GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #22 *Arrest*

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Can I please see a report from Vet or Dr. that confirms a "bite" ??
Late for Work??? Can I please see the Attendance Report from Sprint?
Can his boss/owner confirm if he had approval to leave the location the morning of 8-30-14 ?
Vacuuming car during work hours? Do we have recorded proof yet? Was he on a break doing this?

But the lies that are verified as a fact such as the route he took home and not walking or conversing with Christina or parking in the same garage...did he just genuinely forget those? Are you giving him an out bc you assume he was too inebriated to recall? I'm choosing to believe those were outright lies, not just memory lapses. Which leaves me wondering why...could be covering up for something bad, but not as serious as a kidnapping/murder...or...he could in fact be covering for something related to that. So do you think he lied or just had a memory lapse?
i'd tend to agree, I mean this more of a drug bust than a small possession charge, but at the same time its not THAT serious (i'm kind of guessing he just got caught selling ethylone to a UI at the club). it's not some rico case. Personally I don't know that it is anymore involved in CMs disappearance than proof that regardless of what CM herself was or was not into (personally i don't care) she was living in the circles of the drug culture and that can often put you in bad situations around bad people. Honestly this is something that anyone that was paying attention already knew. I'm not defending HF I think we've all been plenty suspicious of him all along, but there hasn't been evidence tying him to the disappearance beyond the fact that he does seem like he is a great person.

He didn't report her missing for 4 days that could point to his involvement, but in light of the new news I think it is just as reasonably (actually IMO much more reasonably explained) by him just being wasted and on a 4 day tear and he just didn't give a @@@@@ what was going of with her.

Anytime the feds get you it is bad and very serious. The feds have mandatory drug sentences and all will spend too much time behind bars. DEA, FBI always like to brag about their busts, hence the publicity. They are all celebrating their take down, I guarantee it!
- EA, HF and drugs. This may be how they know one another. But one is in Allen and the other in Dallas (or maybe Ft. Worth). Two different turfs and not likely any competition. At best, maybe they have the same connection. But I don't see any more than that. I could be wrong, but I want to see it from LE or the media first.

In response to your above quote, JnRyan, It does appear , though, that, oddly, HF did a lot of his work out of Dallas...which is not so far from the Plano area :/ and apparently he did not mind traveling a long way for "business"

I do feel like someone posted early on that HF was in Dallas on the night of her disappearance, but I can't remember the who/where/what and all surrounding it. So I also wonder if the nightclub will be his alibi?
I thought this occurred on Aug 1. Before CM went missing. jmo

Referring to last quote only.

Depending on how the sting/bust took place they could have started their surveillance on August 1st but that does not necessarily mean all of the people charged were selling drugs on August 1st itself. If they had Eternal Eden under surveillance for let's say 6 weeks (just throwing out a number, not fact)...they could have had all 15 of these people coming and going multiple times, one time, dancing and dealing, who knows. The ONE charge for conspiracy could just simply be that they were all in cahoots and conspired to operate a drug ring out of Jaguars, not that drugs were only sold one time.

Hypothetically HF could have sold on August 1st or he could have sold sometime in August, or sometime in September after Christina went missing...there is nothing that indicates when he took part in the conspiracy. Also, the threshold is EXTREMELY low to be indicted for a federal grand Jury. My brother was on a Dallas Federal grand jury for 18 months (that's how long you take part, 1 time per month) and they NEVER (not even ONCE) no-billed a case put before them. When they take these cases to the federal grand jury it's DEA, FBI, Secret Service officers in the courtroom, surveillance videos, and tons and tons of records. Doesn't mean all 15 were guilty, just that they were somehow identified and involved in the larger conspiracy aspect and there was enough reasonable evidence to take them to trial.

Sorry for rambling, just for clarification, here's a link that might help everyone understand how they investigate this type of crime:
Wow! This thread really picked up a LOT of speed with HF's arrest. I got excited about it thinking this might be the beginning of break.

After settling back and really giving it some thought though:

- EA and HF may know of one another even though they went to different high schools. But I think really that's probably as far as it goes.

- EA, HF and drugs. This may be how they know one another. But one is in Allen and the other in Dallas (or maybe Ft. Worth). Two different turfs and not likely any competition. At best, maybe they have the same connection. But I don't see any more than that. I could be wrong, but I want to see it from LE or the media first.

- HF's involvement with Christina's disappearance. I am an outsider - that is, HF's emotional reaction to her disappearance and helping with flyers and searches carries little weight with me. (Maybe that makes me more objective...who knows.) BUT he did gave up his phone to LE. OK, he might have had a 2nd, but LE should have Christina's phone records by now and they would verify if the phone she was calling was the one that HF volunteered. My gut tells me he was probably at the after hours club in Dallas early that Saturday morning. So far, I only see him as being guilty of not caring enough when it mattered and that is in the first 24-48 hours after he last heard from her. (Yeah, he MIGHT have tried to call her, but did he call her dad and stepmother, her mother, the police. No.)

- So far I think the arrest is a distraction, a side show, from the objective. Find Christina.

Two things are probably going to come out of this. One, the 'friends' who are not helping are probably going to try to put more distance from this entire affair and that is not good.

The other is that the publicity keeps Christina's disappearance in the media. Keeps in front of the public. Keeps the light on it and the perps are like cockroaches in that they run from the light. Ironically, this publicity might be a good thing.

What I believe happened would have happened whether drugs or alcohol were a part of it or not. At most drugs or alcohol are a lame excuse someone's inappropriate actions that morning. She left the garage most likely in someone else's vehicle and that person ends up with bruises, a limp and maybe a bite mark. And then he told lies to LE.

But this is just me. I'm sticking with this guy till the evidence takes it somewhere else.
Excellent post! I could not agree more.
Just a side note, I bet EA has been relieved the last 15+ hrs to finally have the attention taken off him, if only for a day because of the shock of Hunter's story.

When PPD releases info they sure know how to send everyone into a frenzy. Everything is quiet and then we got the search warrant/affidavit with all the information in it. Then it goes silent again and now we hear about a drug ring they have had under surveillance since August 1st. Can't wait to hear the next big break! It does give me hope they know what happened and have this case under control.

trust me EA is not relieved...EA is freaking out cause he knows he is next!
Wow! This thread really picked up a LOT of speed with HF's arrest. I got excited about it thinking this might be the beginning of break.

After settling back and really giving it some thought though:

- EA and HF may know of one another even though they went to different high schools. But I think really that's probably as far as it goes.

- EA, HF and drugs. This may be how they know one another. But one is in Allen and the other in Dallas (or maybe Ft. Worth). Two different turfs and not likely any competition. At best, maybe they have the same connection. But I don't see any more than that. I could be wrong, but I want to see it from LE or the media first.

- HF's involvement with Christina's disappearance. I am an outsider - that is, HF's emotional reaction to her disappearance and helping with flyers and searches carries little weight with me. (Maybe that makes me more objective...who knows.) BUT he did gave up his phone to LE. OK, he might have had a 2nd, but LE should have Christina's phone records by now and they would verify if the phone she was calling was the one that HF volunteered. My gut tells me he was probably at the after hours club in Dallas early that Saturday morning. So far, I only see him as being guilty of not caring enough when it mattered and that is in the first 24-48 hours after he last heard from her. (Yeah, he MIGHT have tried to call her, but did he call her dad and stepmother, her mother, the police. No.)

- So far I think the arrest is a distraction, a side show, from the objective. Find Christina.

Two things are probably going to come out of this. One, the 'friends' who are not helping are probably going to try to put more distance from this entire affair and that is not good.

The other is that the publicity keeps Christina's disappearance in the media. Keeps in front of the public. Keeps the light on it and the perps are like cockroaches in that they run from the light. Ironically, this publicity might be a good thing.

What I believe happened would have happened whether drugs or alcohol were a part of it or not. At most drugs or alcohol are a lame excuse someone's inappropriate actions that morning. She left the garage most likely in someone else's vehicle and that person ends up with bruises, a limp and maybe a bite mark. And then he told lies to LE.

But this is just me. I'm sticking with this guy till the evidence takes it somewhere else.
EA and HF went to same school. Both went to Allen.
Thank You :thinking:

Did HF have his own car? Just wondering if he and CM shared one. I hope he did not use her car for any of his activities.
We all know that EA has the Camaro,can you confirm what he(HF) has if any?

Wow. This is a whole thing I never thought of.
Does anyone have a current chart of the information that is available to us so far?
But the lies that are verified as a fact such as the route he took home and not walking or conversing with Christina or parking in the same garage...did he just genuinely forget those? Are you giving him an out bc you assume he was too inebriated to recall? I'm choosing to believe those were outright lies, not just memory lapses. Which leaves me wondering why...could be covering up for something bad, but not as serious as a kidnapping/murder...or...he could in fact be covering for something related to that. So do you think he lied or just had a memory lapse?
Good Grief ..LOL :juggling:

A. I have never given him a pass ... [modsnip]
B. IMO He should have been Charged & Booked for the allegations of Interference (why have they not done so yet)
..Lying about the route and around Henry's YUP
..In fact I am the one who asked JMOM to check if there is perhaps another Lie regarding the alleged "friend" who lives at the Shops that he parked in the Blue Martini garage for. I am looking to see if there is any more falsifying information
C. The guy is in hot water for sure ..but that does not mean he needs to have a needle in his arm and being labeled as guilty just yet.

I want to make sure that the right person(s) get put away. Just like you do .

Christina deserves to be found .... from what I have learned about her , I do not think she would want to have someone falsely blamed and punished for something they did not do. Her friends all have said that she would listen and hear them out with problems and was very logical and calm.
Another interesting post on hfcm social media site about an hour ago.
Wow! This thread really picked up a LOT of speed with HF's arrest. I got excited about it thinking this might be the beginning of break.

After settling back and really giving it some thought though:

- EA and HF may know of one another even though they went to different high schools. But I think really that's probably as far as it goes.

- EA, HF and drugs. This may be how they know one another. But one is in Allen and the other in Dallas (or maybe Ft. Worth). Two different turfs and not likely any competition. At best, maybe they have the same connection. But I don't see any more than that. I could be wrong, but I want to see it from LE or the media first.

- HF's involvement with Christina's disappearance. I am an outsider - that is, HF's emotional reaction to her disappearance and helping with flyers and searches carries little weight with me. (Maybe that makes me more objective...who knows.) BUT he did gave up his phone to LE. OK, he might have had a 2nd, but LE should have Christina's phone records by now and they would verify if the phone she was calling was the one that HF volunteered. My gut tells me he was probably at the after hours club in Dallas early that Saturday morning. So far, I only see him as being guilty of not caring enough when it mattered and that is in the first 24-48 hours after he last heard from her. (Yeah, he MIGHT have tried to call her, but did he call her dad and stepmother, her mother, the police. No.)

- So far I think the arrest is a distraction, a side show, from the objective. Find Christina.

Two things are probably going to come out of this. One, the 'friends' who are not helping are probably going to try to put more distance from this entire affair and that is not good.

The other is that the publicity keeps Christina's disappearance in the media. Keeps in front of the public. Keeps the light on it and the perps are like cockroaches in that they run from the light. Ironically, this publicity might be a good thing.

What I believe happened would have happened whether drugs or alcohol were a part of it or not. At most drugs or alcohol are a lame excuse someone's inappropriate actions that morning. She left the garage most likely in someone else's vehicle and that person ends up with bruises, a limp and maybe a bite mark. And then he told lies to LE.

But this is just me. I'm sticking with this guy till the evidence takes it somewhere else.

BBM (SizeBM)

Wow. Distraction and sideshow. I'm not sure what to say about that. OK then. I find the arrests not only relevant but also kind of horrifying.
I don't think anyone would agree on what information is available. :sigh:
I dont remember who it was but there was a chart posted awhile back just was wondering if it was still available and maybe updated...that is all
Hmmmm I don't think he's a big time dealer but I think that he is more than likely in a large ring of dealers who have connections to a bigger picture. He is one link to a large puzzle they are piecing.

Thanks, that is what I was thinking. HF arrest for Molly comes from somewhere I.e someone made it which leads higher up the food chain so to speak. However reading about this N-bomb, that can be ordered from China could be originating dealer(online order from china) which sales at club.

My understanding of the drug selling culture is that you know who you bought from and sold to but, would not ask or want to know beyond that.

Thank You :thinking:

Did HF have his own car? Just wondering if he and CM shared one. I hope he did not use her car for any of his activities.
We all know that EA has the Camaro,can you confirm what he(HF) has if any?

I am really curious about the type of car as well.
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