GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #15 *Arrest*

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It is possible that the last text that supposedly came from CM phone was a text that didn't go through till that time. My husband and I text each other all day everyday and sometimes text don't go through when originally sent. Heck there has been times I get his a week later.. just something to think about on the text.
According to the warrant they know two texts and one call was made but we don't know the content of the texts or if anything was said on the call. Certainly the call log would show if the call was a missed call or not. Still anyone can send a text from anyone's cell phone and make it appear as if it is someone else. But that's what I'm saying: unless there is a voice mail with Christina's voice actually recorded. I don't believe that SHE used Arochi's phone.
In the uptownDallasGirl interview with JM the times of the texts sent to HF were very specific. 3:36 and 3:58. It wasn't "around 3:30" or "after being seen on video" and those times were never disputed or corrected. AND those times do not match the times of the calls made from Arochi's phone in the warrant. So I think he made them himself.

Re-posting details on the times texts were sent using Christina's phone.

Thanks. I don't see the actual repair mentioned in the search warrant.

Here's where I found a link to the Warrant. Thanks Mom!

Police have confirmed, via the warrant, that Christina entered the garage around eleven, followed by two cars.

Are there 2 warrants? I'm not seeing that information in the warrant I have. I thought Christina was following Arochi into the garage. . .

See above and below.
You are correct, Christina's car followed Arochi's car into the Legacy garage at
approximately 2322 (11:22 p.m.).

There may be only two cars within this context (we don't know where SB was or how she witnessed the location of where Christina's and EA's cars were parked).

I probably stated "three cars" due to LE referencing earlier the three cars in the garage at the
4:00 a.m. hour, sorry.

pdf. page 3 of 7 - Affidavit for Search Warrant

"Affiant also obtained video from Henry's Tavern parking garage which shows Arochi's Camaro entering the parking garage of Henry's Tavern on 8/29/2014 at approximately 2322, followed immediately by Morris' Toyota Celica. According to Sabrina Boss, both vehicles were parked within close proximity of each other."
But it's said that if one was to dump a body they would do where they are comfortable or where they know, right?
I would think so. Maybe that's why they have been searching Lake Lavon area. My guess is that a kid growing up in Allen knows a few spots to go where no one else goes to very often. Hopefully, the searchers are working off of better intel than that though.
But it's said that if one was to dump a body they would do where they are comfortable or where they know, right?

Yes a place they would remember. A place they have been before.
OK, just so I'm not too far off track the search warrant states 'text messages and a phone call were made from his [EA] cell phone to H***** *advertiser censored****, Morris' boyfriend on 08/30/2014 at 0350, 0353 and 0355.'

So there was ONE phone call and TWO texts? That's the way I read that. I've seen no more mention in the media about the 0358 text or call from Christina's phone recently.
So IF he did take her and hide her did he dig a hole? Where is the shovel? Was it already in his car or location? Or did he buy one maybe at a 24 hour WM since hardware stores are closed during the hours 4 am till sunrise or maybe he went home to get one? However.... what if he kept her in trunk till AFTER work and then took her somewhere. I would think that if unplanned he either didn't dig a hole or he went and bought one if so there are store cameras. So many unanswered questions. ....
It is possible that the last text that supposedly came from CM phone was a text that didn't go through till that time. My husband and I text each other all day everyday and sometimes text don't go through when originally sent. Heck there has been times I get his a week later.. just something to think about on the text.
Also could there have been time discrepancies? Her phone clock could have been a minute forward or behind?
From the search warrant:

" area where SB, a friend of CM who was with her that night, stated EA, CM, and other members of the group had parked. Affiant also obtained video from Henry's Tavern parking garage which shows EA's Camaro entering the parking garage of Henry's Tavern on 8/29/2014 at approximately 2322 (11:22 PM), followed immediately by CM's Toyota Celica."

Seems to me that the information in the search warrant fits with the story vi13 told.

I guess one could interpret the information this way. Between the confusion over what clothing CM was wearing and the impression given of happenstance, I think the report is worth questioning. To me, Christina following closely behind EA (in the warrant) makes it sound as if they arrived at Legacy together.

The version we heard earlier was that 'old friends' just happened to bump into each other, didn't recognize CM at first, etc. Adding the clothing discrepancies put out with the above, everyone is free to think what they want.
Seems too complicated imo.
So IF he did take her and hide her did he dig a hole? Where is the shovel? Was it already in his car or location? Or did he buy one maybe at a 24 hour WM since hardware stores are closed during the hours 4 am till sunrise or maybe he went home to get one? However.... what if he kept her in trunk till AFTER work and then took her somewhere. I would think that if unplanned he either didn't dig a hole or he went and bought one if so there are store cameras. So many unanswered questions. ....
I don't see him digging a hole....IMO. ....
So IF he did take her and hide her did he dig a hole? Where is the shovel? Was it already in his car or location? Or did he buy one maybe at a 24 hour WM since hardware stores are closed during the hours 4 am till sunrise or maybe he went home to get one? However.... what if he kept her in trunk till AFTER work and then took her somewhere. I would think that if unplanned he either didn't dig a hole or he went and bought one if so there are store cameras. So many unanswered questions. ....

I can't help but think if he left Christina in the trunk for that long there would be more forensic evidence left behind. Forensic evidence that might be impossible to clean out. But that doesn't mean he couldn't put her somewhere in a wooded area that morning and come back to bury her which is close to your theory.
People keep trying to fit a round peg into a square hole or make excuses for timing and oddities.
Never can understand the maybe this and maybe that in order to excuse evidence or invent it - I don't know which one.
People keep trying to fit a round peg into a square hole or make excuses for timing and oddities.
Never can understand the maybe this and maybe that in order to excuse evidence or invent it - I don't know which one.

My problem is I feel like I'm in the dark - I can't find the round peg OR the round hole due to the darkness!! I'm hoping tomorrow brings more news.
I like all of you have a head full of thoughts over this. This could have gone in so many different ways its mind boggling. It's possible he pulled over side of road maybe look in gutters or drainage pipes. Need some good search dogs.... just thoughts
Possibly they can get his mileage somehow to see how far he drove that night.. I know probably difficult
Also could there have been time discrepancies? Her phone clock could have been a minute forward or behind?

I think phones are auto synched with time. I know my phone automatically changes when daylight savings time kicks in.

I'm far west of DFW but I have family in Lucas, which is close to Lake Lavon and IIRC, Lavon lake level is really low. I am unsure if this has changed in the last year, but the last time I was in Lucas, Lavon looked awful, like there were no banks to just dump a body. Sorry.
LOL between all the bickering and all the texting im getting confused myself.

I think she sent texts to HF from her phone then her phone died she asked EA to use his phone and continued to text him from his even call. I think her last call or text was from His phone.

How could her phone be used last?

Because we know the times of all five text/call and the two times/texts from Christina's phone railroad the three times calls or texts were sent from EA's phone (all to HF). We just don't know who sent the texts or made the call/s.
I posted a link to the phone info above. CM's phone battery wasn't caput until after EA's phone was used to
contact HF.

Driving Miss :crazy:!

Links are good/most brains (mine) not so much!
Possibly they can get his mileage somehow to see how far he drove that night.. I know probably difficult
Most people don't pay cash for gas. They should be able to back into mileage though from the fillup prior to 8/31 on his credit/debit card. If he had filled up on 8/29 or 8/30, then they'll know that he did quite a bit of driving.
So IF he did take her and hide her did he dig a hole? Where is the shovel? Was it already in his car or location? Or did he buy one maybe at a 24 hour WM since hardware stores are closed during the hours 4 am till sunrise or maybe he went home to get one? However.... what if he kept her in trunk till AFTER work and then took her somewhere. I would think that if unplanned he either didn't dig a hole or he went and bought one if so there are store cameras. So many unanswered questions. ....

Or did he just dump her in a lake.
Most people don't pay cash for gas. They should be able to back into mileage though from the fillup prior to 8/31 on his credit/debit card. If he had filled up on 8/29 or 8/30, then they'll know that he did quite a bit of driving.

I think not using cash for gas is how they found the tape of him at Kroger.
Even if they somehow figured out he drove 90 miles, say, how would that narrow down any search areas? He could have driven in any direction, not to mention maybe driving around aimlessly while trying to figure out what to do. And I imagine like most places, once one takes an exit, there are another bunch of ways they can turn, etc.

But Imo, if she had been in his car, deceased, there would be forensics and certainly he would not have gotten his truck back. Jmo
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