GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #15 *Arrest*

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I think that if a fight occurred, especially involving others as well, in the garage,there would have been some signs. Also maybe tiny paint chips if a car was damaged, etc...

I can't quite jump to premeditation if it was all EA, as I am baffled by his seemingly casual body manner, walking style, etc. especially if he was drunk. I tend to believe he probably was, if they were out for so many hours.

Anyway I am not into a group scenario as yet either, except maybe a "helper" later. I still think this was a one-on-one crime. Jmo

I believe a fight occurred. But btw EA and Christina. In his car. Based on the cell activity things happened fast in the garage and because LE kept the passenger seat belt & floor mats Christina was in the front seat. I believe EA either (1) offered to drive her to parents in Allen since HF was not responding or (2) the ride in EA's car was supposed to be an out and back drive to show off his car. Hence Christina would not be alarmed at the direction they took away from Ft. Worth.

As to EA's injuries, that would seem to indicate something happened btw them in the car. How the car was damaged and where it fits in? That could have been before, during or after the incident btw them - I can't tell as it may be something not directly related to her disappearance. I still believe EA made a move on or an assault on Christina. Or something she found highly inappropriate or threatening.

I don't believe anyone else was involved unless someone helped after the fact to cover it up. I don't believe it was premeditated.

But just my theory.
Per the warrant:

On 09/10/2014 Detective Courtney Noel of the Plano Police Department interview J P who is an employee who works for Arochi at the Spring Wireless Store in Wylie, Texas. Ponce told Det. Noel when Arochi came into work on 08/30/2014 Arochi looked like "$h!+"; he was walking with a limp and said his ribs hurt. Ponce described the injuries to Arochi's arm and said he saw a bite mark. Arochi told Ponce he was bit during a fit the previous night while at the Shops at Legacy.

This sounds like EA showed up for work on the 30th. He was caught on camera also on 08/30/2014 at approximately 1015 hours from Kroger located at 1212 Bethany, Allen, TX.

What could CM have, possibly, done to EA for him to limp, injured ribs and injuries to his arms?
All 95 lbs of her? Feisty or not, I don't believe CM caused those injuries or the damage to his car. Something else is missing. IMO
What could CM have, possibly, done to EA for him to limp, injured ribs and injuries to his arms?
All 95 lbs of her? Feisty or not, I don't believe CM caused those injuries or the damage to his car. Something else is missing. IMO

I agree.
I believe a fight occurred. But btw EA and Christina. In his car. Based on the cell activity things happened fast in the garage and because LE kept the passenger seat belt & floor mats Christina was in the front seat. I believe EA either (1) offered to drive her to parents in Allen since HF was not responding or (2) the ride in EA's car was supposed to be an out and back drive to show off his car. Hence Christina would not be alarmed at the direction they took away from Ft. Worth.

As to EA's injuries, that would seem to indicate something happened btw them in the car. How the car was damaged and where it fits in? That could have been before, during or after the incident btw them - I can't tell as it may be something not directly related to her disappearance. I still believe EA made a move on or an assault on Christina. Or something she found highly inappropriate or threatening.

I don't believe anyone else was involved unless someone helped after the fact to cover it up. I don't believe it was premeditated.

But just my theory.

This is very much along the lines I'm favouring too.

There just isn't enough time between the video footage and the Camero leaving the garage for anything to have happened in the garage. Offering to take CM for a drive is a plausible IMO

It is hard to believe Christina could have caused all that, even feisty. Regarding a bite mark, guys bite too. Remember when Mike Tyson bit off Evander Holyfield's ear? Yuck. Human bites cause a really nasty infection too. Seems EA would have seen a doctor if the bite was serious - if he wasn't lying about being bitten. He could have really wanted to trump up the "fight story" - something like "yeah, I look like crap, but you should see the other guy" sort of thing.

Yes, I agree that something is missing from the story that night, and not necessarily EA's story, the story in general.

More about human bites:

The most common sign of infection from a human bite is inflammation, which usually develops within eight to 24 hours following the bite. The skin around the wound is red and feels warm, and the wound may ooze pus or a whitish discharge. Nearby lymph glands may be swollen, and there may be red streaks running up the arm or leg from the wound toward the center of the body. Complications can arise if the infection is not treated and spreads into deeper structures or into the bloodstream.

Live disease-causing bacteria within the bloodstream and tissues may cause complications far from the wound site, including transmission of HIV infection . Deep bites or bites near joints can damage joints and bones, causing inflammation of the bone and bone marrow, necrotizing fasciitis, or septic arthritis.

Read more:
It is hard to believe Christina could have caused all that, even feisty. Regarding a bite mark, guys bite too. Remember when Mike Tyson bit off Evander Holyfield's ear? Yuck. Human bites cause a really nasty infection too. Seems EA would have seen a doctor if the bite was serious - if he wasn't lying about being bitten. He could have really wanted to trump up the "fight story" - something like "yeah, I look like crap, but you should see the other guy" sort of thing.

Yes, I agree that something is missing from the story that night, and not necessarily EA's story, the story in general.

More about human bites:

The most common sign of infection from a human bite is inflammation, which usually develops within eight to 24 hours following the bite. The skin around the wound is red and feels warm, and the wound may ooze pus or a whitish discharge. Nearby lymph glands may be swollen, and there may be red streaks running up the arm or leg from the wound toward the center of the body. Complications can arise if the infection is not treated and spreads into deeper structures or into the bloodstream.

Live disease-causing bacteria within the bloodstream and tissues may cause complications far from the wound site, including transmission of HIV infection . Deep bites or bites near joints can damage joints and bones, causing inflammation of the bone and bone marrow, necrotizing fasciitis, or septic arthritis.

Read more:

If you had ever been in a fight for your life then you would fully comprehend the difference when people fight angrily at a bar and when people are fighting for their lives and that they are two completely different things. I firmly believe if Christina was in a fight for her life, she could have easily done that damage to him. If he had been in a fight with a guy at the bar as he told his coworkers, somebody would have witnessed it at the bar, including the guy he allegedly fought and come forward. Not one waitress, bartender, bar back, bus boy or bar patron has said the slightest to defend that statement that he was in a fight at the bar. Not too mention the numerous cameras at all of those bars.
What could CM have, possibly, done to EA for him to limp, injured ribs and injuries to his arms?
All 95 lbs of her? Feisty or not, I don't believe CM caused those injuries or the damage to his car. Something else is missing. IMO

yeah, like someone else IMO
What could CM have, possibly, done to EA for him to limp, injured ribs and injuries to his arms?
All 95 lbs of her? Feisty or not, I don't believe CM caused those injuries or the damage to his car. Something else is missing. IMO

Well obviously there also was some sort of car accident to add into the mix as well. I believe there was damage to a bumper---& if it was a front bumper, was the airbag deployed? Has LE checked? I'm not familiar with 2010 Camaros .... maybe someone here knows if they are equipped with front & side airbags?

So the car accident could contribute to some of EA's injuries but clearly NOT the bite wound. Did LE take pics of it? A lot can be determined from bite wounds---it is evidence.

IMO, the bite wound, the cellphone/texting logs, GPS, & more info from the fellow partygoers (including details about the "missing keys") will help solve this case.

Prayers for CM & her family & supporters. The truth shall prevail.

EA will crack.
Molly is a street name for a rave-type drug. Similar to ecstasy.
I just asked the same thing - I need more coffee or google LOL

Molly is a slang street name for illegal ecstasy ..... I would say that this particular substance is seen in clubs, is an "upper" that gives energy, and has some hallucinogenic properties.

Thanks TCMom and TasteofHoney - maybe I was better off not knowing - that old ignorance is bliss thing UGH
Thanks TCMom and TasteofHoney - maybe I was better off not knowing - that old ignorance is bliss thing UGH

I only know because of a Miley Cyrus scandal a couple of years ago and her songs about Molly - which is way more than I ever wanted to know about Miley Cyrus.
I only know because of a Miley Cyrus scandal a couple of years ago and her songs about Molly - which is way more than I ever wanted to know about Miley Cyrus.

LOL don't blame you on that one
Perhaps I have had too much coffee and Tylenol 3 this morning(found out last night my ankle which I have thought was slightly sprained for past 3 weeks is actually fractured)but I have several different, purely speculative scenarios.

1. EA/CM leave together in his car, he starts driving somewhere which raises her suspicion like the woods, when she gets a chance, struggles with him, jumps out and runs, he hits her with the car, then to try and disguise the damage on his car he does punch/kick it which could explain hands/limp.

2. Basically same as scenario one, except they struggle in car, which causes him to hit something while driving, which further ignites his anger and he kills.

3. He convinces CM he is too wasted to drive, so she drives his car, he gives her directions that lead them to somewhere they won't be seen. They struggle in car, perhaps he gets out to come pull her out of driver seat(I had a car like this for a bit, bucket seats make it really hard to move around in the front and I think it would be nearly impossibly and illogical to pull someone anywhere on that car as there isn't a lot of room), she hits him with car, he gets up obviously enraged and they further struggle until he kills her.

Sorry if these seem loopy, but, in my painkiller induced state right now they all seem logical!

Eta: in number 2 and 3 he would also hit and kick his car to disguise a dent from hitting a person.
Bite mark, bruises on fists, ribs hurt and walking with a limp. There's something about these injuries that's bugging me but I can't put my finger on it. Add in the dented fender which makes it weirder.

Bite mark: obvious explanation. Located on arm, don't know where exactly.

Rib pain: most obvious explanation here would be getting kicked in the ribs. I don't think it's likely Christina could punch a man hard enough to cause that much pain.

Limp: ?? What's most likely to have caused this? Kicking again?

Bruised fists: seems obvious, hitting something. But what? If C was fighting him and he punched her, it wouldn't take but one good blow to the head to knock her out. Bruising would occur after numerous punches rather than just one or two. If he could knock her out with one or two why keep hitting her? Rage, but why would he feel that much rage towards her?

Dented fender: ran into her? If so, how would that scenario have come about? There was a struggle, she got away, he chased her with the car and hit her? A hit hard enough to cause a dent would probably leave blood somewhere. I wonder if blood could be washed off thoroughly enough for luminol not to show positive?

It seems like the injuries are all consistent with a fight but I just don't know if a struggle with Christina would result in what seem to be moderate to severe injuries. But if he wasn't fighting with C, then whom? I feel like we would have heard about a bar fight by now if that was true. Also, his injuries aren't consistent with an accident.

I still feel like there's something missing.

What could CM have, possibly, done to EA for him to limp, injured ribs and injuries to his arms?
All 95 lbs of her? Feisty or not, I don't believe CM caused those injuries or the damage to his car. Something else is missing. IMO

If you had ever been in a fight for your life then you would fully comprehend the difference when people fight angrily at a bar and when people are fighting for their lives and that they are two completely different things. I firmly believe if Christina was in a fight for her life, she could have easily done that damage to him. If he had been in a fight with a guy at the bar as he told his coworkers, somebody would have witnessed it at the bar, including the guy he allegedly fought and come forward. Not one waitress, bartender, bar back, bus boy or bar patron has said the slightest to defend that statement that he was in a fight at the bar. Not too mention the numerous cameras at all of those bars.

IMO, if you watch the video of EA and CM entering the garage, he seems to be staggering. IMO, if you watch the video of EA in his home walking into an office, not sure if he is limping or if it is just the way he walks, IMO, there was some of this in his walk in the first video, too. I want to say "strut," but I don't know if that would be accurate....

Anyways, I have been thinking about the limp and ribs, too.

IMO, Christina very well could have hurt his ribs with some hard kicks. If you look at the new video with the t-shirt, she is doing some mock fight move right before she enters the home.

BUT what if EA fell down.....say an embankment, or twisted his ankle while carrying something heavy and fell down on something else like limbs/brush with his arms full?

IMO, the limp would most likely come from a twisted ankle, damaged knee, deep muscle bruise to the thigh area or a hurt back.

This is all JMO
If you had ever been in a fight for your life then you would fully comprehend the difference when people fight angrily at a bar and when people are fighting for their lives and that they are two completely different things. I firmly believe if Christina was in a fight for her life, she could have easily done that damage to him. If he had been in a fight with a guy at the bar as he told his coworkers, somebody would have witnessed it at the bar, including the guy he allegedly fought and come forward. Not one waitress, bartender, bar back, bus boy or bar patron has said the slightest to defend that statement that he was in a fight at the bar. Not too mention the numerous cameras at all of those bars.

Quite interesting stuff, but did she (the earlier poster you were quoting) say the fight occurred in a bar? EA said that he got into a fight at the Shops, but that certainly doesn't mean he did. I, for one, think it's very possible that he did get into a fight with someone other than CM, but it most certainly did not happen in a bar at the Shops or in the garage.
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