GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #32 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Aww come on. Let the man rest in peace. He has nothing to do with this. Geez.
This makes me think there was a significant amount of the "unknown person's" DNA, if there was still enough of it there AFTER being cleaned with products. JMO.

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I agree, the person cleaning would have left a significant amount of DNA in the trunk especially if he spent a great deal of time manually scrubbing and drying that rubber seal and those mats.
This stuck out to me too. Why wouldn't EA have thoroughly cleaned his car earlier?
He said he smoked bowls inside his car. Could that be the reason?
And why leave all the devices inside his car too? Or did LE see those by looking through the windows?

Maybe the one time EA wasn't lying is when he told LE the devices contained secret job related information. Wth?
What a tool!
Honestly, he may have killed too many brain cells doing drugs.

So, maybe the Odoban was him trying to get the smell of weed out of his car?
I would say video from the parking lot would be their evidence of parking.
I think you misunderstood. I agree and hope for video. As I don't think PP saying spots were reserved qualifies as evidence.
Agreed, but IMO many things in this case are strange. My issue is that I'm trying to apply logic and I think generally, criminal activity defies logic. Makes it hard for me to understand.

And this is not directed to you, but just me trying to understand..... If drugs are involved, how does that play out? EA wants good rock do he holds Cristina in exchange? Again, I'm looking for logic where there likely is none.

The same idea crossed my mind as well. I believe one of the conditions listed of AK was taking a person against their will and holding them ransom. If EA took CM to increase his odds of getting "good rock", it would fit AK.
I wonder if LE was able to trace evidence of EA making a threat.
So, maybe the Odoban was him trying to get the smell of weed out of his car?
Maybe my family uses it alot for many things but that was the 32 oz concentrate bottle along with other cleaners from what I remember. At the Sam's I go to right down the street from his house in East Plano they sell the large bottle with a full sized spray bottle attached & from their website not many places sell the large bottle. It would make sense but imo I picture his family as Sam shoppers not a young guy like him so I imagine it might have already been available to him in his home. But who knows just a thought. Sam's would have the records and video. I think it said Home Depot carries the large bottles also but that Sam's is so close I wonder. I bet LE is way ahead of us on this or they wouldn't have bothered to mention it in the little info they released. Bet they are analyzing all those cleaning rags for dna also.

That would be a sad day as a parent. You go out of town for maybe a holiday vacation, months later your kids are in jail possibly for life bc they aren't responsible enough to handle themselves alone.
If this happened, I'd blame myself if my sons behaved this way. js....something is morally wrong.
Yeah, I should probably delete my previous link to him.. didn't mean to offend anyone.. but it was part of the "statement"..

If it helps, that wasn't the same dude. The guy you linked to was arrested again just last month... he's a realllll winner. But anyway, just wanted to clear up that it wasn't the same JB.
Sorry if this has already been addressed or if it is well known. This article states HF contacted EA regarding CM days after she disappeared? Did we know that?
It would not surprise me if Jonni requested he call EA to ask about Christina. We do know HF wasn't calling around to find her prior to her parents finding out she was missing through other people.

But remember HF was dealing drugs and probably had other untraceable cell phones. We also know EA had different phones in his car. They may very well have been in touch before then, but no one can prove it.
If it helps, that wasn't the same dude. The guy you linked to was arrested again just last month... he's a realllll winner. But anyway, just wanted to clear up that it wasn't the same JB.

Thanks! Glad I DID delete my post! (Note to self: be sure of what you are posting, before posting....)
If he had to gather up stuff (like a tarp, or a large duffle bag, or lawn bags, or shovel, etc) he may have come in and when he saw his brother on the couch been like: "Crap! I figured he'd be upstairs!" and he might have woken him up to get him to go upstairs to his room and that way he could get what he needed without anyone asking him what he was up to.

How can he remember this if he blacked out because he drank so much?
Did he only black out between 3:45am-5:30am? :innocent:
Aww come on. Let the man rest in peace. He has nothing to do with this. Geez.
The reason I asked is because he was brought up as another connection between HF and EA. For them both to rush to the hospital, they must have been close in proximity and in relationships as JB was gone before he arrived there. Curious about it being a drug death with the other drug deaths surrounding HF and the after hours place.

I think you misunderstood. I agree and hope for video. As I don't think PP saying spots were reserved qualifies as evidence.

I don't misunderstand. I just forgot my smiley emoji :)
I was just saying it's weird someone said she reserved spots there lol that place is too busy for those shenanians or saving spots and adding how I think the evidence will come out as being video is all
Yes, I asked if anyone still thinks EA had absolutely nothing to do with this. And I am genuinely curious if anyone thinks that. Sorry if that is perceived as a ridiculous question by some, but I would honestly like to know if anyone thinks that and why? As I have said before, I think EA is responsible. There's so much pointing to him BUT as an aside, I was reading through a wiki page of cases that had been featured on the television show Unsolved Mysteries but had later been solved. The page highlighted each original case with the original suspects and then included a blurb once the case had been solved.

I was surprised at the number of times the original suspect did not end up being the responsible party. It gave me pause about this case for sure, but I still think the evidence points to EA. I agree this is not a contest and we all want the case to be solved correctly. For instance, I think the OD theory is far fetched at this point, but if we find out definitively that an OD is what happened, I will be happy that her family has answers. And I've never said anything about my fellow sleuthers eating crow. The only person I want eating crow is the responsible party.

Which is why I think the SA scenario is farfetched and that they should be trying him for murder instead. The one detective said that they have no evidence of SA, but that she believe EA killed her.

Okay. So, why are we messing around in AK when the detectives believe it was murder? There are cases with murder convictions without the body; AK, not so much.

Both of these posts are so good and explain in words the reasons why (and have been trying to identify for myself) I've been unable to jump to the conclusion EA acted alone.
LE makes mistakes in their assumptions to begin with, and/or some cases are laborious and entail lots of misses before LE solves the case.
This case seems to contain conflicts between the available evidence and the theory proposed by LE.
Sadly, I believe HF was just way too caught up in his own life and activities to even care about CM's whereabouts for those 4 days. I also think it's very possible (if he even had the presence of mind to notice she hadn't come home for 4 days) that, as JM or a VI claimed, (sorry, can't remember which one said that) he really did just assume CM was mad and staying/visiting with her parents during that time. Either way, I think he was doing and dealing with things he felt were much more important or entertaining and he just didn't care.

As far as EA goes, I think he acted alone and I think he wanted sex & drugs that night. I'm not entirely sure about what I think transpired between him and CM that night. It would be quick and easy for a man his size to overpower a woman CM's size and get her into his trunk in less than 3 minutes. The thought has also crossed my mind that she willingly got into his passenger seat to make a quick run somewhere for something... then things turned ugly. I've never really had the feeling EA had set his sights on her prior to that night and had all this planned. I could be wrong, though.

Since he's made every bumbling mistake he possibly could have while carrying out a crime and then trying to cover it up, I do wonder if he did get help from someone else with getting rid of her body, though. :thinking:
My thoughts are he a) put her in a dumpster somewhere that morning or b) he asked someone he trusts to help him. All my own opinions. :)

I could have written this post. These are my thoughts exactly! :gthanks:
The reason I asked is because he was brought up as another connection between HF and EA. For them both to rush to the hospital, they must have been close in proximity and in relationships as JB was gone before he arrived there. Curious about it being a drug death with the other drug deaths surrounding HF and the after hours place.


My issue was with posting articles about an arrest. Which ended up being the wrong JB.
Original poster deleted it. We are all good!
It would not surprise me if Jonni requested he call EA to ask about Christina. We do know HF wasn't calling around to find her prior to her parents finding out she was missing through other people.

But remember HF was dealing drugs and probably had other untraceable cell phones. We also know EA had different phones in his car. They may very well have been in touch before then, but no one can prove it.
Interesting. Makes sense for Jonni to ask Hunter to call Enrique.
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