TX - Five Yates children drowned, Houston, 20 June 2001 *Insanity*

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PrayersForMaura said:
I have been so depressed that no one here could even know my depression.
But would I take someone else's life in my own depression? HELL NO!
I am not that selfish.

Leaving your children to drown in a tub of filth and vomit and feces. Disgusting :(

How can anyone have pity for that and excuse that and then rip apart some of these other murders in these other cases whose crimes are gross but not even as sick and dastardly.


Makes me puke just to think about what those kids were forced to stick their tiny little faces into. And all because Andrea was sick and heard voices.

There's no excuse for that. None.

AMEN! Unless you have suffered depression yourself you will never understand. It's not sadness and something one shrugs off after a while. I've suffered from depression (it runs on both sides of my family so I got a double whammy)for as long as I can remember. I was fortunate finally at age 30 after years of involuntary stints in the psychiatric wards and forced therapy since about age 9, to finally find a livable solution. I have hurt myself physically but I would never hurt someone else. Prozac. Elavil and Xanax literally saved my life and I will have to say on them the rest of my life but it's well worth it.

I am not ashamed of my mental illness. It's a stigma and it should not be. To me people who admit they have a problem and seek help are healthy.
Socks said:
Right. If she had called the grocery store or the library or someplace other than 911..then I would buy it. No, she called 911 and asked for help.

Plus she called Rusty and told him to come home because something happened with the children.
cinsbythesea said:
Socks, j2m, pfm---if you don't believe she was deeply depressed and in an extreme state of mental disorder to do what she did-why do you think she did this awful thing?
I dont disagree at all she is a very sick woman....I just dont know to what extent I believe she didnt know what she was doing, was wrong...I think the hardest thing for me is to try and understand how it would be possible to drown 5 children.. again, if it was 1 or 2 as horrible as that sounds, maybe it is the NUMBER of children she killed, then...she called 911 and the husband at work-
I feel very very sorry for her, as it has been stated before, if she takes meds to make her well, the thought of knowing what she did, should send her right back to nuts...what a vicious circle of madness for this woman
j2mirish said:
I dont disagree at all she is a very sick woman....I just dont know to what extent I believe she didnt know what she was doing, was wrong...I think the hardest thing for me is to try and understand how it would be possible to drown 5 children.. again, if it was 1 or 2 as horrible as that sounds, maybe it is the NUMBER of children she killed, then...she called 911 and the husband at work-
I feel very very sorry for her, as it has been stated before, if she takes meds to make her well, the thought of knowing what she did, should send her right back to nuts...what a vicious circle of madness for this woman

I think the amount of the children she drowned is what bothers me the most also.
j2mirish said:
I dont disagree at all she is a very sick woman....I just dont know to what extent I believe she didnt know what she was doing, was wrong...I think the hardest thing for me is to try and understand how it would be possible to drown 5 children.. again, if it was 1 or 2 as horrible as that sounds, maybe it is the NUMBER of children she killed, then...she called 911 and the husband at work-
*snipped last statement*
I think she took great glee in telling Rusty what she did...sorta like.."Yeah, gotcha!"
OneLostGrl said:
My post is not trying to down-play your depression or even my own Bipolar-Disorder. But I think what people need to realize is Andrea is an EXTREMELY sick woman... not only was she depressed but she was having mood swings, she was hallucinating, hearing voices telling her to do things.. bad things. She had been to shrinks asking for help, because as sick as she was, she KNEW she didn't want to live like that- she got on meds and improved a bit until she was taken off of the meds.

Then she got worse then she was before ever going ON the meds. (FYI- Mental illness is a progressive illness) And in the end, they won-- the voices in her head that she tried sooo hard to fight, won. And she knew it.. IMO- I think by the end she may have been in "cohoots" with the voices. Perhaps they were "planning" it together.

I too have a mental illness that for many years controled my life and I know the HELL I lived in from the time I was 12 until I got properly medicated and made the needed life-style changes to go along with medications in my 20's.
I have attempted suicide several times, I have had to place my (at the time) baby in his crib and walk out of the house so that I would not hurt him, I am a "reformed" (4+ yrs.) SI, I had frequent hallucinations, psychosis, delusions.

YET, I cannot even begin to appreciate just how ILL Andrea is/was. She was sicker then me and when I was *IN* *IT*, I thought I was as sick as sick got! But then there is Andrea... and I felt so sad and lost and scared for her, but those poor babies are the ones I had to side with! They did not deserve what their mother did to them.

I do not think this woman deserves the death penalty because of the horror she created. BUT- I do think Andrea has LOST her right to live in society (If I did the same thing I would pray to G*D someone would make sure I was taken off the streets) I think she should be in a locked-down mental hospital for the rest of her days..even if she is "made well" with meds.
onelstgirl- very moving and saying what I am trying to and become frustrated having to-those of us who have not killed (most) are not her..there is another level of illness that she progressed to ..that perhaps those who kill and are mentally ill go to- combined with it is 5 kids (5 bouts of postpartum in short order-never treated )..this woman
snapped-but a snap doesnt mean its not brewing inside of a person before they snap-it is not the cold calculated killing planned out by scott peterson-andrea had no man waiting like susan smith (or thot he would if she had no kids)..
I do completely understand how those of you who are not on her side got there..I just hope you realize that those of us who are got there not by way of a bleeding heart-but by way of weighing the facts as we experience them and we experience her level of mental illness as beyond the scope of those of us inflicted but who do not kill.
Further, my household was about as scary as it gets-I often think it is just pure luck that I wasnt killed-or that my whole family wasnt or at the very least one or other of my parents..I am going to say they were not as mentally ill as andrea because I dont believe all that is mental illness-it can be dometic violence-post trauma etc.
Had my mother killed by dad or one of us-she should have gone to prison-if my dad had same thing..(they were not as ill as andrea and may have killed).
what happened with andrea is that a perfect storm was created-her circumstances converging with many variables all at the same time and repeatedly.
We wont know if she tried to reach out in the therapeutic milleau. She may have told a therapist of her voices and that therapist did nothing. Do you think that her mental illness treaters from the prekilling time are going to admit to their mistakes. If it is not written down that she said something they are never going to say what she talked to them about.
We dont know what went on in that house she was caged in.
First of all she is not free-where are u getting this (anyone)-she is getting 5 weeks of treatment so she can be considered fit to stand trial-thats all weknow for sure.
kato said:
I think the amount of the children she drowned is what bothers me the most also.
I have tried to explain this but it seems to be lost or not believed as a viable explanation-or even worth accepting as her explanation.
You do not have to agree this is what happened or even accept it as what happened but the explanation is simple.

She would be sure to drown every kid no matter what it took because she thot she was saving them from eternal hell. In her mind it was if she was rescuing them and she wasnt going to stop till it was done.
She would have no reason to be sad if she thought she had just saved her children from all evil and damnation-she would not be stopping short of doing that,.
if u want to understand u have to reverse the language..
You have to see it as her 5 children were in a burning house and she was not going to stop till she freed them-so if she had to chase them or drown them in a vomit-urine-poop filled tub that was what she had to do-there was no leaving one child to burn in the house-she was determined with all of a mothers love to make sure they were all rescued.
You have to see it from this angle even if u do not accept it- this is how she could kill 5 children under those circumstances and then call 911 without affect.
Rusty said thaat andrea was not likely to utter 12 words a day so when she called 911 it was not as if she
would be comfortable telling them anything but get over here-all she tried to so was say please come home to him and please send the police to 911.
If the result of the trial is her life-time confinment in a mental hospital, what happens if many years down the line she is "cured" and is no longer insane? At that point it would no longer be appropriate for her to be in a psychiatric facility, so would she be transfered to a prision in order to serve the rest of her life sentence, or would she be free to go? Personally, I find it extremely unlikely that she will ever reach a point where she is considered okay mentally, but a lot of people seem to think she should recieve treatment beyond simply being kept in a safe place. I'm not sure what the goal of such treatment would be if not to "cure" her, and if that were to happen, where would she belong?
she'll never be released completely, imo....she'll be locked in a prison mental facility for the rest of her life...she should have been in one to start with...
Mama-cita said:

The divorce is final. He asked for it a little while back. Said he will always "be close to her" but he feels it is time to move on with his life. Yeah, what a real prize. I feel sorry for the next woman either stupid or crazy enough to marry him. He said he IS dating, but doesn't want anyone to know who she is, blow up doll maybe LOL? Hey Texans, lets follow him, find out who she is and do an intervention, to just SAY NO to procreating with Rusty Yates!

Sorry to be so harsh. I literally get so angry just thinking about how unneccessary these babies' deaths were!

Everything is JMO!
I agree-somehow in all of this he went free when he had as much to do with it from an emotional abuse place-he treated andrea like a baby factory-and then homeschooling to boot..how the heck was she supposed to handle all of that 24/7-I dont care what mothers are supposed to be-most enjoy their kids going to school so they have some time to be sane.
close_enough said:
she'll never be released completely, imo....she'll be locked in a prison mental facility for the rest of her life...she should have been in one to start with...
agreed-she is not even released now. This is a 5 week stint and then she returns to prison and her trial commences. If they bargain her sentence to life in a mental hospital then so be it. (I am not sure if that can be legislated but if it can be it should).
She will never be well enuf for a release anyways. They wont be able to guarantee that she will take her meds. Its the plight of most people on them. They do not wish to take them at some point because of the tendency to think one is better. Then one finds out its only because they took the meds they got better. Its a vicious cycle and even the most aware patience with mental illness talk about this struggle.
I would not release andrea to a life of her own. It would not work. I think she would kill herself.
captain exposition said:
If the result of the trial is her life-time confinment in a mental hospital, what happens if many years down the line she is "cured" and is no longer insane? At that point it would no longer be appropriate for her to be in a psychiatric facility, so would she be transfered to a prision in order to serve the rest of her life sentence, or would she be free to go? Personally, I find it extremely unlikely that she will ever reach a point where she is considered okay mentally, but a lot of people seem to think she should recieve treatment beyond simply being kept in a safe place. I'm not sure what the goal of such treatment would be if not to "cure" her, and if that were to happen, where would she belong?
very few are ever cured-even when not as severely damaged as she is. She could be released for supervised visits home to her siblings but I doubt she will ever be well enuf to be released.
Its not feasible to think that the end result of living with the fact that you killed 5 children in a horrific manner would ever go away. That alone will keep her ill.
I know she has a conscience and it will prevent her from ever being able to function in life again.
She seems so passive really. I imagine she will be forever despondent.
She will never be released in any way, shape or form. She is a danger to herself and others because her illness is so pervasive. Her attorney is trying to get her treatment just like the others who have heart surgery etc. We can never excuse the murders and I don't believe any of us think that. We are saying in this instance she was severely damaged mentally and had been for a long time. This was one of the cases that could have been prevented if someone had stepped up to the plate.
j2mirish said:
I dont disagree at all she is a very sick woman....I just dont know to what extent I believe she didnt know what she was doing, was wrong...I think the hardest thing for me is to try and understand how it would be possible to drown 5 children.. again, if it was 1 or 2 as horrible as that sounds, maybe it is the NUMBER of children she killed, then...she called 911 and the husband at work-
I feel very very sorry for her, as it has been stated before, if she takes meds to make her well, the thought of knowing what she did, should send her right back to nuts...what a vicious circle of madness for this woman

I know. Angela was "sane" enough to remember the 911 number. She was "sane" enough to remember Rusty's work number. She was sane enough to chase at least one child down, listen to his pleas for life, listen to the sounds of all 5 of her children struggling to breathe, to live, feel their bodies struggle to live...... I know the woman was sick, sick, sick. But I don't think she meets the criteria for legal insanity. I think she knew exactly what she was doing, I think she realized exactly how wrong what she was doing was. I feel terrible, because I truly believe that Rusty was as responsible as she was and he did not do enough to protect his children. But the buck stops with her, and unfortunately, she just doesn't meet the legal criteria.
i just wanted to make this point... where mental illness begins and premeditation begins could be debated into infinity... but doesn't it seem more likely that someone is truly CHEMICALLY insane if:

1) there were no previous incidences of child abuse
2) a parent seems in every way like a loving, caring one (as also witnessed daily by the spouse they live with)
3) there is no money to be won (like an insurance scam)
4) there is no drug habit
5) there were previous treatments & hospitalizations for SERIOUS mental illness, along with prescribed medications for psychosis
and also, this seems to be a pattern with this issue:
5) if the parents are deeply involved in a religion that seems to either deny mental illness, believes that it's caused by "the devil", or thinks it can cure it with prayer or even deeper religious involvement......?
(although to rusty yates' credit, he DID seek professional help for his wife many times.)

obviously this woman didn't just up and decide one day, out of the blue, "hey, i hate my kids-- i think i'll kill them!" ALL accounts.... her husband, family, friends, neighbors, & i'm sure even the kids themselves would have said... yes, she definitely adores her children, they are her world. the fact that she did and STILL killed them, THAT to me is more evidence of her mental sickness than anything else. (unless she's a really good actress & just faking the whole thing, which she doesn't seem to be.)

i think it's possible to be conscious enough to call 911, to call your husband, to show grief & remorse... even though you've just had a "psychotic break". however it's still hard to wrap my brain around it all... and there's a lot about postpartum depression that i- and most of us- don't really understand. i always had a theory that it's just a deep evolutionary thing that's hard-wired into our genes... when a parent is stressed beyond their ability to handle reality, every once in a while someone snaps, and they kill their offspring. maybe it's something from when we were very primitive people. this is of course NOT saying that it's RIGHT or the "proper" thing to do,, so please don't attack me, before you think about what i'm saying. it's probably something we should have evolved away from a LONG time ago, but haven't yet (much like rape). and of COURSE most of us have stress beyond belief but don't go around killing our kids or other people. i just think it may be a built-in genetic thing, that if you are not able to mentally handle raising your offspring, that perhaps the human subconscious is wired to do away with them, to control the number of hungry or orphaned members of our society who are competing for resources. or--- to not pass on those genes (the gene of a person who can't handle stress). perhaps this is why so many men who are having a hard time providing for their families, just lose it and kill themselves, their wives & kids.

so sad, but i'm just trying to understand what might trigger it.
but anyway~ we're definitely talking about a sickness here.
then again, you could say that a perfectly lucid, non-hallucinating, abusive, irresponsible parent who killed their kids for insurance money is sick too-- in a different way... i guess nowadays they call that "sociopathic disorder".
but for andrea yates, with all the talk of demons and delusions/hallucinations-- there was definitely something chemical going on there.
and it's too bad, she even tried to warn her husband several times that she was afraid she'd hurt her own kids (a classic sign of postpartum depression-- and in a way, a form of suicide-- genetic suicide??)
but the poor guy, i think, in his naivete, honestly hoped she was getting better and they could go back to creating this big happy family they both wanted-- well, i think she wanted it too, up to a point. maybe they were one of those anti-birth control couples who say "we'll take as many kids as god wants to give us"....? another mistake, in their situation.

but they did seem like a happy family that was content in little things, and those kids seemed so sweet and innocent and they seemed to all love each other. if only.... they could have hired a nanny to help, and to make sure the kids were safe.
or something,, something...................?
I'm new here, but i'm really old around the internet and i only found this site, but i would like to address this:

1) there were no previous incidences of child abuse
2) a parent seems in every way like a loving, caring one (as also witnessed daily by the spouse they live with)
3) there is no money to be won (like an insurance scam)
4) there is no drug habit
5) there were previous treatments & hospitalizations for SERIOUS mental illness, along with prescribed medications for psychosis
and also, this seems to be a pattern with this issue:
5) if the parents are deeply involved in a religion that seems to either deny mental illness, believes that it's caused by "the devil", or thinks it can cure it with prayer or even deeper religious involvement......?
(although to rusty yates' credit, he DID seek professional help for his wife many times.)
For one, drugs have nothing to do with abuse. An abuser in an abuser.

I believe this woman was perfectly sane when she commited these acts. If she had been insane than she would have snapped out of it by the time she chased her last child down to drown him.
Also just because people said she was a caring mom doesn't mean she was. Do people really go up to people and say "hey i just beat my kid today?" No because it's illegal.
I'm willing to bet these children were abused by this sick individual their entire lives and this day she murdered them.

I hope she drowns in a pile of vomit.

That's my :twocents:

i think the last points you made were dead on...!
this is why we should teach our girls to be assertive and say what they want in life... if she felt uncomfortable having so many kids, especially so close together-- she should have said so. but, unfortunately, a lot of religions teach that women should be submissive.. and even after all the women's lib, some folks are going back to the dark ages (women included)... it's a disturbing trend. and, when you mix that with an already unbalanced person- well, then you have this kind of thing happening.

however, i do think it's quite obvious that there's a big difference between this woman and a raging, uncontrollable, psycho murderer or life-long sexual predator. and yet i've seen more hate spewed at her (not on here though)-- even though there's plenty of folks out there who are WAY more deserving of it, IMO!

i don't know the answer... and i think we can all be thankful that we're not her, it's hard to believe that she could ever find peace. the only thing she could do is devote her life to helping others.. she could do a lot of good with her life, since she's stuck with it for a while.

as for rusty- why hate the guy? he's just a simple, hard-working guy who loved his kids and his wife-- he tried to help her, and although she obviously should have used birth control (well, they both should have)-- and maybe been content with 2 or 3 kids... it's not like he's some monster of wife/child abuser. i feel really bad for him, i'm sure he has been through more hell than a lot of us could ever imagine.
<i believe this woman was perfectly sane when she commited these acts. <if she had been insane than she would have snapped out of it by the time she chased her last child down to drown him>

not necessarily,, insanity does not work the same for everyone. someone who has gone "psycho" is operating under the spell of psychotic logic... which is unfortunately very erratic and unpredictable, and sadly very often turns violent.
so, as for andrea yates' insanity, do you think she is just "faking" the whole thing? why, because she decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore? or because she's just an evil, selfish person?

<i'm willing to bet these children were abused by this sick individual their entire lives and this day she murdered them>

really? where's the evidence of this..? don't you think the father might have had a clue about it?

btw, believe me, i'm don't believe in coddling women because they're women. i just believe there's a difference between psychosis.. killing your children because your psychosis makes you believe you are "saving them".. and someone who just kills a bunch of people for drug money, or to steal their car (or whatever). THAT to me is pure, cold-hearted evil.

this woman isn't some greedy, crack *advertiser censored*,, by all acounts she was a loving mother who SNAPPED in a major and tragic way. i'm not excusing her actions... i just don't think that she's the epitomy of evil.

just MY :twocents:.
~wildangel~ said:
I'm new here, but i'm really old around the internet and i only found this site, but i would like to address this:

For one, drugs have nothing to do with abuse. An abuser in an abuser.

I believe this woman was perfectly sane when she commited these acts. If she had been insane than she would have snapped out of it by the time she chased her last child down to drown him.
Also just because people said she was a caring mom doesn't mean she was. Do people really go up to people and say "hey i just beat my kid today?" No because it's illegal.
I'm willing to bet these children were abused by this sick individual their entire lives and this day she murdered them.

I hope she drowns in a pile of vomit.

That's my :twocents:
:clap: I agree!
OneLostGrl said:
My post is not trying to down-play your depression or even my own Bipolar-Disorder. But I think what people need to realize is Andrea is an EXTREMELY sick woman... not only was she depressed but she was having mood swings, she was hallucinating, hearing voices telling her to do things.. bad things. She had been to shrinks asking for help, because as sick as she was, she KNEW she didn't want to live like that- she got on meds and improved a bit until she was taken off of the meds.

Then she got worse then she was before ever going ON the meds. (FYI- Mental illness is a progressive illness) And in the end, they won-- the voices in her head that she tried sooo hard to fight, won. And she knew it.. IMO- I think by the end she may have been in "cohoots" with the voices. Perhaps they were "planning" it together.

I too have a mental illness that for many years controled my life and I know the HELL I lived in from the time I was 12 until I got properly medicated and made the needed life-style changes to go along with medications in my 20's.
I have attempted suicide several times, I have had to place my (at the time) baby in his crib and walk out of the house so that I would not hurt him, I am a "reformed" (4+ yrs.) SI, I had frequent hallucinations, psychosis, delusions.

YET, I cannot even begin to appreciate just how ILL Andrea is/was. She was sicker then me and when I was *IN* *IT*, I thought I was as sick as sick got! But then there is Andrea... and I felt so sad and lost and scared for her, but those poor babies are the ones I had to side with! They did not deserve what their mother did to them.

I do not think this woman deserves the death penalty because of the horror she created. BUT- I do think Andrea has LOST her right to live in society (If I did the same thing I would pray to G*D someone would make sure I was taken off the streets) I think she should be in a locked-down mental hospital for the rest of her days..even if she is "made well" with meds.
No matter how hard I might try I could have never been able to put into words what you have said. This seems to be such a black and white issue and it isn't. As one other poster pointed out there are "complex shades of gray". I, too, am bi-polar and until you have walked in my shoes you simply can not understand what I have gone through. Mental illness is a serious disease that is quite often mis-diagnosed, misunderstood and, for the most part, overlooked entirely. For those of you that "can't understand" I can say that I appreciate that point of view. You have never "been there". It isn't in your chemistry or genes to even conceive of such things. It is possible for these things to happen and potentially know that they aren't right but because of your state of mind you can't stop them. At the same time you know it's right and you know it's wrong. That is a horrible way to live. In a manic state of bi-polar you may demonstrate sexual promiscuity. You're married and you know it is wrong - but, you can't stop. You may go on excessive shopping sprees yet have no money in your account. Again, you know it's wrong but you can't stop. You may drink alcohol more than normal, you know it's wrong but you can't stop. The list goes on and on and does escalate to suicide and homicide.

I know that those of you that stand in judgement will continue to do so and I can say nothing to help you understand mental illness in a different light. I just wanted to get my thoughts in on this. I do believe that Andrea belongs in a mental facility for life and not behind bars where she would never receive the treatment that she so deperately needs
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