.

I wonder what the hold up is? Not enough info for a search warrant?

We did not know that TH had been to the police station until after the shooting. So things go on that we do not know about. Suspects could be interviewed and we do not know.

The only way she was brought to the spot is by car.

Let's say he used the KIA? What evidence could there be in the car? She was in a tarp, etc.

bbm: Very true. One thing I'd like to know is whether possibly there also is home-security camera evidence of any kind from nearer the area where Alanna's body was left.
If TH had access to a car, why did he tarp her body? Wouldn't a garbage bag be enough to conceal her?
IMO, TH is lazy. I don't see him carrying her any distance. My smaller in weight grandbaby is heavy when sleeping and hard to pick up and move. TH reminds me of a giant cheeto with no muscle tone from lack of exercise. Furthermore, I do believe somewhere in whatever route he would have taken there would be video surveillance that LE would have and they wouldn't have been inquiring about other vehicles.

I also just want to touch on speculation that TH may have taken her because he didn't think anyone would notice her missing for quit a while. This may be true, but I'm not sure he would think that far ahead. I think she was convenient. Even if they had started looking for her right away he could have had her confined and he wouldn't have had to answer the door. They would need a search warrant to access the home if he refused to allow them entry.


OMG, can you imagine? This poor man. I haven't looked him up at all, and don't intend to, but I believe someone said he was married with children. So, a few years ago he gets slammed with this request for back child support, I'm sure his wife was thrilled with that! And now this? Holy Toledo, that SUCKS!! I'm just sitting here imagining how I would feel if a letter showed up in our mail box one day and some high school sweetheart of my husband's who I'd never heard of, and he hadn't mentioned in a decade or so of marriage tells him he has a kid he doesn't know exists, and by the way…*that same kid is going to start getting a big chunk of MY household budget, which is going to influence my own childrens' lifestyle. Wow. That's some bad news. Poor poor man.

O/T for sure. I am sorry for his family, but he chose to have sex with someone. Sex that resulted in a chid. He was older than KH so not a teen.

I don't know why she did not sue earlier, but I think if you are NOT on welfare, you have to pay for a lawyer and court costs to handle it? I do not know.

It appears that she was a single mother, working full time, raising a kid and not living on welfare. That is what society expects.

I feel for single mothers who are castigated while the fathers go on to live whatever carefree life they want.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this. But I have wondered from the start if the tarp could have fallen out of a truck driven by someone who didn't even know it was there. At this point, though, I think it was transported by an accomplice.
If TH had access to a car, why did he tarp her body? Wouldn't a garbage bag be enough to conceal her?

It would have to be a really, really strong garbage bag, OMO, I think the tarp made for much sturdier transporting, belt held it all together. He truly is a dummy, left his DNA inside her and used his own belt.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this. But I have wondered from the start if the tarp could have fallen out of a truck driven by someone who didn't even know it was there. At this point, though, I think it was transported by an accomplice.

Tarp was wrapped around her, secured with a belt. Kids that found her unwrapped the tarp to see what was inside.
If TH had access to a car, why did he tarp her body? Wouldn't a garbage bag be enough to conceal her?

I think there are several possibilities here. 1) She was tarped to avoid getting blood/fluid/hair/trace evidence on whatever transportation took her to where she was dropped off; or 2) She was tarped to conceal her as much as possible from possible onlookers (garbage bag is more flexible than tarp and outlines maybe more readily distinguished; 3) She was tarped to make her easier to carry; 4) TH (or whoever) was trying to put as much "distance" between AG's dead body and him/herself. #4 is more psychological than anything else.

IMO only.
O/T for sure. I am sorry for his family, but he chose to have sex with someone. Sex that resulted in a chid. He was older than KH so not a teen.

I don't know why she did not sue earlier, but I think if you are NOT on welfare, you have to pay for a lawyer and court costs to handle it? I do not know.

It appears that she was a single mother, working full time, raising a kid and not living on welfare. That is what society expects.

I feel for single mothers who are castigated while the fathers go on to live whatever carefree life they want.

There are state run child support offices who will help enforce court-ordered child support - garnish paychecks, intercept tax returns etc. I do feel bad for GG for reasons I can't say here but suffice it to say, his week was NOT off to a good start when TH pulled the trigger (I assume we all know why and simply are not discussing). Poor man.
O/T for sure. I am sorry for his family, but he chose to have sex with someone. Sex that resulted in a chid. He was older than KH so not a teen.

I don't know why she did not sue earlier, but I think if you are NOT on welfare, you have to pay for a lawyer and court costs to handle it? I do not know.

It appears that she was a single mother, working full time, raising a kid and not living on welfare. That is what society expects.

I feel for single mothers who are castigated while the fathers go on to live whatever carefree life they want.

My uncle found out he had a daughter when she was in her 30's when she tracked him down. Her mother never told him that had a child together, they dated briefly before he met my Aunt and then went separate ways. To say he was shocked is an understatement.
O/T for sure. I am sorry for his family, but he chose to have sex with someone. Sex that resulted in a chid. He was older than KH so not a teen.

I don't know why she did not sue earlier, but I think if you are NOT on welfare, you have to pay for a lawyer and court costs to handle it? I do not know.

It appears that she was a single mother, working full time, raising a kid and not living on welfare. That is what society expects.

I feel for single mothers who are castigated while the fathers go on to live whatever carefree life they want.

We're assuming that TH is indeed GG's son. I wonder if there was a paternity test. Was there one mentioned anywhere? Maybe KH just decided to go after GG for child support because they dated around that time so the story would be believable. Don't know why, if KH was sure TH was GG's, that she wouldn't have gone after him long before she did. "Thinking" out loud here.
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