GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #14 *Arrest*

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Did Christina have a phone charger in her car? If so; Why would she use EA phone 4 times. I don't see a girl using a guys phone to call and text her boy friend. I would think that she would plug her phone to her car charger and text in private. Idk
CM was texting after leaving the party. Then according to the warrant it states EA called and texted HF prior to walking into the garage. When he was asked, he said she must have used his phone.

In regards to HF being over at the Help Find Christina page. Many people are curious about him.

the warrant says he said she never used his phone and he didn't talk to her, then later when they told him txt/calls had been sent from his phone to HF he said she must have borrowed his phone.
I am wondering the same thing. The times match up. But, if so I would think he knew long enough in advance since that story was out to agree to it. Because if woke in the morning, saw the calls and was clearing them, he had to know HF would say something.

Here it says her last 15 calls went to HF. I wonder if these were on her phone then?

At the beginning when she was first reported missing, her dad did an interview and said she was still on his phone plan and that he was therefore able to pull up her phone records from that night. This is when he said that the last 15 calls were made to her boyfriend. So, yes those were from her phone. Although in the statement I'm not 100% sure if he was meaning actual calls or calls and texts. It wasn't clear, but they were definitely from HER phone log that he had access to.
Don't know if he was on time. The warrant does say someone at his job described seeing the bite mark that day and said he said he had bruised ribs. So he was there. Un sure of when.

Christina weighed 95 lbs and was a few inches shorter than EA. How in the world was she able to injure him severely enough that he would have bruised ribs and a limp the next day? Even a car accident that would cause those injuries would have to be bad enough to leave more damage than what's reported to have been on his car.

There are still big missing pieces here.
According to the warrant, "text messages and a phone call were made from his cell phone to HF, Morris' boyfriend, on 8/30/2014 at 0350, 0353, and 0355."

What time were Christina's texts/calls?

according this

publish on 9/18 updated 9/19 information supposedly coming from JM.

-Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”
I think there were either incorrect facts or incorrect reporting early on but I believe the final texts and call to HF was made by CHristina on EA's phone as they were walking to the garage. Guessing her battery had died.

and if he woke up to text like we've always talked about but they were from some strange dudes phone or a random number it certainly doesn't make it any less strange that he didn't think any thing after not hearing from her for four or five days.
Christina weighed 95 lbs and was a few inches shorter than EA. How in the world was she able to injure him severely enough that he would have bruised ribs and a limp the next day? Even a car accident that would cause those injuries would have to be bad enough to leave more damage than what's reported to have been on his car.

There are still big missing pieces here.

she was most likely fighting for her life you'd be surprised what people can do, the bite is obvious, and as far as the ribs it just takes a good kick.
Christina weighed 95 lbs and was a few inches shorter than EA. How in the world was she able to injure him severely enough that he would have bruised ribs and a limp the next day? Even a car accident that would cause those injuries would have to be bad enough to leave more damage than what's reported to have been on his car.

There are still big missing pieces here.

I agree. And since he did not get to work until much later than we first thought, I am not certain that what transpired happened right after they left the garage. My suspicion has always been that they left together to go to another location and something bad happened there, and he had to cover up what happened. I also think others are involved. And not necessarily anyone that we've even mentioned here. That's just my feeling and purely my opinion.
and if he woke up to text like we've always talked about but they were from some strange dudes phone or a random number it certainly doesn't make it any less strange that he didn't think any thing after not hearing from her for four or five days.

Actually, now that you mention it, if that's the case, it makes it MORE strange that he wasn't concerned. Yikes.
Did Christina have a phone charger in her car? If so; Why would she use EA phone 4 times. I don't see a girl using a guys phone to call and text her boy friend. I would think that she would plug her phone to her car charger and text in private. Idk

The last time I got in an argument with a man and I was so mad that I called him a dozen times and he wouldn't answer, I borrowed my friends phone to see if he would answer a call from a number that he wouldn't know was me..... Maybe Christina did the same.
and if he woke up to text like we've always talked about but they were from some strange dudes phone or a random number it certainly doesn't make it any less strange that he didn't think any thing after not hearing from her for four or five days.

How many people actually know the number they are calling on a cell phone?

IME you have the number programmed in but you don't actually remember it esp at 4am when you've been out partying. IMO EA must have had HF's numer stored in his phone (old friends from HS) which might mean that HF also had his number so would know who it was from or, if he didn't have the number, why would he assume it had come from a man's phone? CM could just have easily borrowed one of her girlfriends' phone.

Not sure that that gets us anywhere though
Reading recent comments on the HFCM facebook page and I see that maybe the tide is turning against EA, maybe previous supporters of his are now realising that he hasn't been truthful about his involvement

Very interesting comments by some particular people in a post made on the Find Christina Page. Post titled.... CBS 11 10pm Broadcast.

Hope that I posted it right this time, in accordance with the forums rules.
Very interesting comments by some particular people in a post made on the Find Christina Page. Post titled.... CBS 11 10pm Broadcast.

Hope that I posted it right this time, in accordance with the forums rules.

I think we are both talking about the same posts, they are on the public page so I think it's OK to refer to them as long as we don't actually post them
Just got home from a long day. I tried to keep up when I had time. This new information is damning. I now truly believe he does hold the answers to bringing Christina home. I am still on the fence when it comes to who else is involved. I was still holding out hope that she was still with us and could somehow come home alive. Sadly that hope has slipped away.

Just want to add my opinion on the damage and changing the tires on the car. I have owned muscle cars, dated guys with them and friends have had many. There has been many times I have seen someone showing off and lose control. I am talking about late 80's and newer, those are the cars I have experience with. The first thing that is hit is the curb then whatever else is in the way. The damage can be minimal but just jumping the curb can jam you into the steering wheel.

Go to 1:20 if you don't want to wait.
Well someone knows, and why would EA give the LE false information? IMO it doesn't add up , If you lie about something your are hiding something IMO
Well someone knows, and why would EA give the LE false information? IMO it doesn't add up , If you lie about something your are hiding something IMO

Absolutely and I would love to know why he is lying and who he is protecting if that is the case. JMO
Can't sleep without clearing up my post. In no way am I defending EA. A lot of scenarios are running through my head right now. I don't think I have had enough time to catch up and process all the new info. But The posts about the damage coming from him maybe hitting her with his car is just too depressing for me right now.
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