GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #13

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It is curious to me why the search warrant would say female child clothing instead of identifying the actual clothing.

Perhaps none of the parents were exactly sure what she was wearing that day?
Absolutely fantastic suggestion! Thank you!

Re, what she was wearing that day: IIRC, a pink tee and shorts. Don't know the color of the shorts. Still not 100% clear whether those were found yet or not.

(There was reference to her "clothes" being wet when she was found, but she was found wearing purple panties.....ugh, just had a thought - hope that was what she left in based on SW @ TH's - anyway.......nothing clear as to whether "clothes" meant only the panties or that the rest of her outfit was with her).

A pink tshirt? I wonder if I can change my user name so I can have a different persona. This one does not feel ok anymore (just saw the watch on Dora's wrist too.) Anyone know?
We don't know the reasons why mom did not go for child support earlier.

My opinion is if you play, you pay.

Having sex has results sometimes.

Dos that not apply to her, as well? It's her body, she can use birth control. If he REALLY didn't know that there was a son out there...why should he have to pay back support? Because, he didn't use protection? Well, that goes both ways. She didn't use protection either, and could have filed right away. Women either want equal rights, or they want special treatment. We can't have it both ways. Equal rights says, that she is EQUALLY responsible, and she failed to be responsible and report that he had a child. In her case, I don't think she deserves the back support.

In fact I think she violated HIS rights as a father, by not sharing this information to him. It seems like she only shared when she wanted the money.
Boyd Texas where mom was living with TH as a youngster has only 1350 people. I would thnk someone would notice she was pregnant and mention it to her ex bf?

I think the father has known for at least 4 years. I wonder why he did not sue for visitation?
There is a sonic not far from Saginaw that doesn't have carhops. It only has a drive through, and is eat in. It's so weird, and the only one I've seen like that.

Where is it? The only ones I have seen around here are the normal kind.
Dos that not apply to her, as well? It's her body, she can use birth control. If he REALLY didn't know that there was a son out there...why should he have to pay back support? Because, he didn't use protection? Well, that goes both ways. She didn't use protection either, and could have filed right away. Women either want equal rights, or they want special treatment. We can't have it both ways. Equal rights says, that she is EQUALLY responsible, and she failed to be responsible and report that he had a child. In her case, I don't think she deserves the back support.

In fact I think she violated HIS rights as a father, by not sharing this information to him. It seems like she only shared when she wanted the money.

I believe child support is for the child?

We do not know why she did not ask for support before. Maybe he flew under the radar. No job so he could not be traced . Maybe he had other issues. We do not know.

My husband had a business and he often had to take child support out of guy's paychecks. Oh how they would whine. They were not happy about giving money to the women. Um. It is for the child, housing, food , clothing , etc.
Boyd Texas where mom was living with TH as a youngster has only 1350 people. I would thnk someone would notice she was pregnant and mention it to her ex bf?

I think the father has known for at least 4 years. I wonder why he did not sue for visitation?

Do we know that he still lived there during her pregnancy? I've not read much about the father, so I'm not sure. Also, I've come across a good amount of women over the years, that hid their pregnancies. (Incidentally, they were mostly teens.) My own mother hid the pregnancy of my oldest sibling from my father. Actually, she hid it from everyone. Her mom didn't even know about it, until the hospital called her when complications happened.

I'm not saying she did that, but it's a possibility. It's also possible he did not live there. Lots of things are possible. Unfortunately, we are not privy to those details. The only facts we have, are she didn't go for child support until he was 15 years old.
It is curious to me why the search warrant would say female child clothing instead of identifying the actual clothing.

Perhaps none of the parents were exactly sure what she was wearing that day?

I think they knew -- since some description was on the scanner thread, etc. (Or maybe Alanna was one of those kids -- I've known a few! --that get in spells where they like to run in now and then and change clothes, for no particular reason -- so they weren't absolutely sure that what they last remembered her wearing was what she went missing in.)

Also, I get the feeling that maybe, for some reason, LE has not wanted to describe the clothes too specifically...? Just IMO. (And, if true, that could be for the simple reason that they have already been found, OR it could be for some other reason.)
I believe child support is for the child?

We do not know why she did not ask for support before. Maybe he flew under the radar. No job so he could not be traced . Maybe he had other issues. We do not know.

My husband had a business and he often had to take child support out of guy's paychecks. Oh how they would whine. They were not happy about giving money to the women. Um. It is for the child, housing, food , clothing , etc.

Of course, it's for the child. However, the money is facilitated through the parent. Ultimately, the money goes to parent for the child, and hopefully they actually use it that way.

Like I said, she had 15 years to ask for support. I don't think women should be able to snap their fingers, and get years and thousands of back support. It's on THEM if they don't ask. Unless a gun is held to their head or they feel in danger of asking, it's her fault those years were not paid into.

*Not that I'm blaming her for wanting support for the child. I'm not, at all. I just don't think it's a good system to force people to back pay, for a child they were not even aware of. They are being punished financially, for knowlege they didn't have. I DO think they should be held financially responsible, but should not have to pay back 15 years they didn't know about.
A pink tshirt? I wonder if I can change my user name so I can have a different persona. This one does not feel ok anymore (just saw the watch on Dora's wrist too.) Anyone know?

I think it can be done but it may be a process ... why don't you pm a mod and ask, if you really feel uncomfortable.

Or you could just let your little gal stand, in honor of Alanna. Wouldn't be surprised if she liked Dora!
Where is it? The only ones I have seen around here are the normal kind.

By near...I mean about 25 minutes. It's in Grapevine, by the mall. I don't think he worked there, obviously. It's just strange to have a sonic with no car hops!!
Yes, he will have to pay it all back. Tyler can be 30 years old and the dad still may be paying the back child support because he also has to pay current child support as well until Tyler turns 18.

Which is awful imo since he didn't even know he had a child in the first place.

If he had known he was a dad to TH when he was born maybe TH wouldn't have turned out the way he has.

Often it is way too late for a relationship when so many years have past.

I feel sorry for this father.

He wanted to have a relationship with Tyler once he found out he had a son. Now all Tyler has done is brought him misery, shame, and pain.

I don't feel sorry for him at all. He helped create the child. At least TH's mom was trying to see him after all of this. I think most parents would be horrified but would still love their child.

Glenn Geisen says...

Geisen said he is continuing to pay back child support for his son but after hearing of Holder’s charges, is no longer interested in meeting him.

“If those accusations are true, I don’t even want to acknowledge that he is my son,” Geisen said.
I don't feel sorry for him at all. He helped create the child. At least TH's mom was trying to see him after all of this. I think most parents would be horrified but would still love their child.

Glenn Geisen says...

I don't think that means he doesn't love him, necessarily. It's possible to love someone, and not have anything to do with them. I love my sister, but she did some horrible things. She is no part of my life, but I do love her.

Love, acceptance, and acknowledgement can all stand alone. They are not mutually exclusive.

We also don't know her motivations. She could be motivated by guilt, denial, and shock...more then love. (I'm in no way saying she is, but we don't know her motivations or intentions.)

I'm not completely sticking up for the dad. I'm sure he's made his fair share of mistakes, as well. However, people say stupid things in grief. He might not have even meant it. If he did, we should not assume he doesn't have love.
I don't think that means he doesn't love him, necessarily. It's possible to love someone, and not have anything to do with them. I love my sister, but she did some horrible things. She is no part of my life, but I do love her.

Love, acceptance, and acknowledgement can all stand alone. They are not mutually exclusive.

We also don't know her motivations. She could be motivated by guilt, denial, and shock...more then love. (I'm in no way saying she is, but we don't know her motivations or intentions.)

I'm not completely sticking up for the dad. I'm sure he's made his fair share of mistakes, as well. However, people say stupid things in grief. He might not have even meant it. If he did, we should not assume he doesn't have love.

Of course you're right Blue, he could love him. I have a hard time understanding that since he hasn't met him.

She on the other hand, changed his diapers and kissed his booboos. Even if she knew he wasn't turning out the way she hoped, she must be completely devastated.
Of course you're right Blue, he could love him. I have a hard time understanding that since he hasn't met him.

She on the other hand, changed his diapers and kissed his booboos. Even if she knew he wasn't turning out the way she hoped, she must be completely devastated.

I wasn't trying to imply that she wasn't devastated.

I have known people who never knew they had a child, until years after that child had died. They still loved the child once they found out. Parents, form love for children they are adopting, before they even know who their child is, or know their face. I don't think love has a proximity, IMO. And, you know...he might not have a scrap of love for him. We just don't know.
I am the biggest advocate for women and their children receiving proper child support. However, this "Mom" doesn't deserve a dime until the time she decided to inform the Bio Dad of his child, 15 years too late. Sorry, she doesn't get any sympathy from me regarding the child support issue. Obviously, she knew who the Dad was and didn't inform him of HIS rights! He had the right to know about this child from the time of conception. I will trust his word until proven otherwise!

The Bio Dad DID try to get in touch with his son once he learned of paternity, but the child support office wouldn't give him any information. All they wanted was the $. They didn't care about his right to be a father for 15 years. Shame on the "mother" for not allowing this father to make a choice in this kids life, things may have turned out different.

How can you "love" a child when you do not know them? Then, you find out your "child" is a disgusting, sexual, murdering predator? I wouldn't be able to find any love in my heart for someone I don't know. I would have a hard time finding love in my heart for my own child if he did this to a beautiful, helpless, little girl and I have been his Mommy every single day of his life. All these women scream that a Daddy is something that is earned, yet they expect this guy to have feeling for a monster and pay up without ever knowing he was a "Dad". I don't get it.

The "father" is a victim too! :twocents:
Of course, it's for the child. However, the money is facilitated through the parent. Ultimately, the money goes to parent for the child, and hopefully they actually use it that way.

Like I said, she had 15 years to ask for support. I don't think women should be able to snap their fingers, and get years and thousands of back support. It's on THEM if they don't ask. Unless a gun is held to their head or they feel in danger of asking, it's her fault those years were not paid into.

*Not that I'm blaming her for wanting support for the child. I'm not, at all. I just don't think it's a good system to force people to back pay, for a child they were not even aware of. They are being punished financially, for knowlege they didn't have. I DO think they should be held financially responsible, but should not have to pay back 15 years they didn't know about.

Well said!
This is IMO But I'm not real sure I likey this Mom.
I don't know enought about the Mom to like or dislike her. I want to know what she knew and when. I want to know if she knew what was going on in her home. I know she is considered a victim, but I am just nosy and want to know. Certainly, I want to know if TH had accomplice and how in the hello that beautiful girl ended up in the gutter. :furious:
I don't know about the Mom to like or dislike her. I want to know what she knew and when. I want to know if she knew what was going on in her home. Certainly, I want to know if TH had accomplice and how in the hello that beautiful girl ended up in the gutter. :furious:

I would like to know, from all of what we know, why she did not know what was going on in her home? As far as we know she lived there too.
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