GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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Or, they may have ridden in SN's (or someone else's) car.

And if they skipped the food trip entirely, they wouldn't have "stayed" but rather would have "gone to" the apt, without the side trip, as the trip to W for the 3 in SB's car reportedly began on leaving the bar.

Yes, so SN's car could have been parked in a different location, but why not give CM a lift to Henry's Tavern Garage after the party? The affidavit says they were all parked in a similar location in Henry Tavern's Garage. Surely they were all caught on tape coming and going.
Quote Originally Posted by Quailfoot

Fined or, possibly sued:

CM's family is appears to be understandably angry with EA's family. However, they can't harass them. On the streets, on social media, etc. Would be bad for them to pick up a lawsuit like the Smolinski family did and have to pay EA's family.
Hum.......very good find....I wouldn't of thought of that unless I was in the legal field ...interesting.

I wouldn't have thought of it either. I welcome input from fellow posters in the legal field. And I agree; I, too, find it interesting.
LE would know if there was a body in the car!

EA would be charged with murder.
Not to say that charge isnt coming but without a body they would need to prove a decomposing body was in his car or trunk. I cant speak on blood being enough proof. I do know if they find a strand of hair they can determine if the person was alive or deceased from the hair follicle.
-Arochi, Sabrina Boss and Paulina Petrosky go to Whataburger. Morris and friend Steven Nickerson returned back to Petrosky's apartment.

The timeline has CM and SN going back to the apartment. EA, SB and PP went to What-A-Burger.

Interestingly, that snippet ("Morris and friend Steven Nickerson returned back to Petrosky's") was edited into the timeline during the discussion here! In case some might be wondering why they didn't see it before, it's because it wasn't there!

I had that timeline open when the discussion began, and it only mentioned that the 3 went to W. I still have that browser window open, unrefreshed and all it says is this: "-Morris, Arochi, Sabrina Boss and Paulina Petrosky go to Whataburger." But the timeline was edited in the last half hour or so (the article now notes a 5:31 pm edit) to add the information of where SN and CM were, during that time.
I have no idea. But the affidavit has always said EA, SB and PP went to What-A-Burger. Maybe more people are involved than SB, PP and SN are saying?

If CM went to whattaburger they would have said she did.
The focus is on her.....
I think LE not mentioning her and her whereabouts at that time is very interesting.
i think people here are make up the story ... The club they keep referring to him being at that night was not even open the night CM went missing it was only on saturday night into sunday morning (technically only sunday mornint).

No one is making anything up, he may have been at home sleeping, since that's what CM believed. I just find it hard to believe that a drug dealer who is being watched by the Feds only sells drugs one day a week and rests the other 6 days. To me that's a low level dealer, bigger fish in the sea for the Feds to focus on if that's the case.
My, my, my... Perhaps we should revisit the cars in the garage and who was ID'd leaving the garage?
Yes, so SN's car could have been parked in a different location, but why not give CM a lift to Henry's Tavern Garage after the party? The affidavit says they were all parked in a similar location in Henry Tavern's Garage. Surely they were all caught on tape coming and going.

I'm not sure what you're asking. I don't think anyone is surmising that SN's car was necessarily parked elsewhere from where CM's was parked.
No one is making anything up, he may have been at home sleeping, since that's what CM believed. I just find it hard to believe that a drug dealer who is being watched by the Feds only sells drugs one day a week and rests the other 6 days. To me that's a low level dealer, bigger fish in the sea for the Feds to focus on if that's the case.
I agree with both of you. Good point BaeMomma and also correct the Eternal Eden was not open that night. I dont believe the PPD has confirmed HF was in fact at home asleep. That is coming from HF. I do not think anyone is intentionally making up stories here. We are just speculating based on his involvement with drugs and questioning his "alibi" or where abouts that night. Other Rave clubs are open on the night in question. They also have afterhour house parties etc. The only place we know he was dealing is EE because that is where the bust happened.
Thank you. So if he was parked in the same garage, Henry's Tavern, didn't he notice CM's car still parked in the same place when he left the party?

Did SN ever leave the party? Does he live at SOL too? Was he too lazy to walk CM to her car? Just thought cell phone contact would be safe enough?

My understanding is that these are people who knew each other from prior years, but did not hang out together. (CM didn't even live in the vicinity. She had moved away, about an hour or so from there, and wouldn't hang out in the area routinely.) So.....

- He may not have known her car, to recognize it.
- He may live there, as you said.
- He may have assumed she took a detour, say she maybe "hooked up" with EA or someone else.
- He may have seen it and it didn't register at all as it being unusual (sometimes, we just don't put 2 and 2together, if we have no reason to wonder).
- Or, who knows.
I agree with both of you. Good point BaeMomma and also correct the Eternal Eden was not open that night. I dont believe the PPD has confirmed HF was in fact at home asleep. That is coming from HF. I do not think anyone is intentionally making up stories here. We are just speculating based on his involvement with drugs and questioning his "alibi" or where abouts that night. Other Rave clubs are open on the night in question. They also have afterhour house parties etc. The only place we know he was dealing is EE because that is where the bust happened.

HF did provide his cell phone for the PPD to pull data forensically, he didn't wipe his that's one good thing he has going for him.
My understanding is that these are people who knew each other from prior years, but did not hang out together. (CM didn't even live in the vicinity. She had moved away, about an hour or so from there, and wouldn't hang out in the area routinely.) So.....

- He may not have known her car, to recognize it.
- He may live there, as you said.
- He may have assumed she took a detour, say she maybe "hooked up" with EA or someone else.
- He may have seen it and it didn't register at all as it being unusual (sometimes, we just don't put 2 and 2together, if we have no reason to wonder).
- Or, who knows.

Well.... That's a deep subject. Something smells in Denmark. Why would he think she hooked up with EA if he had just hooked up with her while everyone went to What-A-Burger?

I think LE needs to dig deeeeeeep. They need the pings from SN's phone. They need the pings from HF's phone. These will help fill-in-the-blanks. CM involved EA's phone when she used it to call HF and send pics and texts.

Again, everyone seems to think he's as dumb as a bag of rocks - who helped him? 3 is the # I come up with at this point.

No bond vs. $1 million bond. Nobody is going anywhere for a while.
HF did provide his cell phone for the PPD to pull data forensically, he didn't wipe his that's one good thing he has going for him.

Yes, he turned it over to LE on the 6th? I believe. I guess the pics of CM and keys were on HF's phone. Guess he thought she found the keys when he saw it, but yet she never arrived home and he never reported her missing...

But didn't SOL come out and say the cameras were working?

i seem to remember than and tried to say that in my post with the "i think the shops" but i wasn't certain and didn't have a link or anything so I didn't want to state it as fact.
No one is making anything up, he may have been at home sleeping, since that's what CM believed. I just find it hard to believe that a drug dealer who is being watched by the Feds only sells drugs one day a week and rests the other 6 days. To me that's a low level dealer, bigger fish in the sea for the Feds to focus on if that's the case.

All, the feds don't watch a drug dealer. They do drug buys from dealers and then they bust them. For the most part, unless they are the kingpin, head of the cartel, they do not watch them.
yes, but the trash is probably EA's responsibility. Probably his only chore around the house.

Or if EA put the container of Odoban directly into the outside trash, probably inside a bag so it couldn't be seen. I doubt the parents would have a reason to dig into a dirty trash container to see what other family members threw away. JMO
i seem to remember than and tried to say that in my post with the "i think the shops" but i wasn't certain and didn't have a link or anything so I didn't want to state it as fact.

I think SOL put it on their social media page. I remember reading there were 13 cameras in the garage and only 1 camera was working. A valet who worked there confirmed that security was poor at Henry's Parking Garage.
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