TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #23

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lol, So you wouldn't get annoyed at Billie for all the inconsistencies, and half truths that are making it hard for LE to find her daughter, but you would if she took a jab at NG? :waitasec:

I don't know what to believe when it comes to her and Hailey. I don't think she did anything to her. Shawn's the only one named a suspect.
BTW I fixed my post. I didn't mean for it to come off that way at all. Lol
hmmm - has SA been watching NG? Was it you, teh, that said you thought BD was sending messages to SA via NG?

He said he had told police Billie and Hailey Dunn had discussed birth control and that he had told investigators the teen was "boy crazy."

I think I agreed with someone else that said that.......you know me, I run my fingers so much, I can't remember what I said half the time.......:floorlaugh:
Is that when the new mask arrive??
IIRC we don't have a date when it arrived. We do know from the MM site that is was SHIPPED on 12/28. That was the day Hailey was reported missing - so its safe to say that within the next 5 - 7 days that mask arrive - albeit by USPS, UPS or Fed Ex. Either way - he probably had it shipped to BD's house - but maybe not - maybe mom's or grandma's. Either way - LE was watching him by then - and watching very very closely. I'm sure they noticed this "delivery" and probably checked it out.

With that - I think LE had a handled on what this guy was into very early on in this.
Reposting for anyone who would like to use it for reference purposes.

Hailey Dunn Timeline

Sun, Dec 26

Unknown: Hailey returns home from an overnight Christmas visit with her dad.

09:00:00 PM: Hailey's brother sees Hailey playing a video game in the living room as he leaves the house. Last reliable sign of life from Hailey.

10:00:00 PM: Billie sees Hailey watching TV in her room.

Mon, Dec 27

Unknown: Billie looks in on Hailey in bed in her room. Is unsure if she's really there.

05:30:00 AM: Shawn leaves for work.

06:00:00 AM: Shawn arrives at work, gets a Dr. Pepper, sees supervisor, does not speak to anyone.

06:10:00 AM: Shawn leaves work.

06:20:00 AM: Billie leaves for work, picked up by co-worker. Billie leaves cell phone home for the kids to use.

06:35:00 AM: Shawn returns to Colorado City, where Hailey's home is located.

06:56:00 AM: Shawn's cell phone stops pinging in Colorado City.

09:38:00 AM: Shawn arrives in Big Spring, where his mother's home is. Shawn makes 11 phone calls. Cell phone starts pinging again in this location.

12:00:00 PM: Billie claims a man who lives with a neighbor sees Hailey in yard talking on phone. Mike Board of WOAI claims his station found a woman who saw Hailey in the yard on the phone, but no time is given.

02:40:00 PM: Shawn exits Big Spring.

03:00:00 PM: Shawn arrives Hailey's home in Colorado City. Shawn claims Hailey is there, and tells him she is going to her dad's, then to her friend's.

03:15:00 PM: Shawn claims Hailey leaves home, leaving all personal belongings behind. No one sees her walk anywhere on this entire day. Bloodhounds later track Hailey going toward her father's house, toward her friend's house, and toward a hotel.

04:00:00 PM: Brother returns home. Pounds on door for 5 minutes. No one answers. Enters home through a window. Shawn is standing in a hallway with "a deer in the headlights look."

05:45:00 PM: Shawn picks up Billie at work.

06:20:00 PM: Billie and Shawn make 2 ATM withdrawals in Snyder, $60 and $80. Billie later voluntarily tells LE that the money was buy illegal narcotics from someone in Scurry County for her and Shawn to use. Later still, Billie claims on national TV to have gotten the money to use for groceries and gas, and that she and Shawn were in Scurry County for only about 15 minutes.

07:30:00 PM: Billie and Shawn arrive back home in Colorado City.

07:30:00 PM: Billie and Shawn begin watching movies.

10:00:00 PM: Billie and Shawn go to bed. See 10pm Sun Dec 26 for last time Billie made any effort to determine Hailey's whereabouts or well-being.

Tue, Dec 28

12:00:00 PM: Billie calls Hailey's brother and tells him to text Hailey's friend, and tell her to tell Hailey to come home. Brother texts but unable to contact friend. Brother calls and friend says Hailey never said she was going there, and never came over. This is the first time since Sun Dec 26 at 10pm that Billie has made any effort to determine Hailey's whereabouts or well-being. Billie has a co-worker drive her to Colorado City. She checks several places for Hailey.

02:00:00 PM: Billie reports Hailey missing to LE at the police department.
Well, I think Billie thought by that time that Hailey had gone to a friend's house to sleep over. And since Billie had just come from work, I doubt that the grandma would have expected Hailey to be with her.
As for leaving her alone with the b/f all day... Billie thought SA was at work, too... possibly didn't find out till later that he walked off the job. Those oilfield/gas well jobs work late, usually 10 or 12 hour shifts. It's not a 7 to 3 workday for them.


Nope, and I find it very odd. She has said repeatedly that she didn't know until she got home that H had gone to a friends.
"They assure me they check out every lead," Billie Dunn told the AP on Friday. "They're not just looking at him (Adkins). Anything could have happened.

"But I don't feel like they're getting anywhere with anything," she said. "It's been 18 days."

Dunn has denied any involvement in her daughter's disappearance. She said she asked Adkins to move out of their home Jan. 5.

"When I asked him to leave the house, he was just crying a lot, saying `You know me. You know I love you and David,'" Hailey's 16-year-old brother, Dunn said. "'You know that I would never hurt you.'"

Dunn said Friday she had not exchanged text messages with Adkins in a few days.

Hmmmm. He "loves" Billie. He "loves" David. Who's missing in this happy little family love fest?
Is LE unwilling to give the lie detectors again or have BD and SA not volunteered any more? That's a big indicator in my book. If I had to, I'd be offering to take one every day until I passed it. MOO

Nope, and I find it very odd. She has said repeatedly that she didn't know until she got home that H had gone to a friends.

That's just another thing that's needling at me. You'd think the first thing she would have asked SA when he picked her up was about how were the kids and where were the kids.

So he picks her up from work, they go to the ATM, they go to her moms, they go to some guy in Scurry Co. to buy drugs...I mean I'm REALLY thinking that when you are going to get your drugs, your other half might say something like "Oh Yeah! We got the house to ourself tonight, kids are gone!" Might have even been why the second withdrawal, "Hey let's get more, we got all night without the kids!" :banghead:

It ain't fittin'.
I want to know if SA could have borrowed a co worker cousins phone. Or had a prepaid phone to ping his own phone.

I havent seen what was returned on the warrents. I am going to look.

Nope, and I find it very odd. She has said repeatedly that she didn't know until she got home that H had gone to a friends.
really - me too. I mean what about dinner? She has two children to feed. Wasn't anything said about what's for dinner or who's cooking? SA and BD were in Snyder visiting ATM's, their connection and then a quick stop by her mom's - so where was dinner supposed to fit in here?
I want to know if SA could have borrowed a co worker cousins phone. Or had a prepaid phone to ping his own phone.

I havent seen what was returned on the warrents. I am going to look.

A cell phone constantly pings towers when it's on, it has nothing to do with whether a call is made to or from it.
really - me too. I mean what about dinner? She has two children to feed. Wasn't anything said about what's for dinner or who's cooking? SA and BD were in Snyder visiting ATM's, their connection and then a quick stop by her mom's - so where was dinner supposed to fit in here?

Surely you jest.........
really - me too. I mean what about dinner? She has two children to feed. Wasn't anything said about what's for dinner or who's cooking? SA and BD were in Snyder visiting ATM's, their connection and then a quick stop by her mom's - so where was dinner supposed to fit in here?

I was trying to think of what you would buy for dinner for your teens,after a drug buy.Would it be pizza or would you have the money for that? Maybe McDonalds,I don't know.Is there a standard meal or what? Geesh...
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