TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #14

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BBM okay not a runaway...........

Notice, they didn't say she wasn't a runaway.

They just said that they don't have any evidence that she ran away.

But that didn't stop them from saying that they thought she ran away before.

IMO, they are just throwing every possible scenario out there in the media, so when whatever the resolution ends up being, they won't look like they were wrong.

It was wrong of them to give those parents all of that false hope to begin with.

Really - why go public stating that they think she was a runaway, without any evidence?

Very frustrating.
Investigator: No evidence missing girl a runaway
Authorities searching the past two weeks for a missing 13-year-old girl in West Texas have no evidence that she ran away and are treating the case as a criminal investigation, an investigator said Tuesday.
Hailey Darlene Dunn, a middle school cheerleader, was reported missing Dec. 28, according to Colorado City police. No Amber Alert was issued because the case did not meet the state's criteria, which requires solid evidence that a child has been abducted and information that would help the public in finding the child or suspect, including a vehicle description.
Authorities from about a dozen agencies have searched about 30 square miles on foot and by helicopter and have talked to people in several neighborhoods in Colorado City, a 4,500-resident town about 200 miles west of Fort Worth.
Just to clarify...

We are not going to allow RSO info unless it can be tied to this case. As for linking to a social site from an RSO, the answer is No. Thanks and if you have any questions let us know. Happy to help. :tyou:

Thank you for clarifying. Glad I asked first.
It can be tied but even so, not thinking that would be good to post now after reading the rules you posted a few posts back as it might involve a minor but is directly tied to Haley.

And I also agree, Facebook is WORTHLESS when it comes to reporting these issues. However, if local LE was throughly scouring these RSO this is a so blatant it couldn't hit them harder in the face. I guess I will call but I am telling you I am just not trusting what is going on down there in my gut after their treatment thus far of the parents, though I am now glad to read their 10000th opinion and latest that they will try to communicate with the family better along with the fact that the FBI is prob all shaking their heads at this moment, hence them taking over communications, thank god. I will call FBI instead.
Investigator: No evidence missing girl a runaway
Authorities searching the past two weeks for a missing 13-year-old girl in West Texas have no evidence that she ran away and are treating the case as a criminal investigation, an investigator said Tuesday.
Hailey Darlene Dunn, a middle school cheerleader, was reported missing Dec. 28, according to Colorado City police. No Amber Alert was issued because the case did not meet the state's criteria, which requires solid evidence that a child has been abducted and information that would help the public in finding the child or suspect, including a vehicle description.
Authorities from about a dozen agencies have searched about 30 square miles on foot and by helicopter and have talked to people in several neighborhoods in Colorado City, a 4,500-resident town about 200 miles west of Fort Worth.

IMO This isn't news. Nothing has changed since the day she was reported missing. All they know, is where she isn't. imo
OT-anyone know off hand where I go to "hide" member's signature lines so it's easier for me to scan quickly down the page? tia
Walker, I agree with you. I am never one to jump on the RSO bandwagon... but I think in this case especially the one who is friends with Clint and the ones who are especially close do need to be looked at. Most importantly IF their crimes were more than just a underage relationship.


After adamantly defending Adkins for two weeks, Billie Dunn said Tuesday for the first time that it is possible that Adkins had something to do with Hailey's disappearance.

She stressed, however, that no one knows for certain – and that she was not accusing him of anything.

"I never thought he would hurt Hailey, or had anything to do with this," Billie Dunn said, "until it was pounded in my head that that was a possibility. Nobody knows, though."


I don't think that Billie ever "adamantly defended" Shawn. She answered questions when asked and that was it. Ron Cummings defended Misty. I didn't see that here...

I think this is probably one of the saddest things I have read in a while.

I wonder if this would have been pounded into her head if she had been told he passed his polygraph?

Or is she accepting this possibility all based around her being told that he failed?

What if that isn't true? What if he passed or it was inconclusive and they just lied to try and break her? :(

I totally agreed that Billie needed to have him out of there until things were figured out. Just to be safe.

But Amber Dubois... Jonathan Foster... Jaycee Dugard...and there is several others. Just because everyone is so sure it was him doesn't mean it was.

Any of us can think what we want to about Shawn. But Billie loved something about him. She was with him for almost 3 years. He was supportive to her and by all accounts adored her, treated her well.

She just essentially lost her daughter and her significant other at the same time. It would be hard enough to accept that the man you loved hurt your daughter...

When there is no proof he did anything other than being told he failed a polygraph and you were also told you failed your polygraph knowing you are innocent... it would be even harder to accept.

During the most horrible experience of your life, you would want and need that support you have become used to for the last 3 years. Billie doesn't even have that. :(
OT-anyone know off hand where I go to "hide" member's signature lines so it's easier for me to scan quickly down the page? tia

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With all the small town gossip and local reporters digging around for more to the story, I sure wish someone would find an old girlfriend or two of SA's. I would love to hear what she might have to say.

Wondering if there is any?
This is only moo, mpo - please don't shoot me, just thinking outside of the box.
Has it been discussed somewhere that perhaps HD and SA were "too" close. I doubt it is the case, but my hub and I were talking and he brought it up. Perhaps being too close, maybe her getting pregnant and him getting rid of her?

I personally doubt it, but he got me to thinking and I had to ask. If it's been discussed I apologize.:innocent:
OT-anyone know off hand where I go to "hide" member's signature lines so it's easier for me to scan quickly down the page? tia

did you try the printable verion??? that leaves allot out under thread tools
Walker, I agree with you. I am never one to jump on the RSO bandwagon... but I think in this case especially the one who is friends with Clint and the ones who are especially close do need to be looked at. Most importantly IF their crimes were more than just a underage relationship.


After adamantly defending Adkins for two weeks, Billie Dunn said Tuesday for the first time that it is possible that Adkins had something to do with Hailey's disappearance.

She stressed, however, that no one knows for certain – and that she was not accusing him of anything.

"I never thought he would hurt Hailey, or had anything to do with this," Billie Dunn said, "until it was pounded in my head that that was a possibility. Nobody knows, though."


I don't think that Billie ever "adamantly defended" Shawn. She answered questions when asked and that was it. Ron Cummings defended Misty. I didn't see that here...

I think this is probably one of the saddest things I have read in a while.

I wonder if this would have been pounded into her head if she had been told he passed his polygraph?

Or is she accepting this possibility all based around her being told that he failed?

What if that isn't true? What if he passed or it was inconclusive and they just lied to try and break her? :(

I totally agreed that Billie needed to have him out of there until things were figured out. Just to be safe.

But Amber Dubois... Jonathan Foster... Jaycee Dugard...and there is several others. Just because everyone is so sure it was him doesn't mean it was.

Any of us can think what we want to about Shawn. But Billie loved something about him. She was with him for almost 3 years. He was supportive to her and by all accounts adored her, treated her well.

She just essentially lost her daughter and her significant other at the same time. It would be hard enough to accept that the man you loved hurt your daughter...

When there is no proof he did anything other than being told he failed a polygraph and you were also told you failed your polygraph knowing you are innocent... it would be even harder to accept.

During the most horrible experience of your life, you would want and need that support you have become used to for the last 3 years. Billie doesn't even have that. :(

I agree with all of that.

My instinct is telling me that if someone that was really close to her, actually did something terrible to her, that there would be some kind of evidence out there.

So with there being absolutely no evidence in this case, I can't help but think that someone she didn't know pulled her off of the street, which has happened in many of the cases that we've all read about.

I mean this SA guy might seem weird and all, but like you said, there was something that kept Billie wanting to be with him. Personally, he just seems like a typical immature guy, nothing out of the ordinary that I've seen. That doesn't mean that he couldn't be involved, because he most definitely could be.

But with the way this case is going, I can't help but lean towards a RSO or complete stranger.
This is only moo, mpo - please don't shoot me, just thinking outside of the box.
Has is discussed somewhere that perhaps HD and SA were "too" close. I doubt it is the case, but my hub and I were talking and he brought it up. Perhaps being too close, maybe her getting pregnant and him getting rid of her?

I personally doubt it, but he got me to thinking and I had to ask. If it's been discussed I apologize.:innocent:

I wasn't brave enough to say molested and pregnant...glad you did.
That came to my mind last week.........:banghead: :furious:
Wondering if there is any?

LOL! I know, I was wondering that as well. Especially after seeing those horrific mask photos. It that isn't female repellent, I don't know what is. But he is 25 so most likely he has at least 1 ex.
Have cadaver dogs been brought in to search in Hailey's case?
I wonder if LE has taken HRD dogs to the shed in the back yard.

I have this really uneasy feeling that Hailey has come to harm at the hands of SA and that he may have stashed her little body. Then after Billie went to work on Tuesday morning removed her body and disposed of it.

Is the shed in an area that would make it easily accessible for driving a vehicle up close to it?
My other catch up post... I will be so glad when my freaking shoulder is better. :banghead:

Haileys ipod touch....why can't anyone give a straight answer about it? And, why was NG answering the question about it last night. The ws caller asked the question. Does NG know the question before the caller goes on the air? If so, did she ask Billie about the itouch and Billie told NG it was a knock off and broken?? Billie supposedly told her friend who posts here that the itouch was lost a few days before Christmas....again, why no straight answer?

I do not think people realize how important this could be.

It could contain information about who, where, what, when, why.

And it could have GPS on it that could lead us to Hailey if she in fact has it with her.

If it was lost and still is, then no one knows whether she has it with her or not. Even if the battery is now dead, it could be a lead as to where she WAS.

I do not understand why those two facts are so unimportant in this case.

It is beyond me. I have to hope that LE already has the device and is maybe using it for leads and doesn't want people to know they have it. But if that's the case why not simply say she left it behind in her room and it was broken?

I don't necessarily see that as being inconsistent. We don't know that the son didn't call the dad first, before Billie also contacted him. KWIM?

I think this is a matter of perspective.

Billie calls Clint FIRST and asks him if Hailey is there and if he's seen her. He says no. She doesn't say "OMG she's missing." She hangs up and calls other friends and family first.

Then Billie reports Hailey missing and D*** actually tells Clint that Hailey is MISSING.

yeah, I've thought of that. It would take balz, but if you're guilty of something a lot worse than lying, then I guess the nerve could be mustered. She said that she trusted LE & they trust her. How can that be? Somebody's lying on somebody. If cops lied on me, I'd be done with them. I'd lawyer up, hire a private eye, & demand that somebody else, find my daughter.

Where is she supposed to get the money to hire a lawyer OR a private eye? :waitasec:

I understand what you are saying about comings and goings and not remembering who was where when. I am notorious for not remembering things.

But...if my daughter were missing, you can bet I would sit everyone down who I could remember had been in or out of the house and would say...

"Now, Jamie...you were here the afternoon that Ryan stopped over after basketball, right? Which day was that?" "Who else was here that day?" By the end, we would have it all figured out and would likely have a pretty accurate timeline based on responses like, "No, mom...he stopped by the next day. It was Paul and Scott who came by when I was here."

That sort of thing.

Even if I, personally, had not remembered all of the details, we would have been able to put the puzzle together...and in a whole lot less than two weeks.

But that would be your daughter missing.

Not your boyfriend's 13 year old daughter who does not live with you, who may or may not still hate you like she did when she found out you were pregnant.

It does not sound to me like Hailey and N**** were real close. I don't think Hailey babysat her little sister so N**** could shower or anything like that.

I think it's entirely possible that N**** didn't even notice if Hailey was there or not.

That appears to be a very high concentration of RSOs for a town of that size. Based on that I am betting that they did not have some of the RSO rules that larger cities have like RSOs can't live within x feet of a school, park or other place where children frequent. If that is the case, it would make CC a more "appealing" place for an RSO to move and not have to be so selective about where they can actually live.

Different states have different laws. If you move from one state to another then your conditions will change when you move. So if you were given 5 years of supervision in one state, then move to another that has lifetime supervision, you will have lifetime supervision.

Texas has the 500 feet rule... they can't be within 500 feet of any place where children are known to congregate. They also have 10 year and lifetime supervision. That's a lot. Romeo juliet, peeing behind a building... etc will get you 10 years of registration...

So in the long term, Texas has some of the harsher registry requirements. What is interesting to me is that with that high of a concentration of RSO's, there is an almost no rapes or murders there.

I have a question regarding the visits to the jail, which I believe someone said take place on weekends. Are these visitations strictly for direct family members of the incarcerated, or for anyone associated to them?

I keep thinking of an acquaintance of someone in HD family/network OR someone associated with a person in jail....that may be been in town that weekend.

Generally anyone who is "approved" can visit someone. It is harder if you did not known the person before they were incarcerated. You generally cannot have any felony convictions. But no, they are not strictly for family members.
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