TX - Botham Shem Jean, 26, killed when police officer entered his apartment, Dallas, Sept 2018 #3

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Good grief! This article says she worked 13.5 hours. How can there be soooooo much inconsistency about something so simple????

Couldn't agree more. I wonder about this (bbm).
Gugyer, still in her police uniform, arrived at the complex and parked on the fourth floor around 10 p.m., according to the arrest warrant affidavit. She walked into the building and walked down to the fourth floor to what she thought was her apartment.

Isn't the fourth floor garage on the same level as his 4th floor apartment?
Let me explain something to you, if this defense is successful at her getting convicted of mere manslaughter or even acquitted, the ramfications and subsequent "I was tired, sorry I killed you" cases will explode across the country.

Just like the idiotic recent changes in Florida's SYG which does not prevent an armed person from coming up, starting crap with you, provoking you with fighting words, and then killing you claiming they were afraid the victim/you were going whip the stuffing out of them.

Well, the numbers of people who went out looking for a victim and killed them to walk away scot free is alarming and they saw, and continue to see huge increases in questionable SYG killings. RE: Drejka/McGlocktin and many others.

As their law reads, you are denied SYG immunity IF you were in the act of criminal activity at the time. This has appeared easy for Florida law enforcement to forget in its clear language demonstrated by extending SYG claimants strong presumption that they had no prior bad intent and their hands were clean of any wrong doing leading up to the killing.

I personally believe Drejka was in the commission of Disorderly Conduct per their statute that even speaks to morals, civility, and maybe and/or decency. I forgot, look it up. It isn't decent or civil to accost a woman with her small children in tow and to persist while everyone notices the loud spectacle, and over something completely inconsequential harming nobody.

Reality, our courts held for years that to claim any form of self-defense, you could not have any fault for being in the situation resulting in the combat per se which is not the same as an obligation and duty to retreat.

SO, imagine this flies and you're going out to your car, BAM BAM BAM you're dead and your killer exclaims, "OMIGAWD I'M SORRY, I'M SO TIRED I thought that DEAD thief (YOU) was breaking into my car and I was afraid!" Maybe your killer's identical car, or not, was parked next to it or maybe it was parked two levels higher in the garage. Either way, you are dead and your killer gets a slap on the wrist at the worst.

How will that benefit this nation where you can't escape from hearing about multiple many violent killings each and every day?

Thats fine but aren’t opinions here supposed to be based off of what we are presented about a case? And to me, a lot of it seemed more of definite facts, not opinions due to some comments made by posters. But I’m not gonna go back and forth on it. It’s done and over. This is a very emotionally charged case. AND we all want justice.. just some forms of justice vary from what others want.
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I curious, for those who believe she was honest in her claims, what do you think should happen to her? Should she go to prison or not?


Well, anyone that out to lunch, really needs to be out of the gene pool, for at least 20 years.

Note, qualifications for Dallas PD.
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My question is.. do we know for sure that it was HER that called in the complaint? Has the manager of the building shown records that it was Amber that reported the noise?

I posted this a few days ago.

Her neighbor, a Hispanic man in his mid-20s, said she had been cross about him making noise early in the mornings.

He said: ‘She filed a noise complaint earlier on in the day which said that he had been making noise before she leaves for her shift.’”
‘And there were noise complaints from the immediate downstairs neighbors about whoever was upstairs, and that would have been Botham.

‘In fact, there were noise complaints that very day about upstairs activity in Botham’s apartment. Botham received a phone call about noise coming from his apartment from the downstairs neighbor.’

This AGAIN IS NOT the long over due 911 call and the "journalist" just may be irresponsible reporting as facts narratives from anonymous LEO sources (cops are almost always biased in favor of other cops) who may or may not have an agenda to protect Guyger or the DPD for their bumbling antics. However, she did say internal affairs has not yet been put in motion to terminate Guyger, so not a total loss if verifiable yet, more deferring, time-buying bumbling antics.

So let's hear the 911 call and quit teasing with misleading tag lines.

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So the day she complains about noise is the day she goes to his apartment, thinking it is her own.

And misses the many clues (red rug, numbers, etc.)

And just happens to find his door ajar.

And fires at his silhouette twice because he doesn't obey her commands, ending his life...

Nope, doesn't hold together, imho.
Wasn’t there a huge potted plant beside Guyger’s door?

That tall skinny-ish Mother in Law's tongue or whatever was in the 3rd floor hallway and residents stated that the walk to 1378 as opposed to 1478 was very obviously different since many residents personalized the door ways and beside them. I believe it was close to her door but, not at it or hers if my memory serves me.

The point the residents made was that the visuals walking to one place vs the other are quite different and shouldn't escape any reasonable person's notice long before arriving at the "wrong" place.
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And if it was "almost completely dark" in the apartment, to the point that she couldn't tell that she wasn't in her OWN apartment - then she really couldn't tell whether Botham Jean was ignoring or responding to her "verbal commands" or not, yes?

Officer language - she issued verbal commands which he did not follow. How the hell does she know, if it was dark?
Let's not forget the two alarmingly conflicting accounts as found in the sworn affidavit of DPD's detective personally involved in the investigation to obtain a search warrant compared to the Ranger sworn affidavit of arrest warrant's account having details that simply are unreconcilable.

Couldn't see him yet fired only twice, (how could she see he was hit even once?) contrary to her training which teaches her to keep shooting UNTIL SHE KNOWS THE THREAT IS NEUTRALIZED, went in to do blind/dark assessment of his condition to do CPR (when he may have really needed help with stopping the bleeding more) in the dark, called 911 and had to go outside to determine where she was and then allegedly went back inside turning on the lights finally and who knows how much blood he lost prior to the EMT's arrived except he bled for a long way and down 4 flights of stairs.......

How many mistakes, careless acts and slips can the people be expected to believe really and legitimately occured in this uncomical series of supposedly innocent errors, and not just by Guyger, who mistakenly wasn't arrested that night, to hear many explain it?

So the day she complains about noise is the day she goes to his apartment, thinking it is her own.

And misses the many clues (red rug, numbers, etc.)

And just happens to find his door ajar.

And fires at his silhouette twice because he doesn't obey her commands, ending his life...

Nope, doesn't hold together, imho.
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After reading posts that proclaim versions of "I always believe the cop" and "Amber is innocent" I feel free to offer my own opinion.

Guyger is a killer. If she intentionally went to Botham's apartment (as I believe) she is a murderer.

IIRC, not only did he have a bright red rug, she had no rug. Stepping on the rug would be another opportunity for her to turn around and go home. One of many. If she didn't know where she was...


I wholeheartedly agree with this. Thank you so much for your post.

Whether she killed him accidentally with no malice, or whether she meant to murder him because she was angry, she killed him.

He is dead.

No amount of pity for the loss of her career or about her presumed intentions will change that.

A man's life is gone. His entire life is gone. Someone has to be held accountable for that.
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