GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #24 *Arrest*

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Idk how a text can be confirmed as being for sure from one person to another. No disrespect to a vi.
There's no voice indicating who it is. It could be anyone typing a keypad. I mean I am Pamela Anderson! :)

Come on, GT, you can do better than that!
It's possible. But "quick thinking" in this scenario would be administering or calling for help, don't ya think? IMO.

What if EA's immigration status, the fact he was loaded (partially at least), and fear of messing up his parents, all rolled into one, caused him to make really bad decisions. There is a lot there actually.

In our right mind that's what most people would do, that is, call 911.
Just commenting but am on the fence if accident/cover up is or could be the true story.
At this juncture, one would think EA would tell (or try to claim) an accident.

Before he was arrested, I wondered if his rib and arm injuries were due to the fact that he did have an accident (without Christina in his car).
To me, it wouldn't be a stretch for him to wreck his car on his way home and have all that happen despite the fact Christina was missing.
Just very bad luck considering the circumstances after he found out Christina was missing.
Now, I believe, LE is certain CM was in EA's car.
Valid point butttt
He wasn't there the first few hours and then he got moved. IF it's standard protocol Id think he would just be there from the start. Not booked into a cell block. Removed. Moved to the inferm.

Jmo but that's a lot of work

It is standard protocol. I work in a county jail in the medical department. He had to be processed and classified. He may have been on watch from the start but he could be on watch without being in the infirmary.

I'm sure most have seen this article but I hadn't seen this particular one yet. One thing I hadn't heard was EA had said he was on a leave of absence from work due to Christina's investigation but co-workers said he was fired after his arrest for theft (verbatim - see actual wording at link above), so yet another lie that he told. It also mentions "bruises all over his fistS" which sounds to me as if he was punching on something. (I know we have discussed his alleged injuries but the bruises all over his fistS just now stuck out to me) Anyway, I just thought I'd post the link in the chance that others hadn't seen it.
Sending prayers praying that Christina will be brought home to her family soon. Prayers also to please continue giving Christina's family the love, encouragement, strength and support to continue to fight for her. Christina's family is a true inspiration, they will not give up, they have proven that, and kudos to them. Also, thank you to our VI's - JMOM, Kool, and Carlton for all your updates and prayers to you too and thanks for all your hard work and dedication too!
Do we know if EA's car was stick shift or automatic? The cool guys when I was in my 20's drove stick.
Also, does his jail allow him to be on his adderall? Maybe he is going through withdrawals from his medications. He got arrested on a Saturday morning, not sure he was able to contact his doctor while he was sitting in jail thus weekend.

Do we know if the jail drug tested him last time he was in jail?
I would think that Sprint would have drug tested him before he got hired. How long did he work there? Does he have a college degree? Do we know what EA did after high school?
Praying for everyone involved, including us on this site. It's overwhelming at times to read this stuff.
The second time I got there, the press was there. I stood in front across the street for a while with them and chatted. I love Johnny Archer! Britt was in Cali so she wasn't there. Of course she goes out of town and this happens. Mostly I was in a neighbors back/side yard, they were so nice to let us stand there so we could see that barn/shed thing. I was on the phone with Jonni, to let her know they were in there. It was sort of frightening actually. Jonni normally calls me early in the morning cause I am always up but I slept in last Saturday, just thought she was at work, bored and was going to go over stuff I could help with or something so I woke up and called her back. Boy was I wrong. When I got that call press wasn't there, no one knew at all, so I was able to drive by and let her know what I saw. It wasn't long before LE called her and got to Mark and Anna's to explain the situation. With all the dogs/cops/crime scene tape, my first worry was that Christina was in that house, he had hurt himself or someone else. Not sure why I didn't put two and two together and know the DNA must be back. We have waited so long for that I guess I figured it was lost out in space and would never be back. It was stressful/sad/exciting/bothersome/but it is a step closer to finding Christina and some peace coming to all of us who so desperately need a little bit of comfort and peace. We will not rest though until she is home. She does not deserve this, we do not deserve this, and her parents don't deserve this. I pray that he tells what happened and we can bring her home. This truly is a nightmare that none of us want to live every single day. Especially her parents and siblings.

So many comments/questions?! JMOM, when you were at EA's home, were you allowed to stand by the crime scene tape and watch? Any update on "Jade"? In my state, professionals have to be licensed by the Department of State and they have a searchable website for who holds professional licenses (like attorneys). I know it is stated that EA had a girlfriend (and I am not trying to sleuth her) but I was wondering if she was another high school friend?
I would think that when they served the warrant the family and Enrique would have been able to read it before they entered their home. I could be wrong. I agree about the human rights thing, but I do believe it is correct that PJ will have to file a motion for it to be unsealed. Most of the time they will not release it in a case like this though. We shall see.

I get the animosity towards EA, but this is basic human rights. He has a right to the information that he's being arrested for. I would tthink as an American this is common sense. Geez.
I can tell you my first encounter with his was very early on I went to pick up flyers at PPD, we get them there at the information desk. They leave them there for me to pick up. He came out just to speak with me and encourage me. He is very kind and caring. He always remembers me too. I like him a lot. Just my 2 cents on Tilley.

In regards to Tilley, I really like the guy.. He seems to be a very sincere, caring person. I also like that fact that he refers to CM as "Christina" instead of Miss Morris, or just "the missing person".. Also, I have no problem with what he discloses, how he discloses & what he doesn't disclose.. He has a job to do & doesn't "owe" anybody (outside of the case) any info concerning this case or any other. Thumbs up to Tilley!
I will dispute it. They can speak English.

I think I have seen their command of the English language disputed...but yeah, I can see how they would need some assistance. If I were in uncomfortable territory, I would want a guiding hand. I am not sure they made a good choice, but I can understand why they would want help.
Our thoughts exactly! Thank you so much for saying that. You don't get to be running around free for 3.5 months, partying, going to HS football games, hanging with your buddies, knowing you are lying through your teeth, then take the easy way out. We have been afraid of that. He's pretty tough it seems in his neighborhood and to women trying to intimidate people but no so much in the big house? No thanks, don't feel bad for him one bit. Sorry not sorry. I know they will have an extra close eye on him.

Oh no no no no no! That little *insert series of colorful expletives here* doesn't get to take the easy way out and check himself out! Suck it up, be a man and own up to what you did! Take responsibility for your actions for once in your life and do the right thing and tell us where Christina is!

Sorry I get a little passionate but I've been following this from the beginning and everyday I come on here hoping for some new info, hoping today will be the day Christina is found alive and returned to her family. I look at and laugh with and hug and kiss my children every day and I want that so bad for Jonni and Ana and Mark. Who the hell is this *more expletives* to steal that from them? While he walked around free and him and his family went on his lie-a-thon in the media. It makes me so angry and sad and I can't help but cry. So again, sorry if I get a bit passionate about this and hope I haven't broken any rules.
Jonni is fluent in Spanish and once she busted out Spanish they walked away like they don't know that language either. They speak English as well.

I thought I remembered an article during the time of picketing that said they did not speak English and someone say that's fine because Jonni is fluent in Spanish.
Picking up 150 more today as a matter of fact. They will be back up and with much more tape! I think everyone knows we are not a giving up kind of group. :) Giving up is never an option, even in flyer postings. hehehehe

Just in EA's neighborhood? Good to see that you are not going to give in!!! That sends a message, too.
Ok now this makes me laugh. LOL

I believe it was two texts, and a VM. So I guess y'all are right. The VM is confirmed but anyone could have sent the texts but it was all right together within minutes I believe so we will say we assume by the nature and the way they were worded they were from Christina. Is that a better way to put it? hehehe And I would assume if Enrique would have sent them they would have been in Spanish since that is their "chosen" language to speak. Maybe he has translator on his high tech stolen phones?

Hi Pamela. Beyoncé here. :) Well we know she left him a voice mail from EA's phone so if the text's are the same subject matter of the voice mail that would be a pretty good indicator of who sent it. IDK it's kind of confusing...I'll give you that.
Well we picked up coffee for him Saturday morning so you know I am asking who he talked to! LOL He owes me one.

I watched it live. I'm just wondering if he acually spoke with the real people she was with that night or just randoms.
Hi Pamela. Beyoncé here. :) Well we know she left him a voice mail from EA's phone so if the text's are the same subject matter of the voice mail that would be a pretty good indicator of who sent it. IDK it's kind of confusing...I'll give you that.

As we know tha the contacts from EA's phone were over a short time period and that at least one of them was a voicemail IMO we're on fairly safe ground to assume that Christina sent the texts (I know we can't be sure).

I can't see a situation where the phone was swapped between the two of them with EA typing texts then Christina leaving voicemails - how would that come about?

I need some help please....Can someone find a link that will tell me when Enrique's arraignment hearing is today? I can't seem to find it.
I need some help please....Can someone find a link that will tell me when Enrique's arraignment hearing is today? I can't seem to find it.
I looked all over the sight (I think) and am having trouble finding it also.
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