GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #26 *Arrest*

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Does that handle just go back in place? Mine almost looks like a lawn mower pull cord. Just not sure if the ones in cars retract as well. Anyone know?

If it doesn't - then it would show "deployed". Hopefully they tested the handle.

I drive a 14 Camaro. (Almost the same body style as his) and when you pull the handle it does go back in. You have to "push" the handle part back into the trunk liner but the cord part does go back in. There is nothing that would show deployed if that was pulled.
Also as for the keys/premeditated...She was robbed so to speak awhile back AND if someone was privy to drugs or money HF may have at home it's not a super stretch that someone would take them. Can't explain them reappearing though but thought I'd mention that's the only explanation I can come up with aside from premeditation.
One of the news posts from today. (The 3:30 conference.)

How does that guy's family sit there and say nothing if they see this? What if something happened to their other son? You can bet they would be screaming for answers.
I cried watching her cry and seeing her heartbreak. They have been through enough and I just pray they get answers and find Christina. I have said I dont think Enrique will ever tell the truth. But you cant tell me that the evidence that came out today NO ONE saw him or suspected anything other then the employees at Sprint.
Definitely something off there. Even drug dealers usually care about their gf's. Unless he was somewhere in a complete drugged up stupor for 2 days. IDK. For the sake of Christina & her family, I really hope HF is in no way connected. Just dumb & extremely self centered.
Seriously. He just knocked my ex out of a 13 year lead in Worst Boyfriend Ever. Just seems so off to me.
If he hit her in garage you would think there would have been more blood?

Not necessarily you can have have blunt force trauma and not have broken outer skin. ( My sons father had a bad accident 5/12/2012 and died from blunt forced trauma with zero blood)
Not necessarily you can have have blunt force trauma and not have broken outer skin. ( My sons father had a bad accident and died from blunt forced trauma with zero blood)

Very good to know, Thank you TT
Edited: I just reread what you wrote....I'm so sorry about your son's father :(
And don't forget the comment by the neighbor while EA's house was being searched - how he rolled by, slowed way down & was looking at her in a way that creeped her out. IMO it is very possible he is someone who this type of thing has been brewing for a while. :(

did you here the radio show last night apparently he has been involved in some stalking/window peeping before.
I'd be a bit surprised if he actually did anything in the GP area only b/c it's fairly busy (new Hilton) and the restaurants and such. Plus, on the other side is the DNT access road which usually has cars at all hours. Plus, this (I would think) is another area with decent surveillance. Anything is possible though, right? Definitely should rule it out and purposely/thoroughly searched.

Yea I just drove by the lakes there and they have onsite security driving around so doubt he was able to do anything there but he could have gone west more on 121 towards cement plant thinking it will implicate someone from that direction
I drive a 14 Camaro. (Almost the same body style as his) and when you pull the handle it does go back in. You have to "push" the handle part back into the trunk liner but the cord part does go back in. There is nothing that would show deployed if that was pulled.

But they could test for finger prints
did you here the radio show last night apparently he has been involved in some stalking/window peeping before.

Ugh. No, hadn't heard it. But that's the kind of thing I was sensing with the way the neighbor talked. He had an urge to do harm that had been building to a bad place. :(
Yea I just drove by the lakes there and they have onsite security driving around so doubt he was able to do anything there but he could have gone west more on 121 towards cement plant thinking it will implicate someone from that direction

That whole area around Nebraska Furniture is absolutely torn up and HUGE. Again, construction sites are normally well monitored too...right?

I just re-read the part of how he provided his Tolltag as proof that he went straight home that night. To me - he was purposely covering up at that point. He took access roads and stayed off all the tollways in the area on purpose. If he was at the Custer gantry at 4:08a, his cell pinged in North Plano at 447a and he was home by 532a, it provides for a good area to focus on b/c he didn't have a lot of time.

EXCEPT for the point someone made earlier....we have no way of confirming that he got rid of CM by 5:32a. We're assuming b/c we don't want to think she was in the trunk alll that time. We don't know how many days later he actually did something since she was not reported for DAYS.


did you here the radio show last night apparently he has been involved in some stalking/window peeping before.

Yes! Originally, I thought maybe this was a crime of opportunity for him...and I still kind of think that. But hearing that tidbit confirmed, complete with having to get the police involved, makes me think he is even creepier than originally thought. I guess I can't put a pre-meditated act past this guy. Maybe not a planned kidnapping, but a planned hookup with someone...only the other person was not a willing participant and, well, that wasn't going to stop HIM!
Yes! Originally, I thought maybe this was a crime of opportunity for him...and I still kind of think that. But hearing that tidbit confirmed, complete with having to get the police involved, makes me think he is even creepier than originally thought. I guess I can't put a pre-meditated act past this guy. Maybe not a planned kidnapping, but a planned hookup with someone...only the other person was not a willing participant and, well, that wasn't going to stop HIM!

He seems to be a very creepy guy with no game when it comes to women. Stalking a neighbor looking in her window and not stopping till police had to be involved (and who knows if it stopped at that point or not), stopping his car and staring down another female neighbor to the point she got scared, and then getting mad at the party when he got rejected. I'm guessing he gave off the creepy vibe.

And those are only women who've come forward. I'm sure there were others, IMO.
That whole area around Nebraska Furniture is absolutely torn up and HUGE. Again, construction sites are normally well monitored too...right?

I just re-read the part of how he provided his Tolltag as proof that he went straight home that night. To me - he was purposely covering up at that point. He took access roads and stayed off all the tollways in the area on purpose. If he was at the Custer gantry at 4:08a, his cell pinged in North Plano at 447a and he was home by 532a, it provides for a good area to focus on b/c he didn't have a lot of time.

EXCEPT for the point someone made earlier....we have no way of confirming that he got rid of CM by 5:32a. We're assuming b/c we don't want to think she was in the trunk alll that time. We don't know how many days later he actually did something since she was not reported for DAYS.



This is what concerns me. I don't want to think this way or open up a whole other aspect to consider, but I think it'd be negligent not to. :(
That whole area around Nebraska Furniture is absolutely torn up and HUGE. Again, construction sites are normally well monitored too...right?

I just re-read the part of how he provided his Tolltag as proof that he went straight home that night. To me - he was purposely covering up at that point. He took access roads and stayed off all the tollways in the area on purpose. If he was at the Custer gantry at 4:08a, his cell pinged in North Plano at 447a and he was home by 532a, it provides for a good area to focus on b/c he didn't have a lot of time.

EXCEPT for the point someone made earlier....we have no way of confirming that he got rid of CM by 5:32a. We're assuming b/c we don't want to think she was in the trunk alll that time. We don't know how many days later he actually did something since she was not reported for DAYS.


I want to reply and say so much but the family has asked on the HFCM page for prayers instead of speculation at this time. So I am praying for a miracle for this family and for Christina to be found.

(Edited to say this is not towards your post because you make valid points. I have to refrain MYSELF from stating my speculations out of respect for what the family is going through)
I gave my husband the quick update on what was released today and his first comment when I mentioned the cell pings at Granite Park was: He dumped the cell phone there?

Something to consider...that would be something small to find and not anything that would look suspicious in a business park w/so many offices and a new Hilton.
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