GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #26 *Arrest*

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Does anyone understand cell phone pings? Can it still ping with low or no battery? How often does a phone ping? Will it ping at every tower? And if EA was the manager of a cell phone store, shouldn't he have known this? Could he have stopped the pings by removing the battery? So were the pings deliberate or maybe he couldnt find Christina's phone and discovered it after the last ping. I am sure LE checked all the party goers to see where their phones were pinging that morning.

The cell phone doesn't have to be in use to make a call or text for it to ping a tower. It's like going from 1 wi-fi connection to another as you move geographically. I found this to help explain: a cell phone the phone is constantly sending signals to the closest cell tower, even if the phone isn't in use. The location of the cell tower will tell you that the person is within a certain range. When the person moves they can be tracked by which cell towers the signal is bouncing to.

Addt'l Edit: The phone has to be on. Remember the Jodi Arias case - she turned off her phone while she made her way into AZ from CA and it "conveniently" had a gap of cell phone pings. So, if no battery then no ping either.
I wonder if SB and EA had "been together" prior to this evening. Wasn't he better friends with her and PP than CM? If they'd had been together before and if she was the one he was interested in earlier in the evening, that would explain the "if you don't stay on the couch" line being seen as expecting something intimate. Some of us were confused why that was seen as indicative of sexual advance. And let's say SB who had previously had a little interest in EA makes it clear she's not interested not to mention very tired being that it's almost 4 am, heads to bed. He's pouting and CM who is mad because she can't reach her bf, says she's ready to leave, and they leave together. I don't think she was mad at her friends. I think they're all finally tired, ready to pass out, and it's just a case of see you! Yes, it would have been nice if they had insisted she stay, but again I think they were all too tired or incapacitated. CM looks comfortable walking with EA. He's a bit of a goofball...she's not thinking a threat...just wants to get to her car...and then he makes a pass and things go south fast. I just can't imagine he subdued her and put her in the trunk in a few minutes. But what do I know? Now that we know she did have her keys, there was no reason for her to get in his car willingly, was there?
Involving the phone's final ping, two thoughts keep circling my mind--

1. Was it deliberate, to lead everyone to that area? (Host of things we could use to support or refute this theory!)

2. Was it to cover his own tail, as in wanting to power it back in to check something one final time-- maybe to see if someone had sent her any new messages in the time that had passed? (seems more likely?)
Catching up on all your posts yesterday, these thoughts occur to me:

I still don't see EA as a sophisticated criminal planner, I think the hours we're looking at were filled with panic, driving round, cleaning up and the reason he's got away with it so far is simply that we don't know where Christina is. IMO this is down to dumb luck or the fact that he has hidden her on private property somewhere.

I'm trying to see how he would be able to convince a 3rd party to help him conceal whatever he'd done in the early hours of the morning, does he have some hold over someone and used a kind of blackmail or is it misplaced family loyalty in play?

Re the cleaning supplies, I think LE know exactly where these came from. From what the locals have posted Plano isn't a large place, EA must be its most notorious resident at the moment and I bet lots of people have been letting LE know what he's been up to, I wouldn't be at all surprised if we find out that a cashier in a shop somewhere has called it in. A young man stocking up on cleaning supplies would stick in the memory IMO.

One thing I don't understand as we don't have Cameros in England is why they would need a release handle in the trunk - do people routinely get trapped in their vehicles? And jumping off that do people know these things exist and do they operate when the car engine is on? TIA
Conjecture and speculation (from that link in BF's tweet)?? Mmmkaay. [emoji19]

yea cause CM DNA just jumped in his trunk from nowhere.... guess that's not proof. I'm sure its just the way attorneys talk but still guess it seems cold
yea cause DNA just jumped in his trunk from nowhere.... guess that's not proof. I'm sure its just the way attorneys talk but still guess it seems cold
I bet he's not referring to the DNA, but the part about EA's frame of mind and romantic advances.
The cell phone doesn't have to be in use to make a call or text for it to ping a tower. It's like going from 1 wi-fi connection to another as you move geographically. I found this to help explain: a cell phone the phone is constantly sending signals to the closest cell tower, even if the phone isn't in use. The location of the cell tower will tell you that the person is within a certain range. When the person moves they can be tracked by which cell towers the signal is bouncing to.

Addt'l Edit: The phone has to be on. Remember the Jodi Arias case - she turned off her phone while she made her way into AZ from CA and it "conveniently" had a gap of cell phone pings. So, if no battery then no ping either.

BBM - is this right, posters above have said that even if there isn't enough battery to use the phone there would be enough to ping for a period of time.
Not necessarily, not if she was still trying to tell herself that she was being silly or overreacting, like we women have been socialized to do in such a situation. :(

And especially if she had a life-long fear of abduction. She probably spent a significant amount of time talking herself down from overreacting and trying to quiet her inner voice in previous (and benign) instances of these types of situations.
Catching up on all your posts yesterday, these thoughts occur to me:

I still don't see EA as a sophisticated criminal planner, I think the hours we're looking at were filled with panic, driving round, cleaning up and the reason he's got away with it so far is simply that we don't know where Christina is. IMO this is down to dumb luck or the fact that he has hidden her on private property somewhere.

I'm trying to see how he would be able to convince a 3rd party to help him conceal whatever he'd done in the early hours of the morning, does he have some hold over someone and used a kind of blackmail or is it misplaced family loyalty in play?

Re the cleaning supplies, I think LE know exactly where these came from. From what the locals have posted Plano isn't a large place, EA must be its most notorious resident at the moment and I bet lots of people have been letting LE know what he's been up to, I wouldn't be at all surprised if we find out that a cashier in a shop somewhere has called it in. A young man stocking up on cleaning supplies would stick in the memory IMO.

One thing I don't understand as we don't have Cameros in England is why they would need a release handle in the trunk - do people routinely get trapped in their vehicles? And jumping off that do people know these things exist and do they operate when the car engine is on? TIA
Good question about ppl getting stuck in the trunk -- seems like it wouldn't need to happen too many times before an auto maker would decide to add the release feature.
Does anyone understand cell phone pings? Can it still ping with low or no battery? How often does a phone ping? Will it ping at every tower? And if EA was the manager of a cell phone store, shouldn't he have known this? Could he have stopped the pings by removing the battery? So were the pings deliberate or maybe he couldnt find Christina's phone and discovered it after the last ping. I am sure LE checked all the party goers to see where their phones were pinging that morning.
I believe EA did have some knowledge of pings & such. He was using a stealth phone (or so he thought) & was a store manager at a cell phone store! After a phone dies, it usually has enough juice to turn back on for just a minute. I believe it is very likely that EA intentionally turned CM's phone back on (assuming it had died) at the 4:47am ping near the SOL in order to divert attention of her to that area. But I doubt he has full knowledge of pings, or he wouldn't have let his own ping at 4:56am at the same location. Maybe he hadn't turned his off & someone texted him or he got a FB notification. Who knows.
But if she was worried and sending texts as a distress signal, wouldn't she just call 911?
I think many women get in situations where they have a level of their spidey senses getting tweaked, but they are reluctant to "be so dramatic" to call 911 based on a feeling & nothing has happened. And if her phone had indeed died, should likely wouldn't have had enough battery to complete the call. 911 calls need a certain amount of time on the line for pings to transmit to show the dispatcher the location of where the call came from. And with CM having a fear of abduction, she may have easily been aware of all that.
Catching up on all your posts yesterday, these thoughts occur to me:

I still don't see EA as a sophisticated criminal planner, I think the hours we're looking at were fillled with panic, driving round, cleaning up and the reason he's got away with it so far is simply that we don't know where Christina is. IMO this is down to dumb luck or the factual data that he has hidden her on private property somewhere.

I'm trying to see how he would be able to convince a 3rd party to help him conceal whatever he'd done in the early hours of the morning, does he have some hold over someone and used a kind of blackmail or is it misplaced family loyalty in play?

Re the cleaning supplies, I think LE know exactly where these came from. From what the locals have posted Plano isn't a large place, EA must be its most notorious resident at the moment and I bet lots of people have been letting LE know what he's been up to, I wouldn't be at all surprised if we find out that a cashier in a shop somewhere has called it in. A young man stocking up on cleaning supplies would stick in the memory IMO.

One thing I don't understand as we don't have Cameros in England is why they would need a release handle in the trunk - do people routinely get trapped in their vehicles? And jumping off that do people know these things exist and do they operate when the car engine is on? TIA

Plano is several 100 thousand people. It is large and spread out. mo
yea cause CM DNA just jumped in his trunk from nowhere.... guess that's not proof. I'm sure its just the way attorneys talk but still guess it seems cold

ya he can't very well come out and say "we're @#$%ed"
I bet he's not referring to the DNA, but the part about EA's frame of mind and romantic advances.

So he's only outraged that LE have suggested the EA would try his luck with someone who wasn't interested but happy to accept the evidence of AK - yeah, right

And especially if she had a life-long fear of abduction. She probably spent a significant amount of time talking herself down from overreacting and trying to quiet her inner voice in previous (and benign) instances of these types of situations.
BBM - is this right, posters above have said that even if there isn't enough battery to use the phone there would be enough to ping for a period of time.

This was in response to if he removed the battery. If the battery musters up a little juice to connect then it'll ping. But if he removed the battery - no ping.
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